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2023-01-23 11:00:00
Spadające ceny warzyw w Indiach powodują spadek inflacji
Dramatyczny spadek cen warzyw wynikał z czynników sezonowych i wysokiej bazy w tym samym okresie ubiegłego roku. Ekonomiści oczekują, że inflacja będzie dalej spadać
2016-01-23 18:00:00
Onions – it can be expensive end of the season
Until recently, the onion market in Poland remained relatively stable. Prices were quite high (but not record), but we did not have to deal with a clear upward trend, which many market
2016-01-19 16:26:04
Red cabbage again is more expensive than 5 years ago
The last two months of the previous year was a period of stagnation in the red cabbage market. Despite the limited supply, which was the result of poor harvest, prices of red cabbage does not