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2014-03-21 10:21:34
Berries of Ukraine Conference moves to Vinnytsia!
Last year’s edition was successfully held in Mykolaiv and gathered record high number of participants. For the year 2014, the organizers decided to hold the conference in another large berry
2014-03-20 10:16:18
Russia closes borders for Ukrainian goods
Ukrainian transport companies say that vehicles with Ukrainian goods cannot receive customs permit at Russian stations without giving any reason for that. “Vehicles simply go back to the
2014-03-20 13:24:09
Ukrainian vegetable shipments to Russia recommence; now with full cargo inspection
Full cargo inspection means truck unloading, which may negatively affect the quality of vegetables. Furthermore, the customs clearance procedures may last up to 24 hours and even more, which is
2014-03-19 09:34:29
EU wants to eliminate customs duties for Ukrainian exports
The announcement was made by the President of the European Commission, José Manuel Barroso. It must be confirmed by the European Council and the Parliament.  This measure would be
2014-02-27 09:21:42
Mniejszy eksport na Ukrainę
Ze wstępnych danych wynika, iż po trzech kwartałach 2013 r. wymiana handlowa między naszymi krajami wynosiła 5,7 mld dol. i Polska mogła się pochwalić nadwyżką bo import
2014-02-24 09:05:48
Zamknięte przejścia graniczne na Ukrainie
Po stronie ukraińskiej całkowicie zablokowane jest przejście graniczne Jagodzin w Obwodzie Wołyńskim,  Rawa Ruska oraz jeszcze trzy punkty kontrolne w Obwodzie Lwowskim.
2013-12-09 14:19:22
Ukraine: glasshouse cucumbers more expensive
Analytics from "APK-Inform: fruits and vegetables" say increase in prices has some reasons. First of all they have risen to the level of Turkish producers prices who are main suppliers of
2013-11-29 10:07:38
Ukraine: prices of dessert apples
Purchase prices of dessert apples remain at the stable level of 0.18 - 0.50 EUR/kg. In the same period of 2012 prices didn't drop under 0.27 EUR/kg. The reason of high prices is low demand for
2013-11-21 10:18:53
Ukraine: rising prices of potatoes
Currently purchase prices of potatoes are remain at the average level of 0.27 - 0.36 EUR/kg depending on quality and volume. At the end of last week prices were at 11 - 14% lower than current. In
2013-11-20 10:27:53
Dropping prices of vegetables
Last week we could observe dropping prices of fruits and vegetables in Ukraine. Price index published by fruit-inform.com fell down at 2.9% in a previous week. Most of traditional vegetables were
2013-11-20 10:26:42
Dropping prices of vegetables
Last week we could observe dropping prices of fruits and vegetables in Ukraine. Price index published by fruit-inform.com fell down at 2.9% in a previous week. Most of traditional vegetables were
2013-10-29 10:02:18
Ukraine: frozen potatoes more popular
According to an official statistics, Ukraine imported 1.6 thousand tones of frozen potatoes in first three months on 2013/2014 season. It is at 40% more than in the same time year ago and three
2013-10-29 08:58:58
Fresh Market 2013 - sixth edition passed
Over 300 guests representing over 170 companies from Poland and Europe attended Fresh Market 2013 Conference. Among them were companies from Italy, Spain, Germany, Czech Republic, Sweden,
2013-09-25 00:00:00
90% соглашения о торговле Украины с ЕС заработают даже без ратификации
Решение приняли на заседании комитета постоянных представителей стран ЕС, состоявшемся в
2013-09-10 00:00:00
Сельское хозяйство может быть локомотивом Украины — ЕБРР
Такое мнение высказал в пятницу на форуме ICC Ukraine «Современные тренды Всемирной организации
2013-09-05 12:42:15
Fresh Produce Ukraine 2013
With some 3 months to go until the start of the exhibition the floor plan is already filled by more than 60%. More than 160 companies from approximately 20 different countries around the world
2013-08-22 10:05:00
Rekordowy eksport ziemniaków w sezonie 2012/13
W danym okresie Ukraina sprzedała na rynki zagraniczne rekordową ilość tych warzyw w historii niepodległości kraju. Głównymi rynkami zbytu dla ukraińskich ziemniaków
2013-08-12 12:39:00
Spadają ceny jabłek przemysłowych
Głównym powodem niższych cen jest duża podaż jabłek - zakłady przetwórcze ciągle obniżają ceny skupu przemysłu. Aktualnie ceny skupu jabłek przemysłowych
2013-07-19 16:22:02
Na Ukrainie spadają ceny ziemniaków
Ceny skupu ziemniaków wahają się w przedziale od 0,19 euro/kg do 0,38 euro/kg w zależności od jakości towaru oraz regionu sprzedaży, tj. średnio o 11 proc. mniej
2013-05-24 10:41:31
Fresh Produce Ukraine 2013
Fresh Produce Ukraine 3-cie Międzynarodowe Targi dla branży owocowo-warzywnej na Ukrainie  Organizatorzy: BTO Exhibitions BV (Holandia), Fruit-Inform (Ukraina), CoD Ltd.
2013-05-24 12:34:26
Большое итальянское участие на выставке Fresh Produce Ukraine 2013»!
Организаторы выставки «Fresh Produce Ukraine» очень рады сообщить, о большом количестве итальянских
2013-05-23 14:59:39
Italians at Fresh Produce Ukraine 2013
Following the successful edition of Fresh Produce Ukraine 2012 in which more than 23 Italian companies participated a large increase in Italian exhibitors is expected for the forthcoming 2013
2013-04-03 14:42:39
“Berries of Ukraine” moves to Mykolaiv!
Ukraine's most important berry business event moves to Mykolaiv: such a decision was made by organizers of the annual international conference in 2013. Continuous change of the berry event
2013-03-29 10:57:59
Tomato export in 2012
The volume of exports of tomatoes in 2012 was 92.3 thousand. tons with the value of 322.5 million PLN. Comparing this with the data from the year 2011 shows that 2012 was much better for the
2013-03-12 00:00:00
Украинская плодоовощная корзина «замерзла»
Таким образом, уже в течение восьми недель на данном рынке практически не происходит серьезных ценовых