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2023-06-16 00:00:00
Poland's first wholesale blueberries. How much do they cost?
The first blueberries from tunnel cultivation are now available in the trade. For now, the supply of this domestic fruit is still small, but with each passing day, there will be more blueberries
2023-06-15 00:00:00
How to present perennials attractively at the point of sale?
The German nursery Köster, which supplies perennials mainly to garden centres, has been testing forms of 'serving' the retail customer for years. Whereas a dozen years ago colourful labels were
2023-06-14 00:00:00
Increasing sales of soil processing equipment
People have gone back to using milling cutters over the past few months. Alessandro Calderoni specifies that "they are mainly specific tools for under the rows, so a lot of precision and an agile
2023-06-14 00:00:00
Увеличение продаж оборудования для обработки почвы
В последние несколько месяцев люди вернулись к использованию фрез. Алессандро Кальдерони уточняет, что "в
2023-06-14 00:00:00
Rosnąca sprzedaż sprzętu do przetwarzania gleby
W ciągu ostatnich kilku miesięcy ludzie wrócili do używania frezów. Alessandro Calderoni precyzuje, że "są to głównie specyficzne narzędzia do pracy pod rzędami, więc potrzebna jest
2023-06-13 00:00:00
The large-scale retail trade ready for the Fruit Show format
The Spettacoli alla Frutta2023 live edition format debuts in the points of sale of several Italian large-scale retail trade brands. The protagonists are 22 excellent fruit and vegetable products
2023-06-13 00:00:00
Supercentre Group, sprzedaż do 249 mln euro
Tradycyjny Dzień Banków i Ubezpieczeń, który odbył się w sali konferencyjnej Cedi w San Giorgio J. (TA) w obecności partnerów finansowych, takich jak banki i firmy
2023-06-13 00:00:00
Broad beans 2023 - what prices on wholesale markets?
Beans from Polish growers are available for sale. How much do you have to pay for a kilogram of this vegetable at wholesale? The season for broad beans from Polish crops is underway. According to
2023-06-13 00:00:00
Terremerse, obroty wzrosły do 288 mln euro
O tej porze roku jest to czas budżetowy dla spółdzielni Terremerse.Podczas gdy czekamy, aby zobaczyć, jakie będą reperkusje tej ogromnej powodzi w następnym budżecie, w 2022 r. obroty
2023-06-13 00:00:00
Terremerse, turnover rises to 288 million
At this time of year, it is budget time for the Terremerse Cooperative.While we wait to see what the repercussions of this tremendous flood will be on the next budget, in 2022 the turnover was EUR
2023-06-13 00:00:00
Терремерзе, оборот увеличился до 288 миллионов
В это время года для кооператива Terremerse наступает время бюджета. Пока мы ждем, как отразится это грандиозное
2023-06-12 00:00:00
Strawberries at £5. "Where is the sense and logic here?"
Lukasz Cielma is a well-known youtuber who performs under the pseudonym Cielmus. Recently, he picked strawberries and took them to the market in Kraśnik for sale. What he saw there brought him
2023-06-12 00:00:00
[Announcement] Sale of Krebeck ADS-80/1-2 dosing line
To sell a dosing line from the German Company Krebeck ADS-80/1-2 dedicated to blueberry fruit. The set includes two belt conveyors and a turntable with two scales. The unit in perfect condition
2023-06-12 00:00:00
Obroty walenckich spółdzielni wyniosły ponad 2 228 milionów euro
Spółdzielnie rolno-spożywcze Wspólnoty Autonomicznej Walencji odbyły swoje zwyczajne walne zgromadzenie w salach Siglo Veintiuno de L'Alcúdia, w którym uczestniczyli
2023-06-09 00:00:00
Farmers of Azerbaijan are experiencing difficulties with the production and sale of vegetable products
Farmers growing vegetables in greenhouses in Azerbaijan complain about dishonest officials who do not allow them to earn money. The costs of greenhouse farming are higher than the profits, so
2023-06-09 00:00:00
Lively orders for kiwifruit plants
Orders for kiwifruit plants to be transplanted in the fall are coming in at La Quercia, which is currently carrying out grafts for club golden kiwifruits as well as growing "free sale" plants such
2023-06-09 00:00:00
Raspberries 2023 - what prices on wholesale markets?
Polish raspberries are available for sale. How much do you currently have to pay for a kilogram of these fruits on the wholesale markets? . On the Bronisze wholesale market, Polish raspberries
2023-06-08 00:00:00
Vegetable and potato processing machinery for sale
Are you operating in the vegetable or potato industry? Then the online auction of Industrial Auctions in Suhlendorf (DE) may be something for you. This auction consists of various vegetable and
2023-06-07 00:00:00
Golawin exchange: "Many sellers, few buyers". Low strawberry prices [Update].
Strawberry season is kicking off. How is the fruit sale going at the Golawin Exchange before the long weekend? The coordinators of the Golawin Exchange report that on Wednesday (07.06) in the
2023-06-07 00:00:00
Golawin Exchange: "Many sellers, fewer buyers". What prices for strawberries and raspberries?
Strawberry season is kicking off. How is the fruit sale going at the Golawin Exchange before the long weekend? The coordinators of the Golawin Exchange report that on Wednesday (07.06) in the
2023-06-07 00:00:00
Olya’s agricultural notes. How the farmer’s weather station charmed … … (part III)
The third plot, . All matches are coincidental, and the characters are fictitious. Read the first story at this link, the second story can be found here. – A mega-profitable berry farm has been
2023-06-07 00:00:00
Belgijska firma kończy 65 lat
W tym roku firma Sebrechts Groenten en Fruit obchodzi 65. rocznicę istnienia. Z tej okazji w sobotę, 3 czerwca, budynek hurtowni w Antwerpii został przekształcony w salę
2023-06-07 00:00:00
Conad delivers groceries with electric vehicles
Conad launches a new logistics project of 100% electric point-of-sale deliveries in Rome, in cooperation with Enel X Way, Enel's company dedicated to electric mobility, and in Palermo. The
2023-06-06 00:00:00
Australian shoppers upset over individually-wrapped cucumbers at Woolworths
Editor James Massola from Nine Newspapers National Affairs drew attention to the sale of individually-wrapped cucumbers at Woolworths in a tweet on Saturday, commending the ACT government’s
2023-06-06 00:00:00
First domestic cherries now available. At what price?
The first Polish cherries of the Rivan variety have appeared on the Bronisze Market. The Bronisze Market reports that the first batches of domestic black cherries have appeared on sale. - As