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2023-05-25 00:00:00
Dzień wiśni w Hiszpanii skupiony wokół programu niskotemperaturowego
Hodowca winogron stołowych i wiśni International Fruit Genetics LLC (IFG) ogłosił, że jego międzynarodowy zespół wiśni był gospodarzem pierwszych w historii Europejskich Dni
2023-05-25 00:00:00
Export prices offset the decline in Spanish citrus production
This season's notable fall in citrus production has been offset by prices that have defended the value of exports against the drastic drop in volumes traded. The production decreased by 15%, which
2023-05-25 00:00:00
Lower apricot exports from Hungary to rest of Europe due to frost damage
Hungary’s 2023 apricot export season, set to start next month, will see lower volumes sent to the rest of Europe due to widespread frost damage during spring. Last year producers and exporters
2023-05-25 00:00:00
"Formosa papayas remain really popular, especially in Germany"
"After severe Formosa papaya shortages in Brazil due to weather conditions, production is slowly picking up a little," says Robbert van Essen, Sourcing Manager at the Dutch company, Yex. "Though
2023-05-25 00:00:00
Deszcze przychodzą w złym momencie dla Cartageny
Opady deszczu były bardzo intensywne w bardzo krótkim czasie, osiągając w niektórych miejscach 100 litrów na metr kwadratowy. Sytuacja, w której wszystko było gotowe na
2023-05-25 00:00:00
Lidl is committed to the highest quality of fruit and vegetables. "We set high standards"
Lidl Poland has for years relied on cooperation and good relations with local producers to offer fresh fruit and vegetables every day as part of the Lidl Ryneczek. It makes high demands on its
2023-05-25 00:00:00
TRUCK AND MALBERRY PRICES - Quoted on 25.05.2023
We present the prices of strawberries and raspberries as of 25.05.2023 recorded at selected exchanges and markets throughout Poland. Strawberry PRICESThere are more and more strawberries on sale.
2023-05-24 00:00:00
"Niestety, w moim przypadku muszę uznać moje pola za stracone".
Chociaż deszcze w ostatnich dniach przyniosły pewną ulgę, susza i wyczerpywanie się rezerw wody w Axarquia i Costa Tropical de Granada powodują ogromne trudności
2023-05-24 00:00:00
Poland intends to promote agri exports to Indonesia
According to Polish Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Wojciech Gerwel, his government wants to promote agricultural food exports to Indonesia during his visit to the country this week. Gerwel
2023-05-24 00:00:00
Польша намерена продвигать экспорт сельскохозяйственной продукции в Индонезию
По словам заместителя министра иностранных дел Польши Войцеха Гервеля, его правительство хочет
2023-05-24 10:00:00
Waitrose coconut oil boosts Sri Lankan farmers
Waitrose is claiming a UK first by launching a new own-label, organic and Fairtrade coconut oil. The coconut oil has been produced by the Sonmic Organic and Natural Farmers’ Association (SONFA).
2023-05-24 00:00:00
Polska zamierza promować eksport rolny do Indonezji
Według polskiego wiceministra spraw zagranicznych Wojciecha Gerwela, jego rząd chce promować eksport rolno-spożywczy do Indonezji podczas swojej wizyty w tym kraju w tym tygodniu.
2023-05-24 00:00:00
Polish strawberries in Biedronka shops. How to become a supplier?
A key element of the Biedronka chain's strategy is to source fruit and vegetables grown in Poland. They account for more than 90% of the chain's annual sales in these categories. In addition, in
2023-05-24 00:00:00
Zła pogoda ponownie powoduje szkody na Sycylii
Wiatry przekraczające 100 km/h nawiedziły zachodnią, północną i środkową Sycylię 19 i 20 maja. Uszkodzone zostały szklarnie pokryte (starymi) foliami i tunele foliowe, a także
2023-05-23 00:00:00
Малина растет, но как предотвратить дефицит питательных веществ
Мы осматриваем плантации вместе с доктором Павлом Кравцом и Бартломей Држазга из компании Timac Agro Poland. Мы
2023-05-23 00:00:00
Deszcz popiołu z Etny, krzyż i radość dla rolnictwa
Etna po raz kolejny w tym roku dała swój popis silną erupcją, po której nastąpił deszcz popiołu, który pokrył zaplecze Etny. Silne dudnienie i gęsta chmura otaczały wulkan od
2023-05-23 00:00:00
High prices of imported cherries. How much will Polish fruit cost?
The first cherries have appeared in the shops, but the price so far does not encourage people to buy. For cheaper cherries one has to wait until June, when Polish varieties will go on sale,
2023-05-23 00:00:00
Raspberries grow but how to prevent nutrient deficiencies
We are inspecting the plantations together with Dr Paweł Krawiec and Bartłomiej Drzazga from Timac Agro Poland. We can already see that the plants have taken in well and are resuming growth. It
2023-05-23 00:00:00
Apple prices in Ukraine more than doubled in a year
According to EastFruit analysts, wholesale prices for apples in Ukraine are currently more than twice as high as at the same of 2022. Ukraine’s apple harvest in 2022 was good and many wonder why
2023-05-23 00:00:00
TRUCK PRICES - quoted on 23.05.2023
We present price quotations for strawberries as of 23.05.2023. The prices were recorded at selected exchanges and markets throughout Poland. The following values are for information purposes only
2023-05-23 00:00:00
GP Graders relationship with Milbor PMC proves fruitful for European growers
Milbor PMC is a family-run business based in Poland that supports fruit growers and packing companies by providing and implementing high-end technology solutions. They are also the exclusive
2023-05-23 00:00:00
Oranges, waste becomes lamps
Orange peels give birth to lamps. It is not science fiction but just the intuition of the Milanese design studio Krill Design that transforms waste into new products thanks to an innovative
2023-05-23 00:00:00
Apple prices in Ukraine more than doubled on a year – which varieties are trending?
According to EastFruit analysts, wholesale prices for apples in Ukraine are currently more than twice as high as at the same of 2022. Ukraine’ s apple harvest in 2022 was good and many wonder
2023-05-23 00:00:00
The 'cross' of the Dana in the Southeast
The countryside was looking to the sky for water, and finally the rains have arrived, but in torrential form in the southeast of the peninsula. This Tuesday the rains have fallen with intensity
2023-05-23 00:00:00
Nadszedł szczyt sezonu na meksykańskie mango
Meksykańskie dostawy mango zaczynają osiągać szczyt sezonu. "W maju mieliśmy do czynienia ze stałą podażą mango - dzięki upałom pola są gotowe. Skrobia kukurydziana szybciej zamienia