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2023-07-11 00:00:00
Poles with the largest increase in blueberry consumption in the world
The Polish market is 40 million people. In 2023, per capita consumption reached 1.83 kg/person. According to Agronometrics Global Trade Data, which will form part of the IBO Global State of the
2023-06-30 00:00:00
Potatoes for breakfast? Recipes for interesting dishes using this vegetable
Potatoes are one of the Poles' favourite foods. Most often we eat them for dinner, cooked, as an accompaniment to meat or fish. Meanwhile, potatoes are perfect as a meal for work, school,
2023-06-29 00:00:00
Lidl supports blueberry suppliers. Polish fruit soon in shops
As part of the celebration of Polish Blueberry Day and International Fruit Day, Lidl encourages the juicy gifts of nature to be on Poles' plates every day. The chain's supplier, Hubert Woźniak,
2023-06-19 00:00:00
Condifresco: "Передвинем проход с помощью разрушительных дисплеев" #hortfruitvoice
Чеснок Полезано Доп, чеснок Slow Food Валь ди Кьяна, органический черный чеснок, лук Igp Тропеа, лук Igp Маргерита,
2023-06-19 00:00:00
Condifresco: "Przesuńmy alejkę z zakłócającymi wyświetlaczami" #hortfruitvoice
Czosnek Polesano Dop, czosnek Slow Food Val di Chiana, organiczny czarny czosnek, cebula Igp Tropea, cebula Igp Margherita, cebula Slow Food Giarratana, cebula Slow Food Certaldo, cebula Slow Food
2023-06-19 00:00:00
Condifresco: 'Let's move the aisle with disruptive displays' #hortfruitvoice
Polesano Dop garlic, Slow Food Val di Chiana garlic, organic black garlic, Igp Tropea onion, Igp Margherita onion, Slow Food Giarratana onion, Slow Food Certaldo onion, Slow Food Acquaviva delle
2023-06-15 00:00:00
We have something to be proud of - Poles ahead of IBO Summit in Lublin
The strong opinion on the presence at the International Blueberry Organization (IBO) conference in Lublin is presented by domestic producers. It is no coincidence that the World wants to come to
2023-06-13 00:00:00
Poland is the largest producer of apples, cherries, raspberries, currants and gooseberries in the EU
Poland is an important producer of fruit in the EU. In terms of the harvest volume of all types of fruit, Poles are ranked fourth – with the share of 8% in the EU production – after Spain,
2023-05-26 00:00:00
Strawberries 2023: What rates for this season's crop?
Author: Aneta Gwara-Tarczyńska 26 May 2023 10:21 Strawberry season is gaining momentum. The supply of fruit on the market is increasing, resulting in a greater demand for workers to pick them. As
2023-05-22 00:00:00
Po zniszczeniach nadszedł czas na "zaprojektowanie" odbudowy
Nie będę się rozwodził nad poszukiwaniem przyczyn i odpowiedzialności za to, co wydarzyło się w Romanii w ciągu ostatnich kilku dni. Zbyt wiele stron gazet i programów
2023-05-22 00:00:00
After the destruction, it is time to 'design' the reconstruction
I will not dwell on the search for the causes and responsibilities for what has happened in Romagna over the past few days. Too many pages of newspapers and television schedules have already been
2023-05-11 00:00:00
Strawberries will drain Poles' pockets. Will prices approach PLN 50?
Fruit prices at neighbourhood markets reflect a national trend. It is expensive. A lupian of domestic strawberries costs 42 zloty, reports money.pl. . On the wholesale market in Bronisze, the
2023-05-11 00:00:00
Aldi, growth based on employee welfare
ALDI, part of the ALDI SÜD Group, the multinational reference reality of the large-scale retail trade, one of the most important operators in the world, continues its growth plan in Italy by
2023-05-05 00:00:00
How to recognise Polish strawberries? There is one way
Strawberries are the Poles' favourite fruit, the most anticipated and often adulterated. How can you recognise a Polish strawberry even before you buy and taste it? Growers suggest how to
2023-05-02 00:00:00
Fruit imports from Ukraine hit the raspberry market hardest
Today all the blame lies with agricultural imports from Ukraine. That, at least, is what the media coverage suggests. A year ago, national TV stations were proclaiming how wonderful the Poles were
2023-05-02 00:00:00
The impact of Ukrainian imports on the soft fruit market is huge
Today all the blame lies with agricultural imports from Ukraine. That, at least, is what the media coverage suggests. A year ago, national TV stations were proclaiming how wonderful the Poles were
2023-04-27 00:00:00
The peak of the price squeeze behind us? "Fruit and vegetable prices may be climbing"
Some economists had hoped for a calming of the price growth dynamics in shops. Meanwhile, last month's figures show that Poles paid on average almost 24% more for their purchases than a year
2023-04-23 00:00:00
The asparagus harvest is starting. Who will harvest them?
In Germany, as every year, the big asparagus harvest is starting, and in Poland - the big recruitment. In recent years, the media behind our western border have been decrying the fact that Poles
2023-04-23 00:00:00
The asparagus harvest is starting. How is the availability of workers?
In Germany, as every year, the big asparagus harvest is starting, and in Poland - the big recruitment. In recent years, the media behind our western border have been decrying the fact that Poles
2023-04-13 00:00:00
Bamboo poles are getting cheaper. Prices from two years ago are returning
The import and trade situation for bamboo poles is becoming stable. Sea freight prices have fallen and this has affected the lower prices of bamboo poles for the orchard. We checked how much they
2023-04-12 00:00:00
Vegetables one of the leaders in overpricing. "They may continue to get more expensive"
Polish shoppers still cannot count on cheaper shopping. An analysis of more than 88,000 prices shows that in March this year shops were more expensive on average by nearly 24% than a year earlier.
2023-03-28 00:00:00
An expensive vegetable market. When will it get cheaper? Experts have no doubts
Vegetable price rises are increasingly picking Poles' pockets. The reason for this is an unfavourable combination of circumstances - from weather and economic to purely political. Onions, for
2023-03-20 00:00:00
German press: "Poles like cucumbers. Especially when they are cheap, like Russian"
- Numerous EU sanctions are in place due to the war in Ukraine. Cheap Russian vegetables have already appeared on Polish markets, writes the Berliner Zeitung. The newspaper describes that
2023-03-17 00:00:00
How much will Polish strawberries cost this season? There are first forecasts
How much will Polish strawberries cost in the 2023 season? This question is already being asked not only by a huge number of Poles who are concerned about rising prices, but also by growers.
2023-03-14 00:00:00
The definitive end of winter? Warming is coming
Weather forecasts point to the end of winter. Warming and a breath of spring air is coming. On Tuesday in Tarnow the poles of the mercury may show up to 16 degrees, but warmth will be all over the