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2023-03-18 00:00:00
Current prices of strawberries in the retail chains
Traders cut prices of imported strawberries. Check the current prices. The Biedronka shop chain has strawberries from Greece in its current offer. A half-kilo pack costs £9.99. The price has been
2023-03-17 00:00:00
How much will Polish strawberries cost this season? There are first forecasts
How much will Polish strawberries cost in the 2023 season? This question is already being asked not only by a huge number of Poles who are concerned about rising prices, but also by growers.
2023-03-17 00:00:00
Ile będą kosztować polskie truskawki w sezonie? Są pierwsze prognozy
Ile będą kosztować polskie truskawki w sezonie 2023? To pytanie już dziś zadaje sobie nie tylko ogromna liczba Polaków, którzy są zaniepokojeni rosnącymi cenami, ale także
2023-03-17 00:00:00
Saving time and labor
It is more important than ever to improve shop floor efficiency. Companies are increasingly struggling to get enough staff; even more when heavy labor is involved. That is Van den Berge
2023-03-17 00:00:00
"Mushroom market stable after price hike; chestnut mushrooms pricey due to cultivation issues"
"After a considerable price hike, mushroom prices have stabilized. That increase was also most welcome, given all the high costs. Something has to give at some point. Fortunately, the market's
2023-03-17 00:00:00
Fruit and vegetable exports close 2022 on a positive note (+1.5%)
The export of Italian fruit and vegetables is recovering, closing 2022 in a positive way in terms of value (+1.5%), for 5.3 billion euro, while volumes are slightly down compared to 2021 (-0.4%).
2023-03-17 00:00:00
'The presence of the Spanish Nadorcott, Tango and Murcott, as well as the Israeli Orri, visibly diminished'
At the beginning of March, the tangerine and clementine season traditionally comes to a close: the presence of the Spanish Nadorcott, Tango and Murcott and the Israeli Orri visibly diminished. The
2023-03-17 00:00:00
"We've launched the only solution to improve the shelf life of peppers in the market"
Companies that market bell peppers have great difficulty minimizing losses, which affects their profitability. On the one hand, they must deal with rot issues at the source, which means they
2023-03-17 00:00:00
Climate change threatens cherry harvest in Manisa, Turkey
Many of Manisa's famous cherry trees remain barren and fruitless in the Aegean region due to inadequate precipitation. The cherry trees are also being hit hard by global warming. Still, producers
2023-03-17 00:00:00
Wywłaszczeni z parku Sagunt II grożą kolejnymi protestami
Wiec około 150 wywłaszczonych pracowników z Parc Sagunt II, na którego ziemi ma powstać fabryka Volkswagena, zebrał się w ten czwartek w Puçol, wspierany przez Walenckie
2023-03-17 08:00:00
Ceny cebuli – trend zatrzymany?
Ceny cebuli w polskim hurcie rosły nieprzerwanie od ostatniej dekady stycznia. I to rosły bardzo dynamicznie, bo w tym okresie nieco ponad siedmiu tygodni średnia cena
2023-03-17 00:00:00
“The citrus fruits' first root movement in spring, is the most important one”
Sprouting is a critical time for the trees. A tree's root system, which requires high nutritional and microelement needs, activates once it starts sprouting. “The root is the engine that will
2023-03-17 16:00:00
'Ag-tech critical to farming,' event shows
The critical importance of agri-tech to agriculture and food is a key topic which will be discussed at the upcoming South West AgriTech Showcase next month. South West Agri-tech comprises six
2023-03-17 00:00:00
Na drzewach w południowym Uzbekistanie pojawiły się pierwsze morele (foto)
Drzewa owocowe masowo kwitną w Uzbekistanie i widać już zarysy przyszłych dojrzałych i soczystych owoców. W południowych regionach kraju na drzewach pojawiły się już
2023-03-17 00:00:00
Globalne ceny cebuli są na rekordowo wysokim poziomie z powodu globalnego niedoboru cebuli. W Holandii rynek cebuli ustabilizował się na poziomie około 90 centów za gatunek 60/80,
2023-03-17 00:00:00
Agroponiente: "Nasz obecny wzrost jest najwyższym procentowym wzrostem od wielu lat".
Grupo Agroponiente kontynuuje swój wzrost w tej kampanii 2022/2023 pod każdym względem, konsolidując swoją ideę dużej europejskiej firmy z siedzibą na południu Hiszpanii (konkretnie
2023-03-17 00:00:00
"Biznes wokół włoskich jabłek importowanych rozwinął się dość mocno w ciągu zaledwie kilku lat"
Wraz z przybyciem pierwszych mauretańskich arbuzów i hiszpańskich truskawek, kampania wiosenna jest gotowa do rozpoczęcia w Herner Gastro Service Ltd. "Ze względu na deszczową
2023-03-17 00:00:00
Eksport owoców i warzyw zamyka rok 2022 na plusie (+1,5%)
Eksport włoskich owoców i warzyw odżywa, zamykając 2022 rok na plusie pod względem wartości (+1,5%), za 5,3 mld euro, podczas gdy wolumeny są nieco niższe w porównaniu z 2021
2023-03-17 00:00:00
"Our goal: to supply Belgian potatoes year-round; something I think we're close to achieving"
Costs keep rising, consumer demands keep changing, and sustainability is becoming increasingly important. In today's market, distinguishing yourself is, therefore, becoming more and more critical.
2023-03-17 00:00:00
"The business around Italian imported apples has developed quite strongly in just a few years"
With the arrival of the first Mauritanian watermelons and Spanish strawberries, the spring campaign is ready to get underway at Herner Gastro Service Ltd. "Due to the rainy weather, demand for
2023-03-17 00:00:00
Current options for spider mite control in strawberry and raspberry plantations
As temperatures rise, female spider mites will emerge from their overwintering sites to lay eggs. The beginning of spring is also the time to start a new season with a small population of the
2023-03-17 00:00:00
Global onion prices are at record-high levels due to a global shortage of onions. In the Netherlands, the onion market has stabilised around 90 cents for the 60/80 grade, while in Germany, Spanish
2023-03-16 00:00:00
Ilość pomarańczy importowanych przez UE wzrosła w styczniu i lutym o 76,6%.
Zgodnie z najnowszym raportem Enhanced Monitoring of EU Citrus Imports, w ciągu pierwszych dwóch miesięcy 2023 r. (styczeń-luty) UE zaimportowała 76 843 ton pomarańczy, tj. zauważalny
2023-03-16 00:00:00
Pelemix acquires Even-Ari Green
Pelemix has acquired the Israeli-based growing media manufacturer, Even-Ari Green Ltd. (EAG). The deal will see EAG's employees joining Pelemix's growing global team. Danny Levinson, founder and
2023-03-16 00:00:00
"Starting in week 12, we expect to be able to offer the full range of Cypriot potatoes"
On the potato and onion market, imports from the Mediterranean region and overseas now traditionally complete the range. "We have been offering Cypriot potatoes since the turn of the year, and the