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AVITA at fresh Market 2018

2018-08-24 13:02

Trading chain Avita stores were established at the turn of 1995/1996 based solely on Polish capital. In the early years of its activity, dynamic development was based on the creation of our own retail outlets in southern Poland. In 2005 they established their company Avita Stores, whose mission was to create an innovative model of interoperability of retail units throughout the country. The aim of the Avita chain is to support Polish traditional trade. Avita has 81 stores in Poland.

Fresh Market 2018 - the XI meeting of buyers from  retail chains of Central and Eastern Europe with suppliers of fruit, vegetables and flowers will take place on 27th of September 2018 in Ożarów Mazowiecki near Warsaw - next to the largest in Poland Warsaw Wholesale Market "Bronisze".  

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