Codziennie świeże ceny z punktów skupu w całej Polsce. Korzystaj z naszych informacji.

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Znaleziono podstron zawierających "fair"
2018-03-14 14:23:20
Warzywa z dachu supermarketu
W Wielkiej Brytanii, wydatki na napoje i produkty spożywcze wytwarzane w sposób etyczny, w tym te organiczne oraz w ramach systemu Fairtrade, są wyceniane na przeszło 10
2018-01-18 13:28:28
Czy zastanawiasz się nad sprzedażą do Chin?
Głębokie zrozumienie chińskiego rynku owoców jest bardzo potrzebne przed wejściem do Chin. Targi Fruit Expo pokażą Ci, jak obiecujący jest chiński rynek
2016-09-30 08:00:00
Zaproszenie na targi w Chinach
Ministerstwo Rolnictwa i Rozwoju Wsi organizuje narodowe stoisko informacyjno-promocyjne podczas targów rolno-spożywczych  The 14th China International Agricultural Trade Fair (CAFT),
2016-07-22 12:00:00
Wielka szansa dla polskich producentów owoców i warzyw - wywiad
21 czerwca br. Ministerstwo Rolnictwa i Rozwoju Wsi podpisało porozumienie w sprawie otwarcia rynku Dalekiego Wschodu na polską żywność z chińskim urzędem ds. nadzoru
2015-07-07 13:43:47
Carrefour at Fresh Market Conference
Carrefour Polska is owned 100% by the Carrefour Group, a French hypermarket and supermarket chain. The Carrefour Group was founded in France in 1959. The first supermarket was opened in
2015-06-19 12:22:41
Dino market looking for suppliers
In 1999 in the Wielkopolskie voivodeship the first DINO stores were opened.Today the chain consists of more that 120 stores with an average sales area of 400 m2, located primarily in the
2015-06-10 12:41:00
Fresh Market Conference - register and save 20%
We are pleased to inform you that registration is open now. In order to submit participation in Fresh Market 2015 fill in the registration form. It takes only three minutes. The registration
2015-05-25 15:50:00
FB Antczak odbuduje spaloną halę targową w Broniszach
FB Antczak zostało generalnym wykonawcą projektu odbudowy hali Warszawskiego Rolno – Spożywczego Rynku Hurtowego w Broniszach. W grudniu ubiegłego spłonęła blisko połowa
2015-05-12 12:00:00
Bolzano, 12 May 2015 - Almost 100,000 participants over eight days dedicated to the importance of sport in preventing diseases such as breast cancer. These are some of the figures from Carrera
2015-03-04 09:49:30
Polish apple producer associations unite against crisis
One of them is the LubApple initiative, which brings together six groups of producers from the Lublin area: ZPO Stryjno-Sad, Lubsad, Witabo, FruVitaLand and SADPOL ZPO, allowing it joint
2015-02-09 09:57:31
Record number of trade visitors, exhibitors and innovations at FRUIT LOGISTICA 2015
Berlin, 6 February 2015 – FRUIT LOGISTICA 2015 underlined its role as the world's leading trade fair for the fresh produce industry. Offering a comprehensive market overview of the fresh
2015-01-12 15:52:06
Ten years FRUIT LOGISTICA Innovation Award – Detailed information about the ten FLIA 2015 nominees
These innovations will be presented to more than 60,000 trade visitors from over 120 countries on 4-6 February at the special FLIA display located between Halls 20 and 21. The winner will be
2014-11-21 13:16:55
Singapur dla polskich jabłek za daleko?
W czwartek wiceminister rolnictwa Tadeusz Nalewajk poinformował, że partie polskich jabłek wyeksportowanych do Singapuru oraz Indii dotarły na miejsce zepsute. Tadeusz Nalewajk przyznał,
2014-09-25 10:54:42
Polish producers at Fruit Expo
Among them are such companies as: Agro-Pol, Agro TFC and EuroVeg. Agro-Pol company was established in 1992 and specializes in production of asparagus and apples. AgroTFC products and
2014-09-09 14:52:58
Voting for Product of the Year has started!
Fresh Market Award - Product of the Year is the contest for the most innovative product in fruit and vegetable industry. Candidates for the title of Product of the Year 2014 are products and
2014-05-29 10:07:30
Registration is open now!
The system is available on the official event website: willing to take part in the Fresh Market 20134 and the evening reception may register online by completing
2014-05-16 10:27:17
FRUIT EXPO 2014 - International Fruit & Vegetable Trade Show
Since the beginning of the Fresh Market an exhibition has been an additional element accompanying the main event which are meetings of producers and sellers with buyers from retail networks.
2014-03-18 15:39:50
Help shape the future of the UK fresh produce industry
Where do you and your business fit in? How will the trade evolve and what will it take to be successful in the new environment?These are the questions that will be addressed and answered at FPJ
2014-03-17 14:04:01
Medfel: The Mediterranean Business platform
The discussions and debates taking place from 13 to 15 May in Perpignan make MedFEL a unique link, forging closer connections between the two sides of the Mediterranean. The fair fully meets
2013-09-13 08:11:51
Natura Iblea
Our customers are the greatest and specialized supply chains in Europe. The company Natura Iblea now produces on about 120 hectares of organic land in greenhouses and open field and employs
2013-09-13 10:20:25
Natura Iblea – sicilian passion
Our customers are the greatest and specialized supply chains in Europe. The company Natura Iblea now produces on about 120 hectares of organic land in greenhouses and open field and
2013-08-23 10:00:00
Głosowanie na Produkt Roku rozpoczęte!
Fresh Market Award - Produkt Roku to konkurs na najbardziej innowacyjny produkt w brażny owoców i warzyw. Kandydatami do tytułu Produkt Roku 2013 są produkty oraz
2013-07-31 10:22:52
Last days of promotion
It is a unique opportunity to establish business contacts and to reach international clients from European countries. It is also a chance to meet representatives of biggest retail chains from