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2023-05-09 00:00:00
Flooded fields, what will be left?
A week has passed. A long week marked by days that were all the same, grappling with the water that entered homes and devastated entire farms. After the floods in the Ravenna area, it is still too
2023-05-08 00:00:00
Flood in Romagna, the toll worsens
One disaster after another in the Ravenna area and the alarm does not cease because new, intense rainfall is expected in the coming days. Hydrogeological instability is dragging behind orchards,
2023-05-05 00:00:00
Crop insurance under covers - a new offer on the Polish market
Author: Krystyna Zagorska 05 May 2023 11:30 Horticultural cultivation under cover is exposed to a number of risks, including hail, hurricane, driving rain, flooding and fire. Undesirable weather
2023-05-05 00:00:00
New cover crop insurance - what does the premium depend on?
Author: Krystyna Zagorska 05 May 2023 11:30 Horticultural cultivation under cover is exposed to a number of risks, including hail, hurricane, driving rain, flooding and fire. Undesirable weather
2023-05-04 00:00:00
Rain wipes out fields and orchards
An apocalyptic scenario, the kind you would never want to see: flooded fields, entire neighbourhoods and towns inundated and forced to evacuate, riverbanks breaking as if they were made of paper
2023-04-27 00:00:00
El Niño to return in 2023 following a three-year La Niña phase
The El Niño oceanographic phenomenon forecast to return in June 2023, following three years of La Niña. Dry weather conditions are expected in key cropping areas of Central America, Southern
2023-04-26 09:00:00
Weather hits Southern Hemisphere apple crops
Poor weather has led to forecasts of Southern Hemisphere apple and pear crops being revised downwards. In New Zealand, Cyclone Gabrielle took out more than 20% of the forecast volume, while in
2023-04-26 00:00:00
Centre-North, hail strikes again
There is no peace this year for Romagna's farmers. First overnight frost, then hail and hail again. A violent thunderstorm in fact hit the Ravenna and Cesena areas on Monday, bringing another
2023-04-21 00:00:00
Processors won't buy fruit from Poland? They are flooded with Ukrainian
As wp.pl reports, processors have cold stores full of Ukrainian frozen fruit and argue that it is no longer profitable for them to buy this year's fruit from Poland. "We demand immediate
2023-04-21 00:00:00
Processors won't buy fruit from Poland? They are flooded with Ukrainian
As wp.pl reports, processors have cold stores full of Ukrainian frozen fruit and argue that it is no longer profitable for them to buy this year's fruit from Poland. "We demand immediate
2023-04-18 00:00:00
Dominican onion producers alert that the local market is flooded with imports from the Netherlands, Peru, and Mexico
Dominican onion producers have informed the Government about the problems they are having to market their products. Representatives of the National Union of Onion Growers, which brings together
2023-04-13 00:00:00
Peru: 41,966 hectares damaged by rainfall and 38,787 hectares lost
And so far, just 51% of the damage has been assessed following the heavy rains and flooding, reports agraria.pe with reference to Indeci's national emergency centre. More rainfall, some of it
2023-04-11 00:00:00
Floods halt Santé potatoes' early start from Malta
In Malta, potato crops suffered considerably from bad weather in early February. "While we were in Berlin, there were severe floods and storms. The streets and fields were flooded. I've not seen
2023-04-11 00:00:00
Наводнения помешали раннему старту "Санте картофель" с Мальты
На Мальте урожай картофеля значительно пострадал от плохой погоды в начале февраля. "Когда мы были в
2023-04-11 00:00:00
Powodzie zatrzymały wczesny start ziemniaków Santé z Malty
Na Malcie uprawy ziemniaków znacznie ucierpiały z powodu złej pogody na początku lutego. "Gdy byliśmy w Berlinie, wystąpiły silne powodzie i burze. Ulice i pola były zalane.
2023-04-08 00:00:00
Ukrainian cabbage prices are plummeting. Stocks are flooding the market
In Ukraine, the price of white cabbage from last year's harvest has fallen significantly this week. Ukrainian farmers are rushing to sell. -Ukrainian farmers are rushing to sell their stocks of
2023-03-31 00:00:00
AMI: Advertising intensity for cucumbers on the rise again
Salad cucumbers from Germany and the Central European region are now flooding into the trade. But harvest volumes developed sluggishly in 2023. Limited supply volumes, high prices and the cool
2023-03-29 00:00:00
"The point isn't to eliminate human labor, but to make the work easier for my employees”
The current world is being taken over by AI. The internet has been flooded with illustrations, and even videos created by AI. While some people are concerned that may cost them their job, growers
2023-03-24 00:00:00
Rynek amerykański zalany winogronami
W tej chwili w USA jest mnóstwo winogron. "Stany Zjednoczone są obecnie zalane winogronami. W Chile jesteśmy w około 80 proc. skończeni ze zbiorami i większość owoców
2023-03-24 00:00:00
Американский рынок наводнен виноградом
В США сейчас очень много винограда. "В настоящее время США наводнены виноградом. В Чили сбор урожая
2023-03-24 00:00:00
US market flooded with grapes
There are a lot of grapes in the U.S. right now. “The U.S. is currently flooded with grapes. In Chile, we’re around 80 percent done with harvest and most of the fruit for us has been loaded.
2023-03-21 00:00:00
Peru’s citrus harvest not affected by heavy rain and floods
Peru’s citrus harvest has fortunately not been affected by the heavy rain and floods. Companies from Peru’s fruit export sector have stepped in to provide much needed drinking water, fruit,
2023-03-20 00:00:00
How record rainfall is impacting California’s strawberries
Watch and wait. That’s where California strawberry growers are at following late last week’s record rainfalls and subsequent flooding in the Salinas-Watsonville region. Now, growers are still
2023-03-17 00:00:00
Strawberry fields flooded in California’s Central Coast communities
A broken levee is having a huge impact on California's farming communities in the Watsonville and Salinas areas. This region is estimated to grow about one-third of California's strawberries. A
2023-03-17 00:00:00
South African market feels effects of flooded banana fields in Mozambique
Banana availability in South Africa has tightened as a result of the flooding in the southern parts of Mozambique last month. Up to 75% of the bananas sold at Gauteng’s municipal markets come