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2021-10-27 10:47:00
Idared already is been bought in Poland, but prices...
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The Idared variety is famous for its good tolerance of long storage and long distance transport, even in the absence of perfect conditions for these processes. Hence, trade in Idared in Poland
2021-10-21 11:01:00
What are the prices of onion in Poland?
It is known that the harvest of onion in 2021 will not be high, due to unfavourable agrometeorological conditions - both during the growing and harvest periods. CSO estimates put the harvest at
2021-10-21 10:51:00
Apple exports will be difficult for polish companies this year
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Something is beginning to happen in the export of Polish apples, but for now it is more about looking for buyers, establishing old contacts, probing for regular customers, in a word, activities
2021-10-15 10:56:00
Domestic raspberry season at its end in Poland
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The marketing season for domestic raspberries in Poland  on the wholesale fresh fruit market has definitely entered its final phase. Of course, Polish raspberries will still be available on
2021-10-14 09:39:00
Greater demand for white cabbage on the Polish market
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The situation on the Polish wholesale white cabbage market has been bad until recently. Just as bad as a year ago. Current supply is high, as it is at harvest time, while demand has remained very
2021-10-11 10:21:00
Greenhouse cucumbers at record high again in Poland
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More or less since the second decade of August, the current season on the wholesale greenhouse cucumber market in Poland has started to look more and more like last year's season. This in
2021-10-06 09:56:00
Domestic strawberries are still available on the Polish market
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Poland's golden autumn means that although it is already quite chilly at nights, during the day we have sunny and even warm weather. This aura has contributed to prolonging the season for
2021-10-06 09:44:00
There are already imported aubergines on the Polish market
The trading season for domestic aubergines in Poland is nearing its end. In fact, it's difficult to talk about a large wholesale of these vegetables, as their supply is already quite limited.
2021-10-04 10:54:00
Preliminary estimation of field vegetable harvest 2021 in Poland
The 2021 growing season for ground vegetables in Poland started with a delay - even up to 3 weeks in some regions of the country. Weather conditions were generally not very favourable for growing
2021-09-28 10:29:00
The domestic highbush blueberry season is coming to an end in Poland
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This year's trading season of the Polish highbush blueberry on the fresh market is coming to an end. The supply of the fruit is shrinking rapidly, and recently its prices have been rising
2021-09-21 15:00:00
W Europie startuje sezon importu mandarynek z Hiszpanii
W firmie de Groot fruit & vegetables sezon hiszpańskich owoców pestkowych przebiegł pomyślnie. Teraz zbliża się już ku końcowi. Ten holenderski hurtownik przygotowuje się
2021-09-21 10:54:00
Poland - news from the cabbage's market
The situation on the white cabbage market, both in Poland and more broadly in Europe, is far from clear. It is a perfect background for heated discussions between sellers and buyers. The main
2021-09-17 11:25:00
More cauliflowers on the Polish market
This summer's weather has not been easy for vegetable growers, including cauliflower, which is very sensitive to meteorological conditions. It turned autumnal at the end of August and the
2021-09-15 10:55:00
The supply of Brussels sprouts on the Polish market is growing
November and December are the periods when demand for Brussels sprouts is highest. Also in Poland, although this vegetable is not as popular as in Holland or Great Britain. However, neither there
2021-09-15 12:00:00
Nadchodzą warzywa z Almerii
Pomidory, papryka, ogórki, cukinia i bakłażany są głównymi warzywami obszaru uprawy w Almerii w Hiszpanii. We wschodniej części regionu, oprócz
2021-09-13 10:57:00
Watermelons still cheap on the Polish Market
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This year's trading season for watermelons produced in Europe (mainly in the south of the continent, but later in the season also those from Hungary or Ukraine)  started at once
2021-09-13 11:10:00
Imports of sweet peppers to Poland at the end of Q2 2021
The volume of pepper imports to Poland (CN category 070960 - Fresh or chilled fruits of the genus Capsicum or of the genus Pimenta) in the first half of 2021 amounted to 43.4 thousand tonnes, and
2021-09-08 09:48:00
Imports of leeks to Poland at the end of Q2 2021
The volume of leek imports (CN category 07039000 - Leeks and other bulbous vegetables fresh or chilled) to Poland in the first half of 2021 amounted to 8.4 thousand tonnes, with a value of 38.3
2021-09-06 10:44:00
Export of frozen mixed vegetables at the end of Q2 2021
Blends are one of the most important items in the palette of Polish frozen vegetables. Next to such items as beans, peas and spinach. In the first half of 2021, Polish frozen mixed vegetables went
2021-09-06 10:49:00
Экспорт замороженных овощных смесей на конец 2 квартала 2021 года
Бленды - один из самых важных пунктов в палитре польских замороженных овощей. Рядом с такими продуктами,
2021-08-31 11:04:00
Cabbage imports to Poland after Q2 2021
The import volume of cabbage (CN category 070490 - Cabbage, kohlrabi, savoy cabbage and similar edible brassicas, except cauliflower, broccoli and Brussels sprouts, fresh or chilled) in the first
2021-08-16 17:00:00
Freshfel Europe calls on EU to build on significant policy review to promote a plant-based diet
On the occasion of the two-day conference of the European Commission on the Agri-food promotion policy review (12-13 July 2021), Freshfel Europe called on Europe’s authorities to build on the
2021-08-11 11:26:00
Carrots in Poland cheaper than a year ago
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Sales prices for brushed carrots in Poland are currently, as far as large wholesalers are concerned, mostly between 0.90 and 1.20 PLN per kilo. These prices have been falling quite
2021-08-09 11:32:00
More for cauliflowers in Poland
The wholesale market for cauliflowers in Poland continues the price swing typical of this vegetable. The first half of June saw a general fall in wholesale cauliflower prices generated by a high
2021-07-26 10:20:00
Начался новый сезон сельдерея в Польше
В этом году новый сезон для домашнего сельдерея снова начался с задержкой, как и для многих других овощей,