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2023-02-16 00:00:00
Regardless of inflation Poles buy healthy food
Rising prices make grocery shopping more stressful for Poles than a year ago. 48% of Polish consumers admits it, according to a Deloitte report. Rising product prices are the main reason for
2023-02-09 00:00:00
Fruit for Valentine's Day. Which are the best aphrodisiacs?
Strawberries, heart apples and the whole spectrum of fruit and vegetables that are considered aphrodisiacs - we checked which fruit and vegetables are in increasing demand before the day of
2023-02-01 00:00:00
Top 3 vegetables of January. Which vegetables did we eat most often?
Author: Sylwia Sałyga 01 February 2023 14:02 Among the most popular vegetables of January, Kantar lists potatoes, onions and tomatoes. The most popular vegetable in January was potatoes, with 98%
2023-01-31 00:00:00
Apples, pears, blueberries are the most popular fruits of January
Among the most popular January fruits, Kantar lists apples, pears, blueberries, raspberries and strawberries. Apples were the most popular fruit in January, consumed by almost 9 in 10 Poles (89%)
2021-12-23 10:59:00
Ukraina może uprawiać dobrej jakości ziemniaki na eksport
Uprawa ziemniaków i perspektywy ukraińskiego rynku ziemniaków były jednymi z głównych tematów XVII Międzynarodowej Konferencji "Owoce i warzywa
2021-04-09 10:06:00
Potatoes - one of the worst seasons on record in Poland
/ News
The mood of potato producers has been very pessimistic for a long time, and the passage of time brings no sign of improvement. This is the worst season in years, say growers, and fresh-market.pl
2021-04-08 10:37:00
Poland - another apple season is coming - what awaits fruit growers and how to prepare?
The activity of many industries in the current situation related to the global COVID-19 outbreak is put into question. The fruit and vegetable sector is no exception. Fruit growers faced many
2006-00-00 00:00:00
Odmiany malin hodowane pod kątem przeznaczenia
Maliny najczęściej hoduje się pod katem ich przeznaczenia - na rynek owoców deserowych i do przetwórstwa. W Polsce odmiany deserowe owocujące na pędach dwuletnich, to: Laszka,
2021-03-23 23:49:00
The ecological products that we offer come from one of the cleanest regions of Europe. The farm is located near the Polesie National Park. We offer certified organic products of the highest
2020-10-02 13:00:00
Ukraina – wysokie plony późnego ziemniaka
Denis Woronyj, założyciel Elite-Vegetable LLC w regionie Czernihowa (Ukraina), ocenia ten rok w segmencie ziemniaków na trzy plus w pięciostopniowej skali. Według
2018-12-12 12:59:59
Retail chains are raging with kaki fruits in Poland.
For some time now we have had a full season for Spanish kaki. Fruits are available for sale practically everywhere - from retail chains to small, residential vegetable grocery stores. Among Poles
2018-12-06 09:40:51
Bananas are even cheaper this season in Poland.
On the Polish market it is becoming more and more clear how prices and trade in bananas in general is strongly correlated with the situation in the apple trade. In seasons when apple prices are
2018-12-03 15:52:56
This is probably the minimum price for kaki fruit in Poland.
We have a full season for Spanish kaki fruit in Poland. Fruits are available for sale practically everywhere - from retail chains to small, residential vegetable grocery stores. Everyone benefits
2018-09-28 10:15:54
Fresh Market Award 2018
The innovative Knox ™ formula prolongs the freshness of the lettuce after harvest, delaying the staining of the leaves in pink. In this way, it lengthens freshness, reduces the amount of
2018-08-21 20:33:55
A new variety of raspberry tomato characterized by: - great taste and aroma - a long stalk - smaller dry top rot Variety: - it tolerates heat very well - it works well in early December
2018-08-16 13:29:11
A new property of 10 lettuce varieties, among others Roman, Batawska, brittle, butter, Salanova® Crispy and Salanova® Butter, which delays the coloration of the leaves, after harvesting.
2018-08-16 13:35:18
A wide range of organic seeds for sprouts along with a complementary assortment. Their innovativeness consists in cultivation without chemical and microbiological contamination, in accordance with
2018-08-15 12:42:39
The POLOMarket chain confirms its participation in the Fresh Market conference 2018
Today, POLOmarket is nearly 280 modern facilities present both in small and large cities throughout Poland. is a favorite shopping place for millions of Poles. Monthly, POLOmarket visits nearly
2018-02-14 11:10:08
Rosja zakazała importu jabłek importu z białoruskich firm
Decyzja o zakazie importu została podjęta po wynikach kontroli białoruskich producentów i eksporterów owoców i warzyw. Rosselchoznadzor zakazuje importu
2014-08-05 19:32:20
Firma z ok. Lipska: kupię maliny
                Firma kupi maliny odmian Polka i Polesie na mrożenie. Sad-Bis 27-300 LipskoZofiówka  125 woj.
2013-04-24 08:04:16
Ekologiczne „bazarki” w Lublinie
EkoBazar na ul. Bramowej w Lublinie ruszył w sierpniu ubiegłego roku. Targ produktów ekologicznych odbywał się co sobota. Po raz ostatni zakupy można tu było zrobić tuż
2012-06-04 10:30:00
Sterowanie dojrzewaniem malin
Doświadczenie to było przeprowadzane w latach 2007 - 2010. Jego celem było wydłużenie owocowania odmian letnio-jesiennych malin uprawianych w polu. Efekt próbowano uzyskać
2012-05-04 09:21:29
Poles eat most fruit and veg in EU?
Poles eat 577 grams of fruit and vegetables a day, the highest amount in 13 EU nations studied by the European Food Information Council (EUFIC). Only four nations studied reached
2012-02-10 00:00:00
Citrus fruits and bananas instead of apples
Poles eat less apples and vegetables as: cabbage, onion, beetroot and carrot. Instead of those products they consume much more citrus fruits and bananas (about 12 kg per year). The