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2019-01-29 10:00:00
Ukraina – wzrośnie produkcja borówki wysokiej?
Branża owoców jagodowych rozwija się aktywnie w rejonie miejscowości Szack w obwodzie wołyńskim. Według Shatsk.rayon.in.ua, w 2014 roku grunty rolne w tym rejonie
2019-01-25 11:00:00
Ukraina – rekord w eksporcie kapusty
W sezonie 2018/2019 Ukraina poprawiła swój rekord dotyczący eksportu białej kapusty, informuje EastFruit powołując się na przytoczone przez analityków ukraińskiego
2019-01-25 12:11:31
Ukraińskie jabłka można kupić w Emiratach
W ramach przygotowań do misji Fruit Trade Ukraine, która odbędzie się 28 marca w Dubaju, zespół FAO (ONZ), EBOR i UPOA wyruszyły w podróż służbową do
2018-12-07 09:42:52
Beetroot may become costly in Poland.
The beginning of December did not bring any changes in the situation on the Polish wholesale market of beetroot. Demand for these vegetables remains weak, so that even with lower stocks after a
2018-11-19 13:01:39
The 2018/2019 season is already in the memory when it comes to onion prices in Europe.
Prices of onions in the Polish large wholesale are currently 0,30 - 0,37 EUR/kg for onions calibrated and packed in bags. Prices for loose onions reach 0,28 EUR/kg. It was not so expensive at this
2018-11-15 12:47:25
What is the situation on the onion market in south-eastern Poland?
The upward trend in wholesale prices of onions seems to be waning. And it's not surprising, because even with low harvests prices can't increase indefinitely. So far it seems that the
2018-11-14 09:33:40
Demand for onions on the Polish wholesale market (especially for peeling onions) is not weakening.
The only factor that can stop the upward trend is imports. And it is the one from the east, not the one from the west, because there is also a lack of onions in Europe. There is a lot of onions in
2018-11-08 14:24:58
Prices of white cabbage in Poland are still record high
On the Polish wholesale market there is still a high demand for white cabbage. Both on the wholesale market, as well as in the processing industry. Cabbage instead of cheaper, which is usually the
2018-10-25 11:46:17
In the Russian Federation and Ukraine, the Idared apple harvest has recently begun.
In Russia in particular, Idared is one of the most expensive apple varieties - the average wholesale price is $0.55 per kilo, and the minimum price does not fall below $0.46 per kilo. So Idared is
2018-08-31 13:25:23
Welcome Varus chain at Fresh Market
The first chain store was established in 2003 in Dnipra, Ukraine. Currently, retail chain Varus includes 65 supermarkets in 13 Ukrainian cities, including Dniepra, Kiev, Zaporozhye. The
2018-08-29 14:36:28
Ukraina eksportuje coraz więcej owoców
W pierwszej połowie 2018 roku, zgodnie z GOSSTAT, Ukraina wyeksportowała owoce w tym gatunki jagodowe do ponad 50 krajów na całym świecie, w tym do krajów Unii
2018-08-23 12:55:37
The largest retail chain in Ukraine ATB at Fresh Market
 In 1998 ATB was reorganized into self-service stores. Currently ATB stores operate on a "softdiscounter" basis, offering approximately 3500 products. ATB currently has more
2017-09-25 15:22:42
Ukraińcy przyjeżdżający na zakupy wydają w Polsce jednorazowo 773 zł, Niemcy - 448 zł
W II kwartale 2017 roku granicę Polski przekroczyło 46 mln cudzoziemców. Jak wskazał GUS, najwyższe wydatki, biorąc pod uwagę lądową granicę, ponieśli cudzoziemcy przekraczający
2016-01-29 08:00:00
Ukraina - import cebuli najwyższy od pięciu lat
W okresie lipiec - grudzień 2015 Ukraina zaimportowała 1 200 ton cebuli. Cebula ta była kupowana głównie w Polsce, Rosji i Kazachstanie. Dla porównania, w tym samym okresie
2016-01-23 18:00:00
Onions – it can be expensive end of the season
Until recently, the onion market in Poland remained relatively stable. Prices were quite high (but not record), but we did not have to deal with a clear upward trend, which many market
2015-03-02 11:55:19
Georgian blueberries to appear in European market
The new blueberry plantation and processing plant would offer jobs to about 400 people and be developed on a 70ha piece of land in Laituri village, Guria region in Georgia’s west. At this site
2015-02-27 09:10:56
Turkey gains most from Russian ban
2015-02-10 09:41:17
Kazakhstan's imports of Polish apples up
It should be noted that Poland has been raising apple exports to Kazakhstan since the very beginning of the season 2014/15. Kazakhstan's imports of Polish apples over the period from July to
2015-01-20 13:01:05
The 7th International Conference «Potatoes & Vegetables of Ukraine-2015»
The conference will traditionally be held in Kiev on February 27. This year, the event's program will be even more informative, as the conference will take place in conjunction with Storage
2014-06-17 11:30:00
Further seasonal decrease in Ukrainian fresh produce price index
«The situation in the Ukrainian fresh produce market was mixed last week as worse weather provoked an increase in prices in some cases», says Ms. Tetiana Getman, Head of Fruit-Inform. «An
2014-06-10 10:21:17
Greek exports affected by situation in Ukraine
Ousoutzoglou said that "special attention must be paid to promptly address these difficulties, after providing specific evidence of how significantly the export business is being affected. He also
2014-06-09 12:48:05
Ukraine's imports of strawberries up in 2013 despite record high production
«Unfortunately, the Ukrainian strawberry production potential is significantly higher than farmers' capacity to find sales channels for their produce», says Ms. Tetiana Getman, Head
2014-06-06 09:53:46
Ukraine: prices of imported apples up week-on-week
For the present, prices vary between UAH 5-12/kg (EUR 0.31-.73/kg), depending on quality and country of origin. An increase in prices is connected with limited supply of imported apples in
2014-06-05 11:25:14
Difficult situation between Russia and EU
At the time this article went to press, there was as yet no official reaction from Russia. However, the EU already announced further sanctions. And although political responses are difficult to
2014-06-04 10:35:38
Ukraine's imports of strawberries up in 2013 despite record high production
«Unfortunately, the Ukrainian strawberry production potential is significantly higher than farmers' capacity to find sales channels for their produce», says Ms. Tetiana Getman, Head