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2021-04-21 10:00:00
Ukraina – sezon młodej kapusty opóźniony
Na rynku ukraińskim pojawiły się pierwsze partie młodej kapusty białej. W bieżącym sezonie sprzedaż tych kapust rozpoczęła się 10 dni później niż przed rokiem. Powodem
2021-04-14 15:24:00
Ukraina – zmniejszy się areał cebuli?
Według analityków EastFruit, areał cebuli na Ukrainie może spaść w 2021 roku ze względu na krytycznie niskie ceny tego warzywa, które utrzymują się w kraju od
2021-04-12 11:11:00
Asparagus exports from Poland in 2020 based on GUS data
The export volume of asparagus from Poland in 2020 amounted to 1.2 thousand tonnes and its value reached 15.1 million PLN. This means a significant decrease in volume, but with an increase
2021-04-09 10:06:00
Potatoes - one of the worst seasons on record in Poland
/ News
The mood of potato producers has been very pessimistic for a long time, and the passage of time brings no sign of improvement. This is the worst season in years, say growers, and
2021-04-07 11:19:00
Export of frozen mixed vegetables from Poland in 2020 based on GUS data
Blends are one of the most important items in the palette of Polish frozen vegetables. Next to such items as beans, peas and spinach. In 2020, Polish frozen vegetable mixes went to 55 countries
2021-04-06 11:12:00
Imports of melons to Poland in 2020 based on GUS data
The volume of melons imported to Poland (CN category 080711 - 08071900 - Fresh melons (excluding watermelons)) amounted to 16.5 thousand tonnes in 2020, while its value reached PLN 60.1 million.
2021-04-02 11:54:00
Lettuce exports from Poland in 2020 based on GUS data
Volume of lettuce exports (CN categories: 070511 - Head lettuce, fresh or chilled and 070519 - Fresh or chilled lettuce excluding head lettuce) in 2020 amounted to 15.9 thousand tonnes and its
2021-04-01 11:48:00
Export of frozen beans from Poland in 2020 based on GUS data
The volume of frozen beans exported from Poland (CN category 07102200 - beans (Vigna spp., Phaseolus spp.) whether shelled or not (uncooked or cooked by steaming or in water), frozen) amounted to
2021-03-26 10:59:00
Export of peaches and nectarines from Poland in 2020 based on GUS data
The volume of peaches and nectarines exported from Poland (CN category 080930 - Peaches, including nectarines, fresh) amounted to 12.4 thousand tonnes in 2020 and its value amounted to PLN 40.5
2021-03-25 10:01:00
Brussels sprouts exports from Poland in 2020 based on GUS data
The export volume of Brussels sprouts (CN category 07042000 - Fresh or chilled Brussels sprouts) in 2020 amounted to 1355 tonnes and its value reached the ceiling of PLN 9.3 million. This
2021-03-24 09:59:00
Export of beetroot from Poland in 2020 based on GUS data
The export volume of beetroot (CN category 07069090 - Salad beet, salsify, radish, other edible roots except carrots, turnips, celeriac (root and German) and horseradish, fresh or chilled) in 2020
2021-03-11 10:33:00
Exports of sweet pepper from Poland in 2020 based on GUS data
The volume of sweet pepper exports from Poland (CN 070960 - Fresh or chilled fruits of the genus Capsicum or of the genus Pimenta) in 2020 amounted to 27.3 thousand tonnes, and its value reached
2021-03-10 15:13:00
Import of garlic to Poland in 2020 based on GUS data
The volume of garlic imports (CN category 070320) to Poland in 2020 amounted to 13,563 tonnes and its value reached PLN 122.1 million. This means a significant year-on-year increase in imports in
2021-03-05 11:57:00
Raspberry imports to Poland in 2020 based on GUS data
The volume of fresh raspberries imported to Poland in 2020 (CN 08102010 - Fresh raspberries) amounted to 2.6 thousand tonnes, and its value to PLN 67.2 million. This means a significant
2021-03-03 13:24:00
Plum exports from Poland in 2020 based on GUS data
The volume of plum exports from Poland (CN category 08094005 - Fresh plums) amounted to 8.7 thousand tonnes in 2020, and its value to PLN 29.3 million. This means a significant increase in both
2021-03-03 13:21:00
Cauliflower exports from Poland in 2020 based on GUS data
The volume of fresh and chilled cauliflower and broccoli exports (CN category 070410) to Poland amounted to 23.4 thousand tonnes in 2020, and its value to PLN 88.2 million. This means an increase
2021-03-02 10:46:00
Import of frozen raspberries to Poland in 2020 based on GUS data
The volume of frozen raspberry imports from Poland in 2020 (CN 08112031 - raspberries, uncooked or cooked by steaming or boiling in water, frozen, not containing added sugar or other sweetening
2021-02-26 11:14:00
Export of frozen cherries from Poland in 2020 based on GUS data
Poland's export volume of frozen sour cherries (CN 08119075 - Sour cherries (Prunus cerasus) uncooked or cooked by steaming or boiling in water, frozen, not containing added sugar or other
2021-02-26 12:00:00
Ukraina – ceny ogórków szklarniowych w dół
Ceny ogórków szklarniowych na rynku ukraińskim nadal spadają - podają analitycy projektu APK-Inform: Warzywa i Owoce. Eksperci projektowi wiążą negatywny trend cenowy
2021-02-25 11:29:00
Export of frozen strawberries from Poland in 2020 based on CSO data
The export volume of frozen strawberries from Poland (CN 081110 category - Strawberries and strawberries uncooked or cooked by steaming or boiling in water, frozen, whether or not containing added
2021-02-25 11:45:00
Экспорт замороженной клубники из Польши в 2020 году на основе данных GUS
Объем польского экспорта замороженной клубники (CN 081110 - клубника, не варенная или вареная на пару или
2021-02-24 12:06:00
Импорт помидоров в Польшу в 2020 году по данным ЦСУ
Объем помидоров (категории CN 070200), ввезенных в Польшу в 2020 г., составил 173,1 тыс. тонн, а их стоимость - 1047,7 млн.
2021-02-24 11:40:00
Импорт клубники в Польшу в 2020 году по данным ЦСУ
Объем импорта свежей клубники (081010 - Клубника и земляника, свежая) в Польшу в 2020 году составил 17,0 тыс. тонн, а
2021-02-24 11:33:00
Strawberry imports to Poland in 2020 based on CSO data
The import volume of fresh strawberries (081010 - Strawberries and strawberries, fresh) to Poland in 2020 amounted to 17.0 thousand tonnes, and its value to 150.9 million PLN. This means a
2021-02-24 11:57:00
Tomato imports to Poland in 2020 based on CSO data
The volume of tomatoes (CN category 070200) imported to Poland in 2020 amounted to 173.1 thousand tonnes, and its value to 1047.7 million PLN (1.0 billion PLN). This means an increase in imports