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How much will prices of tomatoes decrease?

2012-06-04 11:08

There was a drop in prices of domestic tomatoes on Friday. Tomatoes in size B cost 21.00 – 22.00 PLN/ 6kg box, size BB 22.00 – 23.00 PLN/ 6kg box and BBB 23.00 – 34.00 PLN/ 6kg box. In comparison to Thursday’s prices it was a 4 per cent drop. However there is a conviction on the market that it is not the end. We expect next drops on Monday.

Why prices of tomatoes are going to decrease more? It is caused by fast and big decrease in demand for Polish tomatoes in Russia. Russian prefer buying cheaper tomatoes from Turkey and Belarus. They also would like to purchase our domestic vegetables at price of 18.00 PLN/ 6 kg box. We can expect a decrease in prices to that level already next week. Warehouses are full of product. Tomatoes from warehouses will be sold on the Polish market. Those just reaped (less ripe) will be sold abroad at lower prices.

Słowa kluczowe: tomatoes, price, poland
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