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2023-05-25 00:00:00
Sakata introduces Tyrian, the purple branched broccoli from stem to head
Sakata Seed Ibérica extends its spell and brings out Tyrian, the first variety on the market of fully purple branched broccoli, both in grain and stem. Once again, Sakata, a leading company in
2023-05-23 00:00:00
Spożycie brokułów w Hiszpanii w 2023 r. przekroczy już 2 kg na mieszkańca.
Más Brócoli, stowarzyszenie promujące konsumpcję brokułów, zorganizowało w piątek 19 maja swoje XIV Zgromadzenie. W wydarzeniu wzięli udział partnerzy i klienci oraz
2023-05-23 00:00:00
Broccoli consumption in Spain in 2023 already exceeds 2 kg per capita
Más Brócoli, the association for the promotion of broccoli consumption, held its XIV Assembly on Friday, May 19. The event was attended by partners and customers and involved the participation
2023-05-23 00:00:00
Потребление брокколи в Испании в 2023 году уже превысит 2 кг на душу населения
Más Brócoli, ассоциация по продвижению потребления брокколи, провела свою XIV Ассамблею в пятницу, 19 мая. На
2023-05-22 00:00:00
A novelty broccoli-themed truck rolled into a nursery in Luton to encourage children to eat fruit and veg
Top 5 supermarket retail chains in Slovenia Here's an overview of the top five supermarket retail chains in Slovenia, according to their most recently-available full-year turnover. All data is
2023-05-19 00:00:00
"Broccoli, a strategic reference on Spanish shelves".
The XIV Assembly of Más Brócoli, the association for the promotion of broccoli consumption, was held this morning, a professional day attended by members and clients, as well as experts and
2023-05-12 00:00:00
This year is a “roller coaster ride” for broccoli supplies and pricing
Broccoli supplies are wrapping up in Guanajuato, Mexico and growers are shifting production to other parts of the country. “This time of the year is the most tumultuous time in Guanajuato.
2023-05-05 00:00:00
"Sprout demand automatically rises as more parties are organized"
Now that the summer weather is nearing in Europe, the high season is also starting at Kiem-X in Belgium. "When the sun comes out, along come communion parties, weddings, and barbecues, and then
2023-05-05 00:00:00
Sakata debuts in kale cultivation with its first Blue Ridge variety
The multinational seed company Sakata has just added Kale to its catalog. “As a leading brassica company, we needed to have kale in our portfolio. Blue Ridge is the first kale variety that
2023-05-03 00:00:00
A Broccoli compound proves to be a powerful racehorse revitalizer
Sulforaphane, a beneficial compound in broccoli, has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory capabilities; a fact that was already known. What is truly surprising is what Ingredalia has discovered:
2023-05-03 00:00:00
Związek brokułów okazuje się być potężnym rewitalizatorem dla koni wyścigowych
Sulforaphane, korzystny związek w brokułach, ma zdolności antyoksydacyjne i przeciwzapalne; fakt, który był już znany. Naprawdę zaskakujące jest to, co odkryła Ingredalia: przy
2023-05-03 00:00:00
Соединение из брокколи оказалось мощным восстановительным средством для скаковых лошадей
Сулфорафан, полезное соединение в брокколи, обладает антиоксидантными и противовоспалительными
2023-05-01 00:00:00
"Addition of Glenfyne ensures consistent supply"
With the Tasmanian vegetable growing season well into the later half of the season, Harvest Moon has now finished production of beans and are soon to finish lifting this year’s onion crops.
2023-04-27 00:00:00
AMI: Weather-related supply shortage for broccoli
At the beginning of the year, a cold spell in the Spanish broccoli growing areas led to tight supplies and prices shot up. With improved weather conditions, the market eased in recent weeks. But
Product Country of Origin   Sort Caliber     Price per Kg or Pcs(EURO)   Packing
  Safiran Sepehr Paya
2023-04-21 00:00:00
Congga i Monrello, innowacyjne brokuły od Syngenty
Na poziomie globalnym Syngenta Vegetable Seeds odgrywa wiodącą rolę na rynku kapustnych, segmencie, na którym firma skupia swoje wysiłki w celu zapewnienia propozycji wartości dla
2023-04-21 00:00:00
Congga и Monrello, инновационные брокколи от компании Syngenta
На глобальном уровне Syngenta Vegetable Seeds играет ведущую роль на рынке брассики - сегменте, на котором компания
2023-04-21 00:00:00
Congga and Monrello, the innovative broccoli from Syngenta
On a global level, Syngenta Vegetable Seeds plays a leading role in the brassica market, a segment on which the company focuses its efforts to provide a value proposition for the different players
2023-04-21 00:00:00
Syngenta, innovation in broccoli
It is the brassica market where Syngenta Vegetable Seeds focuses its research and genetic improvement. In particular the broccoli segment, where with early varieties, Monrello, and late varieties,