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2015-09-14 16:17:31
Firma z Kujaw: kupię brokuł różyczkowany
        CK Frost Sp. z o.o.Śmiłowice 85606 614 19954 284 54 00skup@ckfrost.pl
2014-07-01 18:25:13
Firma z okolic Włocławka: kupię brokuły
Każda ilość, z dostawą.   CK Frost Sp. z o. o.Śmiłowice 8587-850 Choceń telefon 606 484 617
2014-04-15 09:38:22
Winter vegetable crisis in France
Cabbage production dropped by 35%, leeks by 30% and carrots by half, due to a mild, rainy winter. ''The fields were full of water which made it impossible to use the machines. We had to pick the
2014-03-12 11:11:36
Frosta zaczyna sprzedaż mrożonych ziół
Mrożone zioła wzbogacą smak każdego dania, zarówno na zimno, jak i na ciepło – sosów, marynat, zup, sałatek i surówek, czy kanapek. Siekane i mrożone tuż po
2013-11-30 10:42:41
Firma z okolic Włocławka: kupię brokuł różyczkowany
CK Frost Sp. z o. o.Śmiłowice 8587-850 Choceń telefon 606 484 617
2013-01-13 14:55:31
Sadownicy w hotelu Gromada
Targi odbyły się w piątek i sobotę (11 i 12 stycznia) w warszawskim hotelu Gromada. Przyciągnęły 170 wystawców - nie tylko producentów sprzętu dla
2012-10-02 06:50:07
Все о новых технологиях шоковой заморозки фруктов и овощей. Интервью с Ириной Ларссон
Fruit news: Ирина, давайте сразу же перейдем к сути. Расскажите, в чем заключается основной принцип и
2011-11-03 09:04:47
Bigger supply of cauliflowers and broccoli
As a result supply of this vegetables has increased. Producer prices are stable – 1.40-1.50 PLN (0.32-0.34 euro)/pcs for broccoli and 1.80-2.00 PLN (0.41-0.45 euro)/pcs for
2011-05-06 00:00:00
Poland: Farmers fear frost may damage harvest
The sudden drop in temperature has prompted panic in sections of the Polish farming community, amidst fears that yields of apples and other fruit will be damaged. Losses have already been reported
2010-12-29 00:00:00
Stable prices of carrot
After increase before Christmas, prices of carrot remain stable. The supply of domestic as well as imported carrot is sufficient and the market is rather calm, also due to frosty weather which
2010-12-06 00:00:00
Stable price of Chinese cabbage
Although prices of most vegetables are growing, prices of Chinese cabbage remain stable due to relatively high supply of the product. Winter weather (huge snowfall and frost) also contributed to
2010-10-12 00:00:00
Weekly summary – price analysis (04.10 – 08.10.2010)– vegetables
Sunny weather at the beginning of October was contributed to better harvest of vegetables. Producers of cauliflowers and broccoli had especially a lot of work because they wanted to collect as
2010-08-16 00:00:00
Production of sour cherries in Poland
Production area of sour cherries in Poland grew from 34,4 thousand ha in 2005 to 37,6 thousand ha in 2007. It was due to relatively satisfactory prices of sour cherries for processing  (in
2010-01-31 00:00:00
Weekly summary – price analysis (25.01 – 31.01.2010)
Last week one could observe a slight increase in the prices of apples, however it is due to the beginning of purchase of apples from cold stores, and not real price growth. Prices of apples from
2010-01-28 00:00:00
Poland: difficult trade due to heavy frost
Due to heavy frost the trade in vegetables is very difficult. Low temperatures are very unfavorable for example, brassicas. Even short exposure to temperatures of -10 degrees causes damages. Many
2010-01-28 00:00:00
Poland: growing prices of root vegetables
Due to heavy frost one can observe decrease in supply of brassicas as well as root vegetables. Yesterday we wrote about increase in prices of carrot but prices of parsley or celeriac also
2010-01-27 00:00:00
Poland: stable prices of domestic leeks
Despite heavy frost prices of domestic leeks remain stable. On Tuesday, January 26th the price of good quality leeks was 3.00-4.00 PLN (0.73-0.97 euro)/kg. The price of leeks of poor quality was
2010-01-25 00:00:00
Weekly summary – price analysis (18-24.01.2010)
Prices of apples for processing remained stable. In purchasing centers the price was 0.15 PLN (0.037 euro)/kg and in processing plants - 0.18 – 0.19 PLN (0.044-0.47 euro)/kg. The supply of such
2010-01-25 00:00:00
Poland: further increase in apples prices
Demand for Polish apples is growing but due to the heavy frost many fruit growers do not open cold stores. The purchase centers increase prices to encourage producers to sell apples. Since the
2010-01-14 00:00:00
Poland: stable prices of celeriac
Although frosty weather makes trade in fresh vegetables more difficult and results in their lower supply, in the case of celeriac this has not yet influenced their prices. Prices of washed
2010-01-11 00:00:00
Weekly summary – price analysis (04 – 10.01.2010)
Last week the weather was probably one of the most important factors influencing the situation on the wholesale market of fruit and vegetables. Due to frost and snow the trade and transport were
2010-01-11 00:00:00
Poland: high prices of leeks
In the current season, prices of leeks remain high. On Friday, January 8th the wholesale price of leeks was 3 - 5 PLN (0.73-1.22 euro)/kg. High prices are caused by small supply of leeks on the
2010-01-04 00:00:00
Weekly summary – price analysis (21 - 31.12.2009)
In the last decade of December the most important for the trade was as usual period just before Christmas. On the wholesale markets one could observe bigger sales and prices of some domestic
2009-12-22 00:00:00
Poland: further increase in tomatoes prices
At the beginning of the week prices of tomatoes increased again. On the market one can observe big demand for tomatoes so it is not surprising that their prices increase. Frosty weather that
2009-11-09 00:00:00
Poland: frost delayed the harvest of cabbages
For the past few nights the temperature dropped even below -5 ° C. In some areas of małopolskie and mazowieckie provinces the temperature reached even -7 ° C. Frost delayed the harvest of