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2023-05-09 00:00:00
Las Pedroñeras Purple Garlic is present at FERACAM
During the last few days, Tarancón (Cuenca) has hosted the 20th Regional Food Fair of Castilla-La Mancha, where the PGI Ajo Morado de Las Pedroñeras has been present in one of the stands to
2023-05-08 00:00:00
Doctor reveals simple trick to getting rid of garlic breath in seconds
Garlic can linger on someone's breath for up to a day. However, Dr. Megan Rossi has shared a simple trick for getting rid of garlic breath without having to brush your teeth. According to her,
2023-05-05 00:00:00
"Sprout demand automatically rises as more parties are organized"
Now that the summer weather is nearing in Europe, the high season is also starting at Kiem-X in Belgium. "When the sun comes out, along come communion parties, weddings, and barbecues, and then
2023-05-05 00:00:00
The 'Pedroñete' wins the Gran Selección 'Campo y Alma' Award
At the Gran Selección 'Campo y Alma' Awards, presented by the Government of Castilla-La Mancha to the agri-food sector, products from La Mancha have been recognised and, as usual, among them is
2023-05-05 00:00:00
USITC makes determination in five-year review concerning fresh garlic from China
Today, the U.S. International Trade Commission (USITC) determined that revocation of the existing anti-dumping duty order on fresh garlic from China would be likely to lead to continuation or
2023-05-05 00:00:00
Vegetable still life by Van Gogh renamed as the onions weren’t onions
The Van Gogh Museum has renamed a painting by the Dutch artist after realizing that its title referred to the wrong kind of allium. The painting Red Cabbages and Onions, it turns out, should have
2023-05-04 00:00:00
“Our advantage is that our garlic harvest starts when the Egyptian season ends”
Now that the Egyptian fresh garlic season has come to an end, the opportunities for Turkish garlic are increasing, says Tümen Tarim’s export manager Kerem Tümen: “Our company Tümen Tarim is
2023-05-03 00:00:00
"The price of garlic has shown a generally stable trend recently"
Since the end of February this year, the price of garlic has been on an upward trend. Until recently, the market has changed, showing a generally stable trend. Ms. Wendy Qin from Shandong
2023-05-01 00:00:00
Europejscy producenci czosnku wzywają do zwiększenia kontroli w celu zapobieżenia nieuczciwemu wwozowi chińskiego czosnku do UE
Grupa kontaktowa ds. czosnku złożona z producentów i sprzedawców z Hiszpanii, Francji i Włoch zwróciła się do Brukseli o wzmocnienie kontroli celnych w celu
2023-05-01 00:00:00
Европейские производители чеснока призывают усилить контроль для предотвращения мошеннического ввоза китайского чеснока в ЕС
Контактная группа по чесноку, состоящая из производителей и маркетологов из Испании, Франции и Италии,
2023-05-01 00:00:00
European garlic producers call for more controls to prevent the fraudulent entry of Chinese garlic into the EU
The Garlic Contact Group made up of producers and marketers from Spain, France, and Italy has asked Brussels to strengthen customs controls to prevent the fraudulent entry of Chinese garlic into
2023-04-30 00:00:00
What can you do to make garlic have big heads? Plant this species next door and the yields will be abundant
A well-planned vegetable garden will result in high yields. Some species even love each other's company, while others will not want to grow next to each other. So what should you plant next to
2023-04-28 00:00:00
Употребление чеснока может снизить риск развития колоректального рака
Исследователи изучали потенциальную связь между потреблением чеснока и риском развития колоректального
2023-04-28 00:00:00
Eating garlic may lower risk of colorectal cancer
Researchers have been looking at the potential link between garlic consumption and the risk of developing colorectal cancer (CRC). CRC is a major cause of cancer-related deaths globally. Garlic
2023-04-28 00:00:00
Jedzenie czosnku może obniżyć ryzyko raka jelita grubego
Badacze przyglądali się potencjalnemu związkowi między spożywaniem czosnku a ryzykiem rozwoju raka jelita grubego (CRC). CRC jest główną przyczyną zgonów związanych z rakiem na całym
2023-04-27 00:00:00
"Сезон сухого чеснока, похоже, компенсирует снижение спроса на свежий чеснок"
Сезон сухого чеснока в Египте начался, и он выглядит обнадеживающе. Сухой чеснок может компенсировать
2023-04-27 00:00:00
"Sezon na suchy czosnek wydaje się rekompensować niższy popyt na świeży czosnek"
Sezon suchego czosnku w Egipcie został rozpoczęty i wygląda to obiecująco. Suchy czosnek może zrekompensować niższy popyt, który był widoczny w sezonie świeżego czosnku,
2023-04-27 00:00:00
“Dry garlic season seems to compensate for lower demand for fresh garlic”
The dry garlic season in Egypt has started and it’s looking hopeful. The dry garlic can compensate for the lower demand that was seen during the fresh garlic season, says Gehan ElSheref,
2023-04-27 00:00:00
Ukrainian supermarkets lowered prices on potatoes, beets and garlic
In early April, Ukrainian supermarkets lowered prices on some types of vegetables. Young potatoes went down from 0.71 euros/kg to 0.43 euros/kg. Pink potatoes also decreased in price. White
2023-04-26 00:00:00
"Our winter red radishes have established themselves well in both food retail and wholesale"
At the Ruff-Häring family of gardeners in the heart of Nuremberg's garlic country, this year's radish and red radish harvest has been in full swing for several weeks. "The greenhouse radish is
2023-04-26 00:00:00
Garlic Contact Group wzywa do przeprowadzenia kontroli w celu zapobieżenia nieuczciwemu wwozowi chińskiego czosnku
Taką opinię wyrazili członkowie Grupy Kontaktowej ds. Czosnku podczas swojego spotkania w mieście Peñafiel, Valladolid, gdzie przedstawiono wyniki raportu sporządzonego
2023-04-26 00:00:00
Garlic Contact Group calls for controls to prevent fraudulent entry of Chinese garlic
This was the opinion of the members of the Garlic Contact Group during their meeting held in the town of Peñafiel, Valladolid, where the results of the report drawn up by the National Garlic