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2023-07-05 00:00:00
Tomato variety resistant to fungal diseases. Has a unique flavour and aroma
San Marzano tomatoes are an Italian variety. Its fruits are elongated in shape and bright red in colour. They are characterised by an unusual and unique flavour..More. Go to the article
2023-07-05 00:00:00
The tastiest variety of tomato. Resistant to fungal diseases
San Marzano tomatoes are an Italian variety. Its fruits are elongated in shape and bright red in colour. They are characterised by an unusual and unique flavour..More. Go to the article
2023-05-30 00:00:00
Grey mould and anthracnose - how to control these diseases effectively?
The flowering and fruit-ripening period is a key time to protect strawberry plantations from anthracnose and grey mould. High temperatures and humidity favour the development of these diseases.
2023-05-01 00:00:00
Currants - pests and diseases during flowering (plantation monitoring, Lublin region 28.04.2023).
Coloured currants are now in full bloom in most regions of Poland. This is an important time to carry out inspections for the presence of pests such as currant bollworm, hop spider, aphids and
2023-04-29 00:00:00
The most important blueberry diseases we should combat during flowering
As blueberry flowering is fast approaching, it is worth thinking about good disease protection now. The two most important for blueberries are grey mould and anthracnose. How to prevent infection