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2023-02-07 00:00:00
Last of Neofresh’s litchis but the ginger never stops
From its base in Hectorspruit, Neofresh manages its subtropical fruit operations from its late litchi farm in White River, Mpumalanga Province, northeastwards to where the bulk of their papayas
2023-02-07 00:00:00
Air Cargo zamyka 2022 rok na poziomie sprzed pandemii
Międzynarodowe Zrzeszenie Transportu Lotniczego (IATA) opublikowało dane dotyczące globalnych rynków frachtu lotniczego, pokazujące, że całoroczny popyt na ładunki lotnicze w 2022 r.
2023-02-07 00:00:00
Turkish earthquake-hit Iskenderun port halts operations
An earthquake hit Turkey and Syria on the morning of Monday 6 February 2023. Such was the magnitude of the earthquake that there has been significant damage to logistics and transport
2023-02-07 00:00:00
Nowa platforma owocowo-warzywna na targu w Mediolanie na dobrej drodze
Do końca roku, w październiku 2023 roku, zostanie ukończona budowa pierwszej z dwóch platform dedykowanych owocom i warzywom, które powstają obecnie na mediolańskim rynku
2023-02-07 00:00:00
Portugalia przygotowuje się do utworzenia centrum logistycznego dla importu świeżych owoców z Brazylii
Portugalia przygotowuje się do utworzenia hubu logistycznego dla importu świeżych owoców z Brazylii, wskazując producentom "warunki geograficzne i operacyjne", które mają zastąpić
2023-02-07 00:00:00
New varieties of grapes, peaches, and flat nectarines to reach other EU countries
Naturitalia's portfolio has recently expanded to include peaches, flat Ondine nectarines and three varieties of IFG grapes. "We always look for products that can meet the needs of both markets and
2023-02-07 00:00:00
Air Cargo closes 2022 near pre-pandemic levels
The International Air Transport Association (IATA) released data for global air freight markets showing that 2022 full-year demand for air cargo took a significant step back from 2021 levels but
2023-02-07 00:00:00
Chilijskie czereśnie, borówki i śliwki wróciły na chiński rynek
Pierwszy transport chilijskich czereśni został rozładowany w porcie Nansha w Guangzhou, stolicy prowincji Guangdong, 22 grudnia. Chilijskie czereśnie, borówki i śliwki wróciły na
2023-02-07 07:00:00
Kluczowe nominacje w Piñata Farms
Piñata Farms mianowała Gemmę McCarthy na stanowisko dyrektora generalnego ds. zasobów ludzkich, natomiast Caroline Wight dołączyła do firmy jako dyrektor generalny ds. operacji po
2023-02-07 00:00:00
New fruit and vegetable platform at the Milan Market on track
By the end of the year, in October 2023, the first of the two platforms dedicated to fruit and vegetables will be completed. They are currently under construction in Milan's agri-food market and
2023-02-07 00:00:00
Portugal prepares to set up logistical hub for fresh fruit imports from Brazil
Portugal is preparing to set up a logistical hub for importing fresh fruit from Brazil, showing producers “geographical and operational conditions” to replace ports in northern Europe. The
2023-02-07 00:00:00
Ostatni z Neofresh's litchis, ale imbir nigdy się nie kończy.
Z siedziby w Hectorspruit, Neofresh zarządza operacjami związanymi z owocami subtropikalnymi, począwszy od farmy litchi w White River, w prowincji Mpumalanga, na północny
2023-02-07 07:00:00
Key appointments at Piñata Farms
Piñata Farms has appointed Gemma McCarthy as its general manager human resources, while Caroline Wight has joined the company as general manager of post-harvest operations. McCarthy will be based
2023-02-06 00:00:00
Vanguard International partners with RK Growers
Vanguard International and RK Growers (RKG) have entered a strategic partnership. Italian-headquartered RKG will operate as Vanguard’s procurement office for all European-grown products, while
2023-02-06 00:00:00
"Surowce pozostają bardzo napięte"
W zakresie zarówno marketingu, jak i pozyskiwania surowca, tegoroczna kampania chrzanowa okazuje się wyjątkowo trudna. "W ostatnich latach mieliśmy już do czynienia ze znacznymi
2023-02-06 00:00:00
“We can now offer a premium product that is geographically identified”
Vergers Cancel has been established in the Adour production basin for many years. But the group of producers grew stronger in 2021 by taking over the kiwi activity of Rouquette (Aiguillon,
2023-02-06 00:00:00
Ferm O Feed and Plant Health Cure merge to continue operations as Den Ouden GrowSolutions
Ferm O Feed and Plant Health Cure (PHC) have merged, as of 30 January 2023. Both business units will continue together under the name Den Ouden GrowSolutions. Ferm O Feed has been part
2023-02-06 00:00:00
Maersk North America and Ashdod Port Company to collaborate on logistics and supply chain innovation
Ashdod Port Company has signed an agreement with Maersk North America - to collaborate on innovation opportunities in supply chain logistics. The agreement enables Israeli startups that are
2023-02-06 00:00:00
"Raw materials remain very tight"
In terms of both marketing and raw material procurement, this year's horseradish campaign is proving extremely difficult. "In recent years, we have already seen significant price increases, but
2023-02-06 00:00:00
Maersk North America i Ashdod Port Company współpracują w zakresie logistyki i innowacji w łańcuchu dostaw
Ashdod Port Company podpisało umowę z Maersk North America - o współpracy nad możliwościami innowacji w logistyce łańcucha dostaw. Umowa umożliwia izraelskim startupom, które
2023-02-06 12:00:00
Collaboration between Semillas Fitó and Business Farmers to promote the Foodture project
The agricultural sector is, without a doubt, one of the most active drivers of our economy, with large vertically integrated companies that operate all over the world, recording significant
2023-02-06 00:00:00
Vanguard International enters into strategic partnership
International fresh produce companies Vanguard International and RK Growers (RKG) have entered into a strategic partnership to continue to grow their businesses globally. RK Growers will operate