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2023-07-17 00:00:00
Качественные грейдеры для оптимизации линии сортировки лука голландской компании
Голландская компания Jonika, занимающаяся упаковкой лука, уже несколько лет ориентируется на возможности
2023-07-17 16:00:00
Webfleet helps Riverford reach EV goals
UK organic supplier Riverford is making use of Webfleet’s EV fleet management solution to help delivery drivers of its vegetable boxes “overcome EV range anxiety, manage routes better and
2023-07-14 14:00:00
In&Out shows resilience of fruit and veg supply
Climate change is subjecting Europe’s fruit and vegetable sector to one of its most complex challenges in recent history. From a current severe drought in Spain, to the floods that struck
2023-07-13 00:00:00
Avocado and spirulina superfoods drive sales
The appeal of ginger and turmeric goes down, while that of spirulina goes up, as does that of traditional nuts such as hazelnuts and exotic fruits such as mango and avocado. The world of
2023-07-13 00:00:00
Growing raspberries in tunnels for the autumn harvest - maintaining shoot and flower health
Cultivation of raspberries in plastic tunnels, in addition to influencing the size and quality of the yield, makes it possible to control the timing of the harvest in such a way that the fruit
2023-07-13 00:00:00
Growing raspberries in tunnels for the autumn harvest - maintaining shoot and flower health
Cultivation of raspberries in plastic tunnels, in addition to influencing the size and quality of the yield, makes it possible to control the timing of the harvest in such a way that the fruit
2023-07-11 00:00:00
The Gavina watermelon commercial is on air
The campaign for Agricola Campidanese's Gavina watermelon has begun (click here for more information). Since 9 June, in fact, the television commercial has been airing, starring Alessia Orro,
2023-07-11 00:00:00
Mercafir, only one candidate for the presidency
Today at 9 a.m. expires the notice of extension of the terms of the notice for the appointment of no. 2 representatives of the Municipality of Florence in the board of directors of Mercafir. But
2023-07-11 00:00:00
Плавучие оптовые рынки в дельте реки Меконг во Вьетнаме
В последние недели Энрико Турони из итальянской компании TR Turoni совершил поездку по Вьетнаму. Среди
2023-07-11 00:00:00
Pływające rynki hurtowe w delcie Mekongu w Wietnamie
W ostatnich tygodniach Enrico Turoni z włoskiej firmy TR Turoni odwiedził Wietnam. Był między innymi pod wrażeniem pływających rynków hurtowych owoców i warzyw, które były bardziej
2023-07-11 00:00:00
Rijk Zwaan, great satisfaction for Demo Days in Romagna
Rijk Zwaan Italia expressed great satisfaction with the excellent success of Demo Days 2023 - Speciale Villa Torlonia, a historic annual event in San Mauro Pascoli (FC) and linked to the Villa
2023-07-11 00:00:00
"Last years challenges were phenomenal"
“We are unique as we not only grow the tomatoes but package and sell them as well, which is very unusual in our sector,“ says Dutch greenhouse grower RedStar CFO Peter Kalden. “That gives us
2023-07-11 00:00:00
Tractor market down, -9% in the first 5 months 2023
In the first five months of the year, the domestic agricultural machinery market had a two-speed trend, characterised by a contraction in sales of tractors and trailers, and an increase in combine
2023-07-11 00:00:00
Early El Niño effects on Peruvian mangoes with some mandarin and blueberry harvest delays
The warmer winter temperatures in Peru, which are assumed to be early signs of the El Niño weather phenomenon that is affecting the flowering of mangoes, is causing some delays in the harvesting
2023-07-11 00:00:00
Floating wholesale markets in Mekong Delta in Vietnam
In recent weeks, Enrico Turoni of the Italian company TR Turoni toured Vietnam. Among other things, he was impressed by the floating fruit and vegetable wholesale markets, which were more popular
2023-07-11 00:00:00
Mercafir, tylko jeden kandydat na prezydenta
Dzisiaj o godzinie 9 rano wygasa zawiadomienie o przedłużeniu terminu ogłoszenia o powołaniu nr 2 przedstawicieli gminy Florencja w zarządzie Mercafir. Jednak już
2023-07-10 00:00:00
"New puree has unique fresh garlic flavor"
In the Netherlands, fresh garlic harvesting is in full swing at Beemster Garlic. "This year's weather extremes mean yields and grading are slightly lower. Some skins are missing across the board,
2023-07-10 11:00:00
Fall in Spanish consumption of all fruit and vegetable groups in 2022
In 2022, Spaniards consumed 12.2% less fresh fruit and 13.4% less fresh vegetables in volume compared to the previous year. This was the case across all categories. This is the finding of the Food
2023-07-10 00:00:00
Labour, 40,000 more workers with the flows decree
"With the flows decree approved by the Council of Ministers, the Meloni government shows that it is working to promote legal immigration, which can only be fostered with certain rules that can
2023-07-10 10:00:00
Andalusia surpasses EU’s 25% organic area target
At this month’s Organic Food Iberia expo, Andalusian organic agri-food products stood out for their quality, sustainability and flavour. During the two-day event, Spain’s Ministry of
2023-07-10 00:00:00
Mimaflor presents the new Sensation Range
Consumers today are looking for alternatives to prepare their dishes more quickly to eat at home and thus simplify menus, but without forgetting the flavour or nutritional values, which are
2023-07-10 00:00:00
Przewiduje się, że przepływ szparagów z Peru importowanych przez południową Florydę pozostanie na tym samym poziomie.
Obecne i ekstremalne warunki pogodowe panujące nad Ameryką Północną mogą mieć wpływ na wydajność produkcji roślinnej, a w międzyczasie konsumenci mogą spodziewać się
2023-07-10 00:00:00
Movement of asparagus from Peru imports through South Florida expected to remain about the same
The current and extreme weather conditions hovering over North America could have an impact with crop production yields and, in the meantime, consumers can expect to see smaller selections at the
2023-07-08 00:00:00
Avocado harvest in Morocco expected to be 20% higher than last year
According to Abdellah El Yamlahi, president of the Moroccan Avocado Association, three months before the start of the avocado harvest campaign in Morocco, growers announce a good harvest –
2023-07-07 00:00:00
Hungary: Cherry harvest to be smaller this season
Hungarian harvest experts predict a below-average quantity in the current cherry season, according to the industry association Fruitveb. The spring frosts and the cold, windy and rainy weather