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w kategorii: / Ceny owoców i warzyw
2023-06-08 00:00:00
Dostawy kiwi do USA utrzymują się na stałym poziomie, nawet przy zjawiskach pogodowych w Nowej Zelandii
Podaż owoców kiwi w Ameryce Północnej utrzymuje się na stałym poziomie. "W tym roku mieliśmy trudny sezon wegetacyjny w Nowej Zelandii z powodu różnych zjawisk pogodowych,
2023-04-17 00:00:00
Nierówne dostawy i wyższe ceny sałaty prawdopodobne do czerwca
Bardzo rozdrobniony do pierwszego lub drugiego tygodnia czerwca. Oto jak Mark Vaughan z Fresh Avenue mówi, że rynek sałaty będzie wyglądał do tego czasu. "To będzie niespokojny rynek ze
2023-03-21 00:00:00
Dole dostarcza banany na maraton w Wuxi
Maraton 2023 Wuxi rozpoczął się 19 marca nad jeziorem Taihu. Dole, stuletnia marka owocowa, przez siedem kolejnych lat zapewniała zdrowe owocowo-warzywne wsparcie energetyczne dla
2023-02-07 00:00:00
Niewielkie dostawy wpływają na ceny ziemniaków w Wisconsin
Popyt na przechowywane ziemniaki Wisconsin russet jest po spokojniejszej stronie. Jest to jednak zgodne z historycznym ruchem ziemniaków o tej porze roku.
2023-02-02 00:00:00
Dostawy bananów w wielu regionach nadal niskie
Podaż bananów trafiających do Ameryki Północnej nadal jest niska i prawdopodobnie pozostanie taka do przyszłego miesiąca. "Liczby łodyg są niskie, więc dostawy są gdzieś pomiędzy
2023-01-30 00:00:00
Niedobór dostaw cytryn w nowozelandzkich supermarketach
Liczba owoców i warzyw staje się trudniejsza do zdobycia z powodu opóźnień w wysyłce produktów importowanych. Na przykład, cytryny są w niedoborze w supermarketach
2021-01-14 08:00:00
Kostaryka – niższa podaż ananasów
Nowy rok rozpoczął się ograniczonymi dostawami, dużym popytem i wysokimi cenami na rynku ananasów. W Święta nastąpił duży wzrost wysyłanych ilości, a teraz, gdy Święta
2015-03-13 15:21:23
GRODAN presents the GroSens® HandHeld, a new wireless measuring instrument.
Time for innovation The horticulture sector is changing fast. Growers are facing new challenges and in the current growing climate there is a clear need for innovative solutions within the
2014-08-11 11:30:58
EU to analyze Russia’s food import ban
A meeting of the EU Council may be convened at a required level in the coming days, if necessary, the EU source said.It is early to say whether the EU will take measures in response to the Russian
2014-06-09 09:18:18
Low prices of vegetables
This year prices of vegetables are lower than in 2013. In June cauliflowers on the wholesale market in Bronisze are being sold at the price of PLN 1,55 / piece. In 2013 it was over two times
2014-05-13 09:45:40
Shocking end of season
Season for European pears is coming to the end. Polish importers are selling last stocks and this fruit s becoming a product in short supply. Very low supplies influence prices which have been
2014-04-25 10:50:00
Russian - Polish consultations over possible ban on fruit and vegetable imports
“I think this issue will be discussed after May 10,” he said, adding that until such consultations were over it was early to speak about any possible measures Russian might take. The exact
2014-03-19 09:18:24
High demand for Polish pears
Most companies stopped selling pears and fruit-growers sold all supplies. The season is coming up to end but there are still some buyers interested in our domestic fruits. Why? In the Western
2014-03-14 09:02:15
Poland exports more pears to Russia than Belgium
From July 2013 to January 2014 Polish supplies of pears reached the record volume of 29 thousand tons. It's at 6% more than in the same time year ago.It's worth highlighting than Poland exported
2014-03-12 11:55:30
Serbia increased export of apples to Russia
In January 2014 Serbia exported 12 thousand tons of apples. this is 2.7 times more than year ago. In period of July - January 2013-2014 export of Serbian apples to Russia came to 68 thousand
2013-11-29 09:40:31
EU has suspended import of citrus fruit from SA
Mycosis afflicts fruits in subtropical climat but it does not occur in Europe. Infected fruits have been found in 36 transports from South Africa. Supplies from South Africa constitute about 1/3
2013-05-23 14:59:39
Italians at Fresh Produce Ukraine 2013
Following the successful edition of Fresh Produce Ukraine 2012 in which more than 23 Italian companies participated a large increase in Italian exhibitors is expected for the forthcoming 2013
2013-02-07 15:57:08
Fruit Logistica 2013 in Berlin
2,543 exhibitors from 78 countries present entire value chain of fresh produce trade – Some 55,000 trade visitors from 120 countries come to Berlin – FRUIT LOGISTICA Innovation
2012-12-13 10:17:09
Zucchini : more and more expensive
Currently, the Spanish importers demand zucchini 50.00 - 55.00 zł / carton 5 kg. Supplies in Spain are very low, and prices on the local wholesale auctions are still climbing up. There
2012-12-11 08:05:30
Cabage will get more expensive
After an earlier reduction, savoy cabbage prices back to the level of 0.70 - 0.90 zł / kg. Stable prices are consequence of stable level of supply and demand. Although generally sell of
2012-12-07 14:09:23
Zucchini wouldn't be cheapper
Problems with the supplies of zucchini in Spain are stalling. Improvement in this aspect  isn't expected before the end of the year. Low supply is translated by higher prices, also on
2012-11-28 15:06:27
More expensive national potatoes
In the wholesale market, price of potatoes in Bronisze in the last week increased from 0,35-0,46 (minimum price - the maximum price) to 0,46-0,60 zł / kg while at the same time 0,16-0,10 zł /
2012-11-22 11:20:50
Dutch are complanining about ours pears
 It is said that the Polish pear will run out in a month, and it should address the demand in our direction - say the producers of the Netherlands.  Dutch and Belgian Conference
2012-07-27 08:00:00
Belgium: export of pears to the Russian market
In Belgium is the most noticeable increase in export of pears. In 2007 according to Eurostat Belgium exported 113 thousand ton of pears to Russian market (according to Russian sources -120
2012-07-09 00:00:00
Young sprouts are still cheap
Język oryginału: polski     The supplies of cabbage are so large that even a further increase have changed little in price. On a much