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2008-08-08 00:00:00
Problems with purchase of apples for processing
Everything is pointing at the fact that the purchase of apples for processing will meet the same problems as the purchase of sour cherries. Let us remind, that in spite of beginning of purchase of
2008-08-07 00:00:00
Price of pears
On the wholesale market in Poznań prices of domestic pears of ‘Faworytka’ variety packed in boxes of 10 kg are 1.24 EUR/kg. Pears from Argentina (1st class, in 18 kg boxes) are sold at price
2008-08-06 00:00:00
Cultivated mushrooms are going down
This week purchase prices of cultivated mushrooms in companies delivering them to the retail market have downward trends. In małopolskie province purchase price of cultivated mushrooms (in boxes
2008-08-06 00:00:00
Cucumbers for pickling
In łódzkie province purchase price of cucumbers for pickling (6-9 cm) bought by trading companies which deliver cucumbers to the plants are 0.56 EUR/kg. This year purchase prices are higher by
2008-08-05 00:00:00
Field tomatoes already on the market
Field tomatoes are already sold on wholesale markets. Prices of field tomatoes in boxes of 6 kg are 0.47 EUR/kg on the wholesale market in Rzeszów. Last year field tomatoes appeared on the market
2008-08-04 00:00:00
Parsley is still expensive
Two consecutive years prices of parsley (without leaves) has been high and in małopolskie province they are about 1.24 EUR/kg for parsley in 10 kg bags. Last year purchase prices were lower by
2008-08-04 00:00:00
Price of cauliflowers
In podkarpackie province purchase prices of cauliflowers in trade companies, which supply these vegetables to retailers range from 0.31 to 0.34 EUR/piece. At the same time of last year price of
2008-08-04 00:00:00
Weekly summary – fresh-market.pl price analyse (28.07-3.08.2008)
The next problems with purchase of cherries appeared last week. Price of cherries for juice was about 0.14 EUR/kg and cherries for deep-freezing about 0.19 – 0.25 EUR/kg. Moreover processing
2008-08-04 00:00:00
Prices of lettuces are rising
Last days price of Iceberg lettuces and curled-leaved lettuces increased. On Friday, August 1st price of Iceberg lettuce reached the price level of romaine lettuces i.e. 0.62 EUR/piece. Price of
2008-08-01 00:00:00
Increase of price of roses
On the flower market in Poznań one can observe increase of wholesale prices of roses. Last week price of imported roses of ‘Duet’ variety was 0.37 – 0.55 EUR/piece and this week price is
2008-08-01 00:00:00
Increase of prices of onions
 It was expected that the lower production of onions could cause the increase of their purchase prices. This week in małopolskie province purchase prices of early onions with cut leaves
2008-07-31 00:00:00
Cauliflowers: prices are slightly lower
There are more and more cheaper cauliflowers on the market. On Tuesday, July 30th prices of cauliflowers ranged from 0.48 to 0.56 zł/piece. Prices were clearly lower than prices of last week and
2008-07-31 00:00:00
Purchase of blackberries
Processing plants started the purchase of blackberries. This year prices of blackberries for processing, similarly as prices of different soft fruit are lower than in 2007. In lubelskie province
2008-07-30 00:00:00
The prices of plums three times lower
There is growing fear about too low prices of plums in the podkarpackie province, which is traditionally big producer of dessert plums and plums for processing. Trading companies in this province
2008-07-30 00:00:00
End of the purchase of cherries
The purchase of cherries is almost finished. Trading companies in podlaskie province are still buying small quantities of these fruits at price 1.80 EUR/kg for the 1st class and in 5 kg packaging.
2008-07-29 00:00:00
Retail prices of lettuces
In June average price of butterhead lettuces paid by consumers was 0.47 EUR/piece. Price almost did not change in comparison with that of last year. However retail price of iceberg lettuce much
2008-07-29 00:00:00
Turcja i Włochy - potentaci w produkcji orzechów laskowych
Największymi światowymi potentatami w produkcji orzechów laskowych są Włochy i Turcja - w przypadku pierwszego kraju przypada na niego około 15 proc. globalnej produkcji,
2008-07-29 00:00:00
Low prices of apples for processing
Processing plants started a purchase of apples for processing. In śląskie province purchase prices of apples delivered to the plant do not exceed 0.06 EUR/kg. Last year in the same time price
2008-07-28 00:00:00
Purchase of cauliflowers and broccoli for processing
Improvement in the weather conditions (more rain) is contributing to better growth of broccoli and cauliflowers. In kujawsko-pomorskie province purchase of cauliflowers divided into pieces started
2008-07-28 00:00:00
Weekly summary – fresh-market.pl price analyse (21-27.07.08)
The level of purchase price of sour cherries is undoubtedly a hot topic of last days. In spite of protests of fruit growers, last week price did not only increase, but they had a downward trend.
2008-07-28 00:00:00
Consumption of fruit
According to examinations of households conducted by the GUS consumption of fresh and processed fruit takes the fifth place (after the meat, products from cereals, eggs and dairy products and
2008-07-25 00:00:00
Stable price of French beans
Processing plants started the purchase of French beans. In kujawsko-pomorski province purchase prices of green French beans delivered to the plants are about 0.22 EUR/kg. In łódzkie province
2008-07-25 00:00:00
Caned strawberries
Apart from deep-frozen and cooled strawberries Poland also exports canned strawberries. From 2003 till 2007 sales of these products increased over three times. According to data of CAAC - in
2008-07-25 00:00:00
Low price of apples for processing
Purchase prices of apples for processing do not exceed 0.06 EUR/kg, so they are drastically lower in comparison with those of last season when crops of apples was very low. Purchase prices will
2008-07-25 00:00:00
Decrease of price of early celeries
In purchasing centres prices of early celeries are lowering. In małopolskie province price of celeries decreased from 1.17 to 1.00 EUR/kg. In surroundings of Krosno companies which last week