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2023-07-07 00:00:00
Cena ekologicznych śliwek z Hiszpanii wyższa o 13 procent
"Pierwsze śliwki z Hiszpanii otrzymaliśmy w połowie czerwca. Zazwyczaj pierwsze partie przyjeżdżają do nas z regionów Murcji i Walencji, a następnie śliwki z regionu
2023-05-25 00:00:00
Ceny eksportowe zrównoważyły spadek produkcji cytrusów w Hiszpanii
W tym sezonie znaczący spadek produkcji cytrusów został zrekompensowany przez ceny, które obroniły wartość eksportu przed drastycznym spadkiem wolumenu handlu. Produkcja spadła o 15%,
2023-05-03 00:00:00
"Cena czosnku wykazuje w ostatnim czasie generalnie stabilny trend"
Od końca lutego bieżącego roku ceny czosnku znajdują się w trendzie wzrostowym. Do niedawna rynek się zmienił, wykazując ogólnie stabilny trend. Pani Wendy Qin z Shandong Xiangsheng
2021-08-17 15:00:00
Chiny – cena czosnku ustabilizowała się
Nowe przypadki Covid-19 w wielu obszarach produkcyjnych wywołały panikę na chińskim rynku czosnku na początku sierpnia. Niektórzy kupcy i rolnicy obawiali się, że bardziej
2021-03-29 13:00:00
Chiny – ceny czosnku ustabilizowały się
Cena rynkowa chińskiego czosnku rosła przed Świętem Chińskiej Wiosny (12 lutego 2021), a potem zaczęła spadać. W ostatnich dwóch tygodniach cena rynkowa ustabilizowała się.
Too little onions
Traders are looking for dry onions produced from winter sowing. Low price of onions in the previous season caused that many producers reduced production. Last year production of onions was very
Still low demand for potatoes
 The potato market has been unbalanced since the beginning of season. There is a high supply and low demand, and it results in low prices. We has written about the situation on the
First melons on the Spanish market
April is the beginning of melons season. First fruits are already on the market. The earliest variety is Galia which is one of most popular in Europe. Galia is grown in Almeria. Good weather
2020-05-05 14:00:00
Chiny – ceny czosnku jeszcze w dół
Chiński rynek czosnku doświadczył szeregu znacznych wahań w ciągu ostatnich kilku tygodni. Obecnie cena nadal spada. Nowe zbiory świeżego czosnku zostaną wprowadzone na rynek
2020-01-22 10:00:00
Belgia – lepsze ceny gruszek
„Możemy wreszcie przekazać dobre wieści o sytuacji na belgijskim rynku gruszek. W końcu jesteśmy na poziomie cen, na który czekaliśmy od miesięcy. Jeśli nadal
2018-12-07 09:42:52
Beetroot may become costly in Poland.
The beginning of December did not bring any changes in the situation on the Polish wholesale market of beetroot. Demand for these vegetables remains weak, so that even with lower stocks after a
2018-12-05 09:44:47
Prices of apples are still rising in Poland?
A company from around Sandomierz buys export apples at the following price: - Golden Delicious apples in calibre 70+ - 0.19 EUR /kg   price increase of 1,2 eurocents per kilogram -
2018-11-27 19:30:48
Purchase prices of export apples in Poland.
Today, on Tuesday, near Sandomierz , export apples are bought at the following prices: - Golden Delicious apples in calibre 70+ - 0,17 EUR/kg   price increase of 2,3 eurocents per
2018-11-20 17:17:05
What are the prices on apples for export in Poland?
A company from the area around Opole Lubelskie buys fruit for export at the following prices: - apples of different autumn red varieties in caliber 70+ - 0,07 EUR/kg - Gala Must apples,
2018-11-15 12:40:51
What is the current price for Gala apples or striped Gala sports on the Polish Market?
The last two weeks have brought significant changes on the export (dessert) apples market in Poland. The fruit harvest was definitely over and the supply, although high, began to stabilize. Only
2018-11-15 12:45:34
On the wholesale markets in Poland, the supply of plums is still quite high.
The season for trade in export plums is over. The same is true of industrial plums, although there are still companies looking for plums for processing at a price of 0,06 - 0,07 EUR per
2018-11-08 14:28:38
We are already in the first half of November and the situation in the apple trade in the Polish market is starting to change.
The situation on the export apple market has recently started to change. Harvesting is over and, as you can see, the purchase of fruit for almost nothing as well. Now the regular trade in apples
2018-11-08 14:24:58
Prices of white cabbage in Poland are still record high
On the Polish wholesale market there is still a high demand for white cabbage. Both on the wholesale market, as well as in the processing industry. Cabbage instead of cheaper, which is usually the
2018-10-25 17:34:54
Is something going on in the plum trade? 2018-10-25 12:09 | Source: www.fresh-market.pl (KZ)
What is interesting, there are even companies and groups looking for plums for export, offering for them within the range of 0,28 – 0,30 EUR per kilogram. Fruits in the large wholesale trade
2018-10-25 11:39:27
High apple yields are estimated in EU countries, which will increase competition on foreign markets. And what is the global situation like?
The drought had a negative impact on apple yields in Western Europe. According to the German statistics office, apple harvests in Germany (the largest EU apple recipient from Poland) may amount to
2016-02-12 08:00:00
Positive environment for European potatoes
Current exports of potatoes are within the multi-annual average, but experts expect the volumes exported to increase, mainly towards the East. Export of processed potato-based products to
2015-02-27 09:22:17
Moldova sharply raises grape exports to EU
«We have expanded the export markets for Moldovan grapes to 18 countries of the world. Last year's results are very optimistic, and we are sure that Moldova can export more, which is also
2015-02-03 09:57:56
Poland: apple exporters start with residue-free cultivation
To help growers with residue-free cultivation, Syngenta, together with export company Rajpol, launched the Fruit Quality Contract programme. Dominik Wozniak, commercial manager of Rajpol, talks
2015-01-20 12:05:15
4% decrease in exports of Greek fruits and vegetables in 2014 due to Russia's ban
According to special advisor to the association of Greek exporters of fruits, vegetables and juices Incofruit-Hellas George Polichronakis, a decrease in the value of exports was reported in 2014,
2015-01-14 12:24:22
Serbia leads in apple exports to Russia
Serbia has exported 61,700 tons of apples to Russian since the beginning of the season 2014/15, an increase of 70% compared with July-November 2013 and the highest volume over at least the past 5