Codziennie świeże ceny z punktów skupu w całej Polsce. Korzystaj z naszych informacji.

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2021-05-07 11:02:00
Forecast for the fruit harvest in Poland in 2021 ( press mat.)
Just a few days ago, we were faced with a weather collapse. European countries were flooded by a wave of cold, which had a devastating effect on fruit-growing areas. The frosts affected Italy,
2021-04-29 10:55:00
Apple prices have not risen in Poland, but...
April saw no increase in apple prices on the Polish wholesale market. Not only on the Polish market, but also in Ukraine and Moldavia. The recent frosts, which damaged fruit crops in Europe, have
2021-04-28 10:21:00
Polish orchards also were frozen
This spring has been exceptionally unfavourable for fruit growers, but so far the heavy frosts have avoided Poland. Until this week. After the waves of low temperatures, which caused considerable
2021-04-16 10:08:00
Polish orchards not too bad so far
Polish orchards have been spared the big temperature drops that swept across Europe in several waves in March and April. At least for the time being. Even the south of the continent was not spared
2021-04-15 13:00:00
Niemcy i Austria – uprawy ucierpiały od mrozu
Mróz, grad i silne wahania temperatur charakteryzują aktualną sytuację pogodową w Niemczech. Wahania pogody mają również ogromny wpływ na rolnictwo. FreshPlaza
2021-03-04 10:38:00
Polish onion market is still in trouble
In January and February, when the cold winter weather arrived, prices for a number of domestic vegetables rose due to the ongoing decline in supply. Onions reacted relatively least at that time,
2021-03-01 12:43:00
Greenhouse cucumbers - a rapid fall in prices in Poland
The last week of February this year brought a fall in domestic greenhouse cucumber prices. The new season for these vegetables in Polish greenhouses has only recently begun, but the very warm
2021-02-17 12:12:00
Chinese cabbage in Poland- will there be a price record?
The real winter we have had this season has clearly affected the situation on the fresh vegetable market in Poland. Most of the main domestic winter offer vegetables have gained in price on the
2021-02-12 11:14:00
Celery prices are also in the upward trend in Poland
After the mid-December plunge last year, celery prices in the Polish wholesale market have stagnated, as has the demand for this vegetable. However, it was not only Polish producers and
2021-02-10 12:30:00
Weather has supported the growth of cabbage prices in Poland
The prices of white cabbage have been rising in the Polish wholesale market since January. But this growth was slow and with resistance. The growth was created primarily by synoptic conditions,
2021-02-09 11:16:00
Spanish strawberries - supply is growing, but with problems. Wholesale prices in Poland.
The strawberry campaign in Spain is still, in terms of its commercial dimension, at a fairly early stage. But the current supply of strawberries picked in the fields of Huelva is growing. The
2021-02-09 12:07:00
Chinese cabbage in Poland - will there be a price collapse?
In February, the prices of Chinese cabbage are falling quite often. This is a temporary "price collapse", which in unfavourable conditions may extend even to the beginning of March.
2021-02-05 08:00:00
Holandia – niełatwy sezon dla selerów
Sezon selerowy 2020/2021 rozpoczął się w połowie roku 2020 w takcie pandemii COVID-19. „Problemy związane z pandemią na szczęście nie zaważyły na końcu
2020-12-10 13:00:00
Chiny – zbiory jabłek będą mniejsze
Przewiduje się, że największy na świecie producent jabłek, Chiny odnotują w sezonie 2020/2021 spadek zbiorów tych owoców o prawie 5 procent do 40,5 mln ton
2013-11-27 00:00:00
CK Frost Sp. z o.o.
CK Frost Sp. z o.o. (Śmiłowice koło Włocławka, woj. kujawsko-pomorskie) zajmuje się skupem, uszlachetnianiem, zamrażaniem, sortowaniem, sprzedażą i dystrybucją OWOCÓW
2019-04-18 12:17:05
Chile zwiększa eksport borówki
Chilijscy producenci borówek wysokich stale zwiększają eksport tych owoców. Według analityków EastFruit, odnoszących się do danych International Trade Centre (ITC), Chile
2018-11-21 16:10:55
Frost in Poland ruins fruit growers' plans?
Strong frosts that have recently passed over Poland have thwarted the plans of many fruit growers. The frost that last nights attacked the fruit-growing regions of Poland ruins the plans of
2018-10-25 11:39:27
High apple yields are estimated in EU countries, which will increase competition on foreign markets. And what is the global situation like?
The drought had a negative impact on apple yields in Western Europe. According to the German statistics office, apple harvests in Germany (the largest EU apple recipient from Poland) may amount to
2018-03-12 10:00:00
Irlandia – ziemniaki zagrożone przez mróz
W Irlandii, ale także Irlandii Północnej oraz innych rejonach Wysp Brytyjskich warunki pogodowe podczas zbiorów jesiennych były bardzo niekorzystne. Z tego powodu znacząca
2016-08-24 08:56:36
Firma z okolicy Chocenia: kupię śliwki
Firma CK Frost Chłodnia Śmiłowice (koło Włocławka) kupi śliwkę Węgierkę na mrożenie kaliber 25 - 38 mm   CK Frost Sp. z o.o. Śmiłowice 85 kujawsko-pomorskie telefon:
2016-08-18 23:42:25
Firma z okolicy Chocenia: kupię śliwki
          Firma jest zainteresowana śliwkami odmiany Węgierka w kalibrze 25 – 38 mm. CK Frost Sp. z o.o. Śmiłowice 85 kujawsko-pomorskie telefon:
2016-08-18 19:32:20
Firma ze |Śmiłowic: kupię śliwki
Firma CK Frost Chłodnia Śmiłowice (koło Włocławka) kupi śliwkę Węgierkę na mrożenie kaliber 25 - 38 mm.     CK Frost Sp. z o. o.Śmiłowice 8587-850 Choceń tel.: 606
2015-09-14 16:19:35
Firma z Kujaw: kupię śliwkę węgierkę
      CK Frost Sp. z o. o.Śmiłowice 8587-850 Choceń telefon 606 484 617