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2020-11-18 12:00:00
Maroko wyprzedziło Almerię w eksporcie pomidorów do UE
Maroko, którego harmonogram produkcji jest bardzo podobny do hiszpańskiego, jest głównym konkurentem tego kraju w produkcji i sprzedaży pomidorów w Unii
2015-01-20 12:05:15
4% decrease in exports of Greek fruits and vegetables in 2014 due to Russia's ban
According to special advisor to the association of Greek exporters of fruits, vegetables and juices Incofruit-Hellas George Polichronakis, a decrease in the value of exports was reported in 2014,
2015-01-15 09:39:58
Apple and pears reserves in EU
Regarding the production of apples, a total of 12,175,000 tonnes are expected, compared to the previous prospect of 11,893,000 tonnes; an increase of 282,000 tonnes (+2.37%).This increase is
2014-08-11 11:30:58
EU to analyze Russia’s food import ban
A meeting of the EU Council may be convened at a required level in the coming days, if necessary, the EU source said.It is early to say whether the EU will take measures in response to the Russian
2014-06-18 11:24:48
EU to increase Chinese garlic import quota
With this decision, all hopes of the Spanish garlic sector, which had issued warnings about the economic and social consequences that this could entail for Spain due to unfair competition in terms
2014-06-06 11:24:22
Spanish export of strawberries
Last year Spanish producers exported 266,5 thousand tons of strawberries. In 2012 it was 287,9 thousand tons. Of course, the main importers of Spanish fruits are countries from European Union
2014-05-29 12:18:08
EU says yes to bigger import of Chinese garlic
This decision will cause "the current price crisis situation to worsen," according to the organisation. The UPA representative in Brussels, Javier Corrales, explained that the answer provided by
2014-04-30 09:50:00
EU: decline in consumption, increase in exports
This is a decrease of 8.2% compared with 2011 and a decrease of 8.7% compared with the average of the years 2007-2011. It means that consumption in the EU28 remains under the level recommended by
2014-04-16 10:04:43
EU wants to reduce vegetable transport prices
Almost a quarter of all trucks circulating on European roads are empty on any given day, either while going back to their points of origin or between two shipments. According to a report accessed
2014-04-15 09:38:22
Winter vegetable crisis in France
Cabbage production dropped by 35%, leeks by 30% and carrots by half, due to a mild, rainy winter. ''The fields were full of water which made it impossible to use the machines. We had to pick the
2014-03-27 15:14:53
EU to ban Indian mangoes, vegetables
The prohibition, which goes into effect in May, covers mangoes, aubergines, the taro plant and two types of gourd. These represent less than 5 per cent of the bloc’s fresh fruit and vegetable
2014-03-26 15:39:50
Russia lifts import ban on Dutch seed potatoes
Rosselkhoznadzor said a laboratory examination had not revealed any quarantine organisms in batches supplied from the Netherlands, allowing therefore about 17,600 tons of Dutch seed potatoes to be
2013-11-29 09:40:31
EU has suspended import of citrus fruit from SA
Mycosis afflicts fruits in subtropical climat but it does not occur in Europe. Infected fruits have been found in 36 transports from South Africa. Supplies from South Africa constitute about 1/3
2013-11-13 10:42:11
Spain: Increasing export of raspberries
According to the data published by Freshuelva (assosiation of strawberry producers and exporters) export of raspberry increased everywhere. To countries from outside of European Union at about
2013-03-29 10:57:59
Tomato export in 2012
The volume of exports of tomatoes in 2012 was 92.3 thousand. tons with the value of 322.5 million PLN. Comparing this with the data from the year 2011 shows that 2012 was much better for the
2013-03-07 10:16:34
Anti-GMO campaign!
The amended Law of the Seed,restricts the marketing and registration of GM seeds, but the Council of Ministers prohibits the sowing of such seeds in Polish fields. This includes cultivation of
2013-01-10 09:14:08
Danes don't want Polish vegetables
As the Danish newspaper "Politiken" writes, their opinions about Polish food are based on well-established over the years, stereotypes and prejudices. Boil down to assertions that
2012-05-04 09:21:29
Poles eat most fruit and veg in EU?
Poles eat 577 grams of fruit and vegetables a day, the highest amount in 13 EU nations studied by the European Food Information Council (EUFIC). Only four nations studied reached
2012-03-22 08:00:00
Polish farmers buy tractors willingly
Year 2011 was a record-breaking with regard to selling tractors since Poland has joined European Union. The last year result is very good even against a background of other European countries.
2012-03-08 10:00:00
Zmiany do dyrektywy sokowej
Celem zmian jest dostosowanie dyrektywy sokowej do zmieniających się przepisów w zakresie żywności i wyjście naprzeciw oczekiwaniom konsumentów. Do
2009-01-16 00:00:00
The organic sector in Poland
The development of organic agriculture in Poland is considered to be very important since it will provide new jobs, encourage the development of rural areas and foster the protection of the
2009-01-12 00:00:00
Overview of Poland's Booming Food Processing Sector
6 Jan - The food processing and catering industries in Poland are increasingly interested in importing processed fruits and vegetables and baking ingredients such as baking mixes and fats. There
2008-11-12 00:00:00
EC rejected Polish and Hungarian proposal on protection of apple market
The European Commission rejected the demand proposed by Poland and Hungary for enforcing the protection of the union market against the import of cheap Chinese apple concentrate. According to