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Znaleziono podstron zawierających "cabbage prices"
2014-04-01 10:36:19
Demand for early cabbage
Early cabbage imported from Italy have been available for a longer time. Prices are not high and we could notice a slight drop. Now it is about 28.00 - 30.00 PLN/ 6kg box. As at the end of March
2014-03-28 08:00:00
Poland: export of chinese cabbage
Of course Polish Chinese cabbage is imported to the Western Europe but current situation is quite specific. Supply of Chinese cabbage in Holland is low. This is why Dutch importers buy Polish one
2014-03-26 11:00:00
Chinese cabbage prices up in Ukraine and Poland
In particular, Chinese cabbages are offered at Krymskiy Privoz Wholesale Market (Simferopol, Crimea, Ukraine) at UAH 7-8/kg (EUR 0.46-0.52/kg), an increase of 14-17% week-on-week. We would remind
2014-03-24 09:42:50
Ukrainian fresh produce price index down due to problems with exports to Russia
“A decrease in the fresh produce price index is connected with a sharp fall in prices of greenhouse vegetables, which were registered due to growing outputs and problems with exports to the
2014-03-24 09:49:02
Demand for Chinese cabbage starts to go up in Poland
Due to low export rates and enough amount of this kind of vegetables on the domestic market of Poland, prices for Chinese cabbage remain quite stable since February 2014. This week Russian
2014-03-18 10:22:25
Lower demand for red cabbage
Prices of red cabbage are much higher than white. It's not an extraordinary situation but there were years when white cabbage was more expensive. The chart below shows that current season is
2013-11-27 10:18:26
Chinese cabbage - it is getting better
Each year in Autum Chinese cabbage is cheap and there are not many purchasers interested in this vegetable. It is a difficult and stressful time for producers. It is known that prices will rise
2013-11-20 10:27:53
Dropping prices of vegetables
Last week we could observe dropping prices of fruits and vegetables in Ukraine. Price index published by fruit-inform.com fell down at 2.9% in a previous week. Most of traditional vegetables were
2013-11-20 10:26:42
Dropping prices of vegetables
Last week we could observe dropping prices of fruits and vegetables in Ukraine. Price index published by fruit-inform.com fell down at 2.9% in a previous week. Most of traditional vegetables were
2013-11-06 15:07:59
Poland: lower price of red cabbage
At the beginning of September the average price of red cabbage was at the stable level 0.56 EUR/kg. Currently it is two times less - 0.26 EUR/kg. Despite this, it can be noticed that the price
2013-03-26 12:33:44
Good cabbage season
Cabbage prices in March were behaving as it was expected. Although price growth has gradually decreased since February, but still managed good price level - from 1.20 to 1.50 zł / kg.
2013-03-15 15:35:21
A little more for a red cabbage
In the beginnig February, we reported on the portal fresh-matket.pl that the chances of red cabbage price increases are small. Currently, red cabbage prices in our market increased
2013-03-12 10:37:52
Young cabbage on a Polish market!
We wrote recently what is happening on the market of white cabbage  In general it is not very good, and the prices are very low. Meanwhile, the Polish have already hit its first
2013-03-11 11:04:42
Cabbage is waiting for its time
Expectations at the beginning of the season were great.With exports to Romania, prices go up and it seemed that the high expectations from the beginning of the season confirmed quickly and
2012-12-11 08:05:30
Cabage will get more expensive
After an earlier reduction, savoy cabbage prices back to the level of 0.70 - 0.90 zł / kg. Stable prices are consequence of stable level of supply and demand. Although generally sell of
2012-07-09 00:00:00
Young sprouts are still cheap
Język oryginału: polski     The supplies of cabbage are so large that even a further increase have changed little in price. On a much
2012-06-15 14:52:31
Decreasing demand for Chinese cabbage
At the same time as there was a bit of Chinese cabbage on the market, especially such good enough for export, the demand was really high. Russians ware buying cabbage even at quite high prices.
2012-06-12 08:00:00
Early cabbage – what next?
Due to drought the supply of early cabbage was not as fast as expected. In some regions of Poland prices of this vegetable have risen at the end of May. However few rainy days and warmer
2012-05-04 09:45:37
Prices of imported cabbage
Young white cabbage form Macedonia 25 zł / carton 7 units, Young cabbage from Hungary 3.00 - 3.15 zł / kg. Chinese cabbage with Węgierznacznie gone up in price at the end of April.
2012-04-27 16:02:24
Prices of vegetables near Warsaw
Beetroots – 0.25 – 0.35 PLN/ kg Onion – 2.50 – 3.00 PLN/ 15 bag White cabbage – 4.00 PLN/ 20 kg Red cabbage – 0.40 – 0.50 PLN/
2012-04-12 08:00:00
Prices of vegetables near Warsaw
Red beets – 0.25 – 0.35 PLN/kg Onion – 0.20 – 0.30 PLN/kg (depending on size and packaging) Red onion – 0.75 – 1.00 PLN/ kg White cabbage –
2012-04-06 08:00:00
Prices of vegetables in łódzkie province
Washed beetroot – 0.30 – 0.35 PLN/ kg Brushed carrot – 0.80 - 0.90 PLN/kg Brushed parsley root – 1.80 – 2.20 PLN/ kg Washed celeriac – 0.80
2012-03-20 08:00:00
Prices of vegetables in mazowieckie province
Chinese cabbage -1.40 – 1.50 PLN/ kg (best quality cabbage – 1.60 PLN/kg) Onion 4+ - 0.20 – 0.30 PLN/kg Washed beetroot – 0.35 – 0.40 PLN/ kg White
2012-03-16 08:00:00
Market is full of vegetables
The supply on the wholesale market has increased recently. On the market there are again producers who couldn’t trade in February. “there is such big amount of goods on the market
2012-03-06 11:18:45
Diverse prices of Chinese cabbage
Chinese cabbage for export to Russia cost from 1.35 to 1.60 PLN/kg. However the difference does not result from quality. It is good quality cabbage, willow-green or green, weight 0.5 –