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2023-07-21 00:00:00
Italian Food Union against the DDL on synthetic food
The companies of the Gruppo Prodotti a base vegetalediUnione Italiana Food express deep disappointment and concern about the approval in the Senate of the amendment, included in the DDL so-called
2023-07-21 00:00:00
Włoski Związek Żywnościowy przeciwko DDL w sprawie żywności syntetycznej
Firmy należące do Gruppo Prodotti a base vegetalediUnione Italiana Food wyrażają głębokie rozczarowanie i zaniepokojenie z powodu zatwierdzenia w Senacie poprawki, zawartej
2023-07-21 00:00:00
Italian Food Union against the DDL on synthetic food
The companies of the Gruppo Prodotti a base vegetalediUnione Italiana Food express deep disappointment and concern about the approval in the Senate of the amendment, included in the DDL so-called
2023-07-21 00:00:00
“Bursa black figs have no substitute in the market”
The preparations for the upcoming Turkish fig season have been completed and the weather seems to be playing nice, says Akin Soyleyen, marketing manager for Turkish exporter Aksun: “Last year
2023-07-21 00:00:00
Włoski Związek Żywnościowy przeciwko DDL w sprawie żywności syntetycznej
Firmy należące do Gruppo Prodotti a base vegetalediUnione Italiana Food wyrażają głębokie rozczarowanie i zaniepokojenie z powodu zatwierdzenia w Senacie poprawki, zawartej
2023-07-17 00:00:00
"Both food retailers and wholesalers are showing great interest in blueberries"
"Blueberry cultivation in Bavaria is still quite manageable because the necessary soils for it do not actually exist and accordingly a lot has to be invested in soil preparation," says Andreas
2023-06-29 10:47:00
Jakość kluczem do umocnienia pozycji polskiego sektora jabłek
Nowe sposoby sprzedaży, promocji i dystrybucji polskich jabłek oraz szanse dla eksportu omawiali eksperci branży sadowniczej podczas międzynarodowej konferencji Perspektywa
2023-06-26 00:00:00
Приготовьтесь к лету, полному вкуса с +Брокколи!
Под лозунгом "На что похоже лето? На брокколи!" он призван привлечь внимание общественности к преимуществам
2023-06-26 00:00:00
Przygotuj się na lato pełne smaku z +Broccoli!
Pod hasłem "Jak smakuje lato? Brokuły!" ma na celu zwiększenie świadomości na temat korzyści płynących z włączenia tego warzywa do menu w sezonie letnim, podkreślając
2023-06-26 00:00:00
Get ready for a summer full of flavour with +Broccoli!
Under the slogan "What does summer taste like? Broccoli!", it aims to raise awareness of the benefits of incorporating this vegetable into menus during the summer season, while highlighting its
2023-06-21 00:00:00
meine-Möhren.de produces educational film for school lessons
Everyone knows the favourite orange vegetable. But what do schoolchildren actually know about the production of carrots here in Germany? For this knowledge transfer, the team of meine-Möhren.de
2023-06-20 04:00:00
Usługi przygotowywania produktów rozwijają się w Korei
Usługi przygotowywania świeżych owoców i warzyw zyskują na popularności w Korei, pomagając klientom w krojeniu produktów do preferowanych kształtów i rozmiarów.
2023-06-20 00:00:00
Avocados some of M&S Food's most popular cupboard staples
South Korea: Customers flocking to fruit and vegetable preparation services At “The Hyundai Seoul” operated by Hyundai Department Store, approximately 200 customers visit each day to have the
2023-06-20 04:00:00
Услуги по заготовке продуктов набирают обороты в Корее
В Корее набирают популярность услуги по приготовлению свежих фруктов и овощей, помогающие покупателям
2023-06-20 04:00:00
Produce preparation services take off in Korea
Fresh fruit and vegetable preparation services are gaining popularity in Korea helping customers cut produce into preferred shapes and sizes. According to a report from Korea Bizwire, retailers
2023-06-16 00:00:00
Calcium cyanamide, an excellent ally for baby leaves
Baby leaves are very complex crops to manage due to the delicate production and very short cycles that require ideal growing conditions for excellent production. Especially in summer, with the
2023-06-12 00:00:00
German fruit and vegetables: Crisp, seasonal and regional - leaf salads
The range of creative preparation options is as diverse as the spectrum of seasonally available salad varieties. Whether iceberg lettuce, lollo rosso or bionda, endive, lettuce or frisée - leaf
2023-06-12 00:00:00
Effect of carbon substrate on growth and yield of raspberries
In the last days of May, Sylwia Gabrysz from the company Carbohort visited the farm of Katarzyna Witkowska located near Goszczyn near Grójec. There, Carbomat was applied at the stage of soil
2023-06-02 00:00:00
PIF to acquire 30% of supermarket chain Tamimi Markets
With new UK border controls due in October, how can British supermarkets plan for fruit and vegetable shortages? Mikko Kärkkäinen, CEO and Co-Founder of RELEX Solutions: “UK retailers should
2023-05-26 00:00:00
Strawberries 2023: What will be the prices of fruit from the ground?
In just over two weeks, the season for ground strawberries will start. At the moment, the blossoming of flowers and great preparations for the season are underway in the fields, reports
2023-05-23 00:00:00
"Some countries in Europe have already stopped producing mushrooms due to lack of compost"
One of the consequences of the drought that affects areas in practically all of Spain is the shortage of straw, which is leading to a large increase in straw prices. This increase in prices
2023-05-23 00:00:00
Latest phase of redevelopment progressing nicely
The last three months have seen more significant and very visible progress in the Market’s redevelopment programme, according to Tony O’Reilly, CGMA’s Project Director. “The weather during
2023-05-23 00:00:00
Solutions to improve the preparation of blueberries for sale
Rising production costs of blueberries, require growers to implement solutions that significantly reduce them, often concerning the number of people employed for harvesting (mechanical harvesting)
2023-05-21 00:00:00
Podniesienie aktywności biologicznej gleby. Czy warto?
Meta Control zawiera kilka szczepów pożytecznych mikroorganizmów glebowych. Są to bakterie Peanibacillus azotofixans (1×105 CFU/g), Bacillus subtilis (1×109 CFU/g), Streptomyces spp. (1×105
2023-05-17 00:00:00
New Zealand spinach yields earlier - how do you grow it?
New Zealand spinach comes on sale in summer - it crops from June until the first frosts occur. New Zealand spinach comes from a different family to conventional spinach, but has a similar flavour