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2023-07-12 00:00:00
Caries for blueberries. How can it be most easily supplied?
On Dr Pawel Krawiec's farm where the Blueberry Factory project is being implemented, several lignite-based products are used. On the recently planted blueberry plantations, where the plants are
2023-07-11 00:00:00
Uzbekistan doubled plum exports
Plum cultivation in Uzbekistan is demonstrating promising growth in exports, as evidenced by the latest statistical data. According to official data provided by the Statistical Agency, from
2023-07-11 00:00:00
Pick n Pay mandarin sales support Africa’s only dedicated children’s hospital
This is the final week of Pick n Pay’s annual June campaign that leverages mandarin popularity in aid of charity. Their Crafted Collection mandarins (showcasing some of “the best varieties in
2023-07-11 00:00:00
Poor' fruit and vegetables dominate 2023 with stellar prices
We are in the middle of the summer campaign and, by now, all the key references of the season have made their debut; these last few months have presented us with the bill for climate change; in
2023-07-11 11:00:00
South Africa has its say on AGOA
The South African citrus industry has always said that its products are valued across the globe for their high quality. This is also the case in the US, where growers from the Western and Northern
2023-07-11 00:00:00
Rząd stanu Karnataka wycofuje poprawki do ustawy APMC
W ubiegły piątek kierowany przez Kongres rząd Karnataki ogłosił, że zdecydował się wycofać zmiany wprowadzone do ustawy o Komitecie Rynku Produktów Rolnych (APMC)
2023-07-11 11:00:00
Biobest completes Bioworks transaction
Biobest has announced the completion of the transaction to acquire US-based biopesticide manufacturer and marketer BioWorks. According to the group, the BioWorks acquisition accelerates its
2023-07-11 00:00:00
Uzbekistan podwoił eksport śliwek
Prawa śliwek w Uzbekistanie wykazuje obiecujący wzrost eksportu, o czym świadczą najnowsze dane statystyczne. Zgodnie z oficjalnymi danymi dostarczonymi przez Agencję
2023-07-11 00:00:00
Nowozelandzka cebula jest tańsza w Wielkiej Brytanii niż w kraju
O dziwo, nowozelandzka brązowa cebula sprzedaje się taniej w brytyjskim supermarkecie niż w samej Nowej Zelandii. Tweet zwrócił uwagę na cenę cebuli w Tesco, która była
2023-07-11 00:00:00
Haut-Poitou Melon PGI celebrates 25 years
Melons from the Haut-Poitou region are usually harvested from July onwards, but this year’s excellent spring weather conditions have been favorable to their growth, shortening the ripening cycle
2023-07-11 00:00:00
Firma produkująca soki ukarana grzywną i skazana za oskalpowanie 18-letniego pracownika w 2020 r.
Południowoaustralijska firma produkująca soki została ukarana grzywną w wysokości 120 000 USD po tym, jak pracownica została oskalpowana podczas incydentu w miejscu pracy. Incydent
2023-07-11 00:00:00
"Last years challenges were phenomenal"
“We are unique as we not only grow the tomatoes but package and sell them as well, which is very unusual in our sector,“ says Dutch greenhouse grower RedStar CFO Peter Kalden. “That gives us
2023-07-11 00:00:00
The EC will continue to reduce phytosanitary measures
The pesticide reduction targets in the Commission's proposal for a Regulation on the sustainable use of plant protection products ("SUR") "do not threaten food safety, even if the impact of the
2023-07-11 00:00:00
Bananas from Guatemala at £1.01: 4% drop from last week
This series gives the average wholesale prices of bananas by country of origin. The prices are national averages of the most usual prices charged for bananas at wholesale markets in Birmingham and
2023-07-11 00:00:00
The Ercolini pear season started 10 days earlier than usual in Lleida
The Ercolini pear season in Baix Segre, a region in the northeastern Spanish province of Lleida, has started about 10 days earlier than usual. According to Jordi Vidal, head of the provincial
2023-07-10 00:00:00
Fresh produce segment growing in former USSR Asian countries
While the fresh produce sector is experiencing both positive and negative aspects in many areas in Europe, other areas are going through significant developments. Futura srl, specialized in
2023-07-10 00:00:00
"I've been in business for 33 years, but prices have never been this high"
In Spain, the harvest of fresh onions started about three weeks ago. "Overseas produce is also available to us, although the quantities are slowly dwindling. We are also already selling the first
2023-07-10 00:00:00
Iran odnotowuje 70% spadek eksportu orzechów i suszonych owoców
Irański eksport orzechów i suszonych owoców wyniósł 1 miliard dolarów w okresie marzec 2022-23. Oznacza to spadek o 70% w porównaniu do 2,5 mld USD w poprzednim roku,
2023-07-10 10:00:00
Jakie są ceny młodej kapusty?
Koniec pierwszego tygodnia lipca bieżącego roku przyniósł zatrzymanie trendu zniżkowego cen młodej kapusty białej w polskim dużym hurcie. Trendu, którego spadkowa
2023-07-10 00:00:00
Final event of the European project PERFECT Life
The European Perfect Life project, which has a multidisciplinary and cross-cutting value, aims to reduce the use and emission of pesticides into the environment with user-friendly tools and
2023-07-10 09:00:00
Państwowa interwencja na rynku maliny przemysłowej
Niemal dokładnie przed rokiem, bo 11 lipca 2022, pisaliśmy na łamach portalu fresh-market.pl o spadku cen malin przemysłowych (tutaj). Tekst ten zatytułowany był prosto: „Ceny
2023-07-10 00:00:00
"New puree has unique fresh garlic flavor"
In the Netherlands, fresh garlic harvesting is in full swing at Beemster Garlic. "This year's weather extremes mean yields and grading are slightly lower. Some skins are missing across the board,
2023-07-10 00:00:00
Insulina jest hodowana w sałacie
Insulina może być hodowana w liściach sałaty i przyjmowana doustnie. Jest to odkrycie dokonane przez grupę badaczy z University of Pennsylvania (USA) i stanowi duży krok
2023-07-10 00:00:00
Australia's first tearless onions launch exclusively in Woolworths
There’s no use crying over onions any longer as Australia’s first crop of Happy Chop - Tearless Onions launches exclusively in Woolworths Supermarkets stores across NSW, Victoria and the ACT
2023-07-10 00:00:00
Fundusz Ochrony Rolnictwa – nowe prawo już obowiązuje
W dniu 1 lipca 2023 r. weszła w życie ustawa o Funduszu Ochrony Rolnictwa. Celem zasadniczym powstania tego aktu prawnego było stworzenie możliwości prawnych, jakie zagwarantowałyby