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2018-12-07 09:42:52
Beetroot may become costly in Poland.
The beginning of December did not bring any changes in the situation on the Polish wholesale market of beetroot. Demand for these vegetables remains weak, so that even with lower stocks after a
2012-04-27 16:02:24
Prices of vegetables near Warsaw
Beetroots – 0.25 – 0.35 PLN/ kg Onion – 2.50 – 3.00 PLN/ 15 bag White cabbage – 4.00 PLN/ 20 kg Red cabbage – 0.40 – 0.50 PLN/
2012-03-20 08:00:00
Prices of vegetables in mazowieckie province
Chinese cabbage -1.40 – 1.50 PLN/ kg (best quality cabbage – 1.60 PLN/kg) Onion 4+ - 0.20 – 0.30 PLN/kg Washed beetroot – 0.35 – 0.40 PLN/ kg White
2012-02-24 08:00:00
Prices of vegetables in Mazowieckie province
Brushed carrot – 0.80 -0.90. PLN/kg Washed parsley  - 2.00-2.30 PLN/kg Washed beetroots  - 0.35 – 0.45 PLN/kg Washed celeriac – 0.90 -1.00
2012-02-10 00:00:00
Citrus fruits and bananas instead of apples
Poles eat less apples and vegetables as: cabbage, onion, beetroot and carrot. Instead of those products they consume much more citrus fruits and bananas (about 12 kg per year). The
2011-10-27 11:03:48
Slight increase in beetroots price
The harvest of beets has already finished and as a result supply of the product is lower. In mid harvest price of washed beets was 0.20-0.25 PLN (0.045-0.057 euro)/kg and at the moment price is
2011-10-17 12:28:24
Low demand for beetroots
High level of last year’s prices has resulted in bigger production areas this year. A combination of bigger crops and low export and domestic demand is responsible for low prices. At the
2011-04-20 00:00:00
Higher demand for beetroots
As it was expected before Easter holiday the demand for beetroots has increased because they are used for preparing traditional dishes.  However the demand is not so high as it was a few
2010-04-16 00:00:00
Stable prices of beets
In comparison with prices of other domestic vegetables, beetroots price is clearly stable this year. While prices of parsley and celeriac were increasing, carrot prices were fluctuating
2010-01-06 00:00:00
Poland: increase in prices of beetroots
Following increase in prices of carrot and parsley, on Tuesday, January 5th, prices of beetroots also rose. Their prices long remained on the level 0.45 – 0.55 PLN (0.11-0.13 euro)/kg. On
2009-12-18 00:00:00
Poland: prices of beetroots
In the period before Christmas prices of beetroots has increased. In łódzkie provinces the purchase prices of this vegetable increased from 0.40 (0.095 euro) last week to 0.50 PLN (0.12
2008-11-20 00:00:00
The market of beets
In companies providing the retail trade with beetroots the purchase price of these vegetables are stable. In małopolskie province the purchase prices of beets is about 0.13 euro/kg for brushed
2008-11-13 00:00:00
Pickled beetroots
In processing plants in śląskie province the purchase of red beetroots for processing for pickles. The purchase prices of these vegetables delivered to the plant is 0.08 euro/kg and the price
2008-10-21 00:00:00
The purchase prices of beetroots
This year production of beetroots is forecasted at the level of 320 thousand ton i.e. by 15 percent less than in 2007. In spite of lower crops prices of beetroots a little bit lower than in 2007.
2008-10-09 00:00:00
Purchase prices of beetroots are decreasing
The purchase price of beetroots intended for export decreased by about 0.023 EUR/kg. Exporting companies in łódzkie province was purchasing the beetroots at price 0.10-0.13 EUR/kg. In
2008-10-02 00:00:00
Demand for beetroots is rising
In the central Poland one can observe growing demand for beetroots. It is difficult to say this demand has upward trend. So far a rise in prices of beetroots is not large but noticeable. On
2008-09-29 00:00:00
Weekly summary – price analyse (22-28.09.2008)
The fourth week of September is a period of relative stability of prices especially on the vegetables market. Of course apples still remain the main topic. Prices of industrial apples in
2008-09-29 00:00:00
Crops of vegetables in 2008
The Polish Central Statistical Office (GUS) published on its website "Preliminary results of assessing of main crops in 2008". This document contains data among others about potatoes, field
2008-09-15 00:00:00
Weekly summary – price analyse (8-14.09.2008)
Last week the agreement on purchase prices of apples for processing was reached. A guaranteed price is 0.28 zloty/kg (about 0.083 EUR/kg) for apples delivered to the plant, but only four
2008-09-15 00:00:00
Prices of beetroots on local markets in świętokrzyskie province
On the local markets in świętokrzyskie province, similarly to all Poland, prices of field vegetables have been decreasing due to the growing supply. In the first week of September on the
2008-09-10 00:00:00
Increase of demand for beetroots
In central Poland one can observe an increase in demand for beetroots. As a result of increasing demand price of beetroots slightly went up. On Tuesday, September 9th price of beetroots of good
2008-09-09 00:00:00
Increase in production costs of vegetables
According to examinations carried out by IERiGŻ-PIB production costs of vegetables grow in Poland very dynamically. The average height of production costs of vegetables in five last years
2008-08-18 00:00:00
Weekly summary – price analyse (11-17.08.2008)
The second week of August passed. As regards prices of fruit, both prices of dessert fruit and fruit for processing stayed at low level. In spite of last week's announcements purchase price of
2008-08-11 00:00:00
Weekly summary – price analyse (4.08 – 10.08.2008)
In the end of first week of August purchase prices of sour cherries increased a little bit. Price of sour cherries for juice concentrate reached the level of 0.18 EUR/kg and sour cherries for deep
2008-08-04 00:00:00
Weekly summary – price analyse (28.07-3.08.2008)
The next problems with purchase of cherries appeared last week. Price of cherries for juice was about 0.14 EUR/kg and cherries for deep-freezing about 0.19 – 0.25 EUR/kg. Moreover processing