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Znaleziono podstron zawierających "fruit"
2023-05-03 00:00:00
Raspberry production without residues
Raspberry field crops established for the production of fruit for industry are perennial crops. They are often operated for several years. During this time, the soil becomes impoverished. The use
2023-05-03 00:00:00
Fresh-cut segment: launch of a new mango peeler
The innovation for 2023 is the new mango peeler mod. PL4M, which can process 24-28 fruits/minute. It is an improvement of the 6-head version (36-42 fruits/min) developed over 10 years ago. Plus,
2023-05-03 00:00:00
Бренд года 2023: премия досталась Opera
Opera и бренд года 2023 в рамках премии "Think Fresh Brand Award". Консорциум, специализирующийся на грушах, выиграл
2023-05-03 00:00:00
Dates and mangoes are affected by fungus
About 30 to 40% of dates and mangoes have become victims of fungi, affecting production. Reports said that growers of the dates palm had submitted complaints of the mysterious diseases hitting
2023-05-03 11:00:00
CGC празднует 50-летний юбилей
Комитет по управлению цитрусовыми (CGC), ассоциация, объединяющая частные компании, бизнес-группы и
2023-05-03 00:00:00
'Chilean redcurrants 'splash' at over 30 euro per package'
Although temperatures are not in line with the season due to bad weather in many Italian regions, demand for summer fruits is growing in wholesale markets. "Consumers are tired of eating apples,
2023-05-03 15:00:00
Jedna trzecia kupujących "szuka symbolu wegetarianizmu
Trzecia część brytyjskich kupujących szuka na opakowaniu symbolu wegetariańskiego lub wegańskiego, jak wynika z nowego badania. Przy prognozowanym wzroście sektora produktów roślinnych
2023-05-03 00:00:00
Cora seeds brings ToBRFV-resistant tomatoes to Macfrut
Cora Seeds chooses Macfrut 2023 (Hall D4 - Stand 005) to present its commitment in the tomato field and brings two important novelties to the fair: the new range of ToBRFV-resistant tomatoes and
2023-05-03 00:00:00
"RPA ma dobre zbiory cytrusów, ale też wiele przeszkód do pokonania"
Przybycie pierwszych grejpfrutów i mandarynek zwiastuje rozpoczęcie sezonu cytrusowego w RPA w Origin Fruit Direct w Holandii. Do końca tego tygodnia spodziewane są
2023-05-03 00:00:00
Apple imports reach 5-year low in Egypt due to currency devaluation, food inflation and economic downturn
Egypt, one of the key importers of fresh apples in the world, continues to reduce trade in these fruits, according to EastFruit. Under conditions of rapid devaluation of the national currency,
2023-05-03 00:00:00
Gruzińska Mkisa spodziewa się pierwszych zbiorów migdałów w tym roku
Gruzińska grupa firm Mkisa spodziewa się w tym roku pierwszych zbiorów migdałów w swoich superintensywnych sadach. Sady migdałowe o powierzchni 40 ha, których rozwój
2023-05-03 00:00:00
New kid on Europe's organic fruit importing block
Seasoned overseas fruit import and sales representatives and former colleagues Roelant Komen, José Cubero, Erik Rustenburg, and Yesy Lalupú have started a new company: BeeFair Organic. Last week
2023-05-03 00:00:00
One new machine to slice and dice bell pepper in many ways
The bell pepper is a fruiting vegetable that can be prepared in many different ways. There are no limits to the imagination. But it is precisely this wide variety of possibilities and processing
2023-05-03 00:00:00
Innowacja odmianowa VIC w Macfrut
Consorzio Italiano Vivaisti Scarl z San Giuseppe di Comacchio (FE) będzie obecne od 3 do 5 maja z własnym stoiskiem w ramach wspólnej przestrzeni uczestników projektu Filiera Civi-Italia
2023-05-03 12:00:00
Рост чистой прибыли Fresh Del Monte в первом квартале
Fresh Del Monte объявила об увеличении чистой прибыли за первый квартал 2023 года, хотя чистые продажи снизились по
2023-05-03 00:00:00
Marka Roku 2023: Opera zdobywa nagrodę
Opera i marka roku 2023 w konkursie "Think Fresh Brand Award". Konsorcjum, które specjalizuje się w gruszkach, zwyciężyło w czwartej edycji nagrody dedykowanej marce,
2023-05-03 15:00:00
Third of shoppers ‘seek vegetarian symbol’
A third of UK shoppers look for an on-pack vegetarian or vegan symbol, according to a new survey. With the plant-based sector in the UK and EU forecast to grow from £3.9bn in 2019 to £6.6bn in
2023-05-03 12:00:00
Q1 net income growth for Fresh Del Monte
Fresh Del Monte has revealed an increase in net income for the first quarter (Q1) of 2023, although net sales slipped back when compared with the same period of 2022. Net sales decreased 1 per
2023-05-03 00:00:00
Georgian Mkisa expects first almond harvest this year
The Georgian group of companies Mkisa expects the first harvest of almonds in its super-intensive orchards this year. Almond orchards with an area of 40 hectares, the development of which began in
2023-05-03 00:00:00
Taiwanese Legislature approves bill to better protect local crop varieties
Yesterday, Taiwan's Legislature passed amendments that set higher fines and possible prison sentences for people who illegally export certain indigenous varieties of plant and fruit seeds, or
2023-05-03 00:00:00
Abrafrutas participates in MacFrut
Starting today, the Brazilian Association of Producers and Exporters of Fruit and Derivatives (ABRAFRUTAS) will be present at MacFrut 2023. A leading fair for professionals working in the national
2023-05-03 04:00:00
Hort Connections większe i lepsze w 2023 roku
Hort Connections, premierowa konferencja i targi ogrodnicze w Australii, powraca do Australii Południowej w 2023 roku. The Adelaide Convention Centre będzie gospodarzem tegorocznego
2023-05-03 08:00:00
Fresh Produce India kicks off
Fresh Produce India 2023 gets underway on Wednesday 3 May with the first session, ‘India’s future in focus’, held live online at 1:00pm IST (India Standard Time). You can register for free