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Znaleziono podstron zawierających "italian"
2023-01-27 00:00:00
Zero-residue radicchio, an extra chance to gain interest among consumers
The range of pest-free vegetables offered by the Italian company Fellini Patrizio continues to expand. Red, pest-free radicchio started to be available a few weeks ago. "Right now, the product is
2023-01-27 17:00:00
Marlene makes most of winter season with marketing push
While South Tyrol’s apple orchards enjoy a welcome rest, one of its leading brands, Marlene, continues to engage with consumers via a series of international marketing initiatives and
2023-01-27 00:00:00
AlmerÍa: Smaller supply brings higher prices
The cold spell in Almería in the last week of January led to a significant drop in production. As expected, prices have increased for all products, but most for peppers and tomatoes. In addition,
2023-01-27 00:00:00
Włoscy zbieracze warzyw współpracują z Holandią
Dari Ecomeccanica to młoda i dynamiczna włoska firma, która pozostaje na bieżąco z innowacjami i wprowadza ważne zmiany w dziedzinie mechaniki rolniczej. Firma specjalizuje
2023-01-27 00:00:00
AlmerÍa: Mniejsza podaż powoduje wzrost cen
Zimna aura w Almerii w ostatnim tygodniu stycznia doprowadziła do znacznego spadku produkcji. Zgodnie z oczekiwaniami ceny wzrosły dla wszystkich produktów, ale najbardziej dla
2023-01-27 00:00:00
Итальянские сборщики овощей сотрудничают с Нидерландами
Dari Ecomeccanica - молодая и динамичная итальянская компания, которая идет в ногу с инновациями и вносит важные
2023-01-27 00:00:00
Italian vegetable harvesters are partnering with the Netherlands
Dari Ecomeccanica is a young and dynamic Italian company that stays abreast of innovation and makes important changes in the field of agricultural mechanics. The company specializes in the
2023-01-27 00:00:00
EU three-week average price of European bananas at €101 per 100 kgs in week 2 of 2023
In week 2, the three-week average wholesale prices of bananas from Latin America stood at €112/100 kgs. Average wholesale prices of bananas from Latin America were at €119/100 kgs in the
2023-01-27 00:00:00
Small citrus fruits drive sales
“This is a good citrus fruit campaign with good grades and constant consumption. What is more, temperatures have dropped and, as is known, consumers prefer to have oranges when it's colder.
2023-01-26 00:00:00
The Made In Nature project and its emission-free orchard
The project, funded by the European Union, CSO Italy and leading Italian organic companies including Brio/Alce Nero, Almaverde Bio/Canova, Verybio, Ceradini Group, Orogel Fresco and Conserve
2023-01-24 05:00:00
La Grande Bellezza Italiana gotowa na co-branding z produktami premium
Już drugi rok na Marca Fresh, przestrzeni zarezerwowanej dla sektora świeżego na targach w Bolonii, Wielkie Włoskie Piękno. Pod hasłem Coltiviamo Passioni (Uprawiajmy Pasje), sieć
2023-01-24 00:00:00
La Grande Bellezza Italiana ready for co-branding with its premium products
For the second year at Marca Fresh, the space reserved for the fresh sector at the Bologna exhibition, the Great Italian Beauty. With the slogan Coltiviamo Passioni (Let's Cultivate Passions),
2023-01-24 05:00:00
Trendy cen owoców i warzyw na dzień 23 stycznia
Mroźne temperatury napędzają popyt na kalafiory i karczochy. Pomarańcze Tarocco mają wreszcie większą pigmentację; na rynek trafiły pierwsze pomarańcze Washington Navel i Moro.
2023-01-24 00:00:00
Fruit and vegetable price trends as at 23 January
Freezing temperatures drive demand for cauliflowers and artichokes. Tarocco oranges finally have more pigmentation; the first Washington Navel and Moro oranges arrived on the market. The campaign
2023-01-24 00:00:00
Динамика цен на фрукты и овощи по состоянию на 23 января
Заморозки стимулируют спрос на цветную капусту и артишоки. Апельсины Тарокко наконец-то стали более
2023-01-24 00:00:00
La Grande Bellezza Italiana готова к кобрендингу со своими премиальными продуктами
Второй год на Marca Fresh, площадке, отведенной для свежего сектора на выставке в Болонье, проходит выставка
2023-01-23 00:00:00
The innovative Bimi broccoli presented by Sipo at Marca 2023
Bimi broccoli is not a total novelty for the Italian market, as we have seen several times in recent years, but until now, after announcements and a short marketing period, it has always
2023-01-20 00:00:00
Alce nero launches organic lentil, carrot and pumpkin homogenised food
It is important to include legumes in the diet of the youngest children. Alce Nero offers the new Omogeneizzato of lentils, carrots and pumpkin: organic, vegetable and Italian. The product is part
2023-01-19 00:00:00
Italians do not cut back on fruit and vegetable spending
Consumers are unwilling to pay more for sustainable packaging and are not saving on fruit and vegetable purchases. These are some of the most interesting elements that emerged from the inaugural
2023-01-17 21:00:00
#Repartofresh. Kierowcy Sisa Calabria (D.IT): obsługa i głębokość asortymentu
Sisa Calabria (Europa commerciale, partner D.IT-Distribuzione Italiana) kontynuuje swój plan rozwoju poprzez wzmocnienie sieci sprzedaży w regionie. Grupa otworzyła niedawno sklep Iper
2023-01-17 00:00:00
Динамика цен на фрукты и овощи по состоянию на 16 января
После аномально жаркой и дождливой погоды холодная погода играет решающую роль в секторе фруктов и овощей:
2023-01-17 00:00:00
#Repartofresh. Драйверы Sisa Calabria (D.IT): сервис и глубина ассортимента
Sisa Calabria (Europa commerciale, партнер D.IT-Distribuzione Italiana) продолжает реализацию своего плана развития, укрепляя сеть
2023-01-17 00:00:00
Fruit and vegetable price trends as at 16 January
After the abnormally hot and rainy weather, the cold weather is playing a decisive role in the fruit and vegetable sector: it is, for example, prompting more colour in tarocco oranges and
2023-01-17 21:00:00
Trendy cen owoców i warzyw na dzień 16 stycznia
Po nadzwyczajnie gorącej i deszczowej pogodzie, zimna pogoda odgrywa decydującą rolę w sektorze owoców i warzyw: na przykład skłania do zwiększenia koloru pomarańczy
2023-01-17 00:00:00
Citrus Xylella alarm, first cases in Portugal
From Xylella fastidiosa, which has attacked olive trees, to the one that threatens oranges. The presence of the bacterium in the Portuguese citrus plantations, reported by the Comité de Gestión