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Znaleziono podstron zawierających "grapefruit"
2011-10-28 09:31:01
Prices of citruses
At the moment wholesale price of mandarins is 33-38 PLN/(7.60-8.70 euro)/10 kg for small sizes and 40-46 PLN (9.20-10.60 euro)/10 kg for bigger fruit of better quality. Oranges and grapefruit
2011-10-26 13:53:40
Polish market overview – 41 week 2011
it was noted further decrease in prices of onion . Average wholesale prices fell from 0.90 (0.22 euro) to 0.85 PLN (0.21 euro)/kg. Wholesale price of white cabbage remained stable at the
2011-10-17 12:39:27
Bigger supply of Spanish mandarins
Price of lemons imported from Turkey is stable at the level of 32-36 PLN (7.49-8.43 euro)/10 kg. Price of last grapefruit and organs from RSA is high – 80-88 PLN (18.73-20.60 euro)/17
2011-10-16 13:51:34
Polish market overview – 40 week 2011
It was noted further decrease in prices of onion . Average wholesale prices fell from 0.90 (0.22 euro) to 0.85 PLN (0.21 euro)/kg. Wholesale prices of Chinese cabbage also decreased from
2011-10-05 13:48:53
Polish market overview – 39 week 2011
Wholesale price of white cabbage remained stable at the level 0.25 PLN (0.06 euro)/kg or 0.30-0.50 PLN (0.07-0.12 euro)/pcs depending on size. Producer price was 0.10-0.30 PLN (0.02-0.07
2011-09-26 00:01:00
Stable prices of citruses
Their price is 62-68 PLN (13.81-15.14 euro)/10 kg. Price of oranges, also from RSA, is 62-70 PLN (13.81-15.59 euro)/18 kg for bigger sizes and 50-54 PLN (11.13-12.02 euro)/16 kg for smaller
2011-09-09 05:24:15
Rosja: znaczny wzrost eksportu cytrusów z Chin
To pozwoliło Chinom pojawić się w rankingu najważniejszych sześciu dostawców tych owoców na rynek rosyjski. Aktualnie kraj eksportuje do Rosji więcej cytrusów,
2011-09-02 05:50:35
Rynek grejpfrutów w UE
Największym producentem grapefruitów wśród państw unijnych jest Cypr, a pozostałe ilości zbierane są corocznie w Hiszpanii. W bieżącym roku spodziewana
2011-09-01 07:24:32
Polish market overview – 31 week 2011
Wholesale price of white cabbage remained stable at the level 0.25 PLN (0.06 euro)/kg or 0.30-0.50 PLN (0.07-0.12 euro)/pcs depending on size. Producer price was 0.10-0.30 PLN (0.02-0.07
2011-08-02 00:02:06
Москва: удешевление грейпфрута из ЮАР
Снижение цен, по словам поставщиков, обусловлено изменениями в соотношении спроса и предложения.
2011-07-27 11:15:50
Argentyna: rynek cytrusów
Największy wzrost produkcji odnotowano w przypadku cytryn, gdyż w poprzednim sezonie ich produkcja wyniosła   1,0 mln ton. Natomiast największy spadek zbiorów
2011-05-02 00:00:00
Stable prices of citrus fruit
Last week prices of citruses remained stable. Only prices of mandarins slightly decreased. Prices of lemons imported from Spain were 32-35 PLN (8.12-8.88 euro)/10 kg. Prices of Spanish mandarins
2011-04-19 00:00:00
Changes in prices of citrus fruit in Moscow
Last week at the Moscow market it was noted change in prices of citrus fruit, which was caused by fluctuation in supply and demand.  Due to the increase in supply prices of mandarins imported
2011-04-18 00:00:00
Moskwa: zmiany cen cytrusów
W minionym tygodniu na moskiewskim rynku zaobserwowano zmiany cen cytrusów. Z powodu zwiększenia wielkości dostaw ceny mandarynek spadły z 30-35 rubli (0,74-0,85 euro) do 27-33 rubli
2011-04-08 00:00:00
Polish market overview - 10 week 2011
In 10 week 2011 wholesale prices of citrus fruit was generally stable. It was noted only slight decrease in prices of mandarins imported from Spain and grapefruit imported from Israel. Price of
2011-03-24 00:00:00
Moscow: decrease in prices of citrus fruit
Decrease in prices of mandarins from Pakistan was noted last week on the Moscow market. Prices fell from 55-60 rubles (1.36-1.48 euro) to 50-55 rubles (1.24-1.36 euro), and further decrease are
2011-03-22 00:00:00
Moskwa: spadek cen cytrusów i bananów
Na moskiewskim rynku w minionym tygodniu odnotowano spadek cen cytrusów i bananów z powodu zwiększenia dostaw. Ceny mandarynek z Pakistanu obniżyły się z 55-60 rubli (1,36-1,48
2011-03-15 00:00:00
Prognoza produkcji grejpfrutów w 2011 r.
Według styczniowego raportu Amerykańskiego Departament Rolnictwa dotyczącego tegorocznej prognozy produkcji owoców cytrusowych na świecie, zbiory grejpfrutów wyniosą 5,2 mln ton
2011-03-04 00:00:00
Stable prices of citrus fruit
Last week prices of citruses remained stable. Only prices of lemons imported from Spain fell week-on-week. Prices of lemons are 30 PLN/10 kg (7,50 euro)/10 kg for Spanish and 28-30 PLN (7-7.50
2011-02-22 00:00:00
Moscow: decrease in prices of citrus fruit
Decrease in prices of mandarins from Pakistan was noted last week on the Moscow market. Prices fell from 55-60 rubles (1.36-1.48 euro) to 50-55 rubles (1.24-1.36 euro), and further
2011-02-11 00:00:00
Prices of citruses on wholesale markets
Price of lemons imported from Spain decreased week-on-week by about 6 % to 3.20 PLN (0.82 euro)/kg. The price of Turkish lemons is stable – 2.80-3.00 PLN (0.72-0.77 euro)/kg Price of Spanish
2011-02-07 00:00:00
Moscow: prices of citruses
Last week on the Moscow wholesale market of fresh fruit and vegetables one could observe fluctuation in prices of many products. For example on Monday, experts reported decline in prices of citrus
2011-01-31 00:00:00
Holandia: import grejpfrutów w pełni
W Holandii trwa pełnia sezonu importowego grejpfrutów. Dostępne są owoce z Izraela i Hiszpanii. Holenderscy importerzy informują, że ceny grejpfrutów z Izraela były niższe
2011-01-27 00:00:00
Moskwa: nieznaczny wzrost cen grejpfrutów z Turcji
W drugiej połowie ubiegłego tygodnia na moskiewskim rynku z powodu zmniejszenia podaży nastąpił nieznaczny wzrost cen grejpfrutów importowanych z Turcji. Ich ceny wzrosły z 40-45 rubli