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2023-06-13 00:00:00
Strawberry buying prices 2023 - how much are they?
Author: Sylwia Sałyga 13 June 2023 15:02 First purchasers in the ware region and in the Lublin region started buying industrial strawberries last weekend. What are the prices at the buying
2023-06-10 00:00:00
Chokeberry 2023: What forecasts for the season? "Lack of water is taking its toll"
Author: Albert Katana 10 June 2023 10:06 In the Lublin region, the condition of plantations is currently not too bad, but if the drought continues, it could be worse. The lack of water is already
2023-06-07 00:00:00
There will be no blackcurrants this year!
Well, I may have gone a bit overboard with the title of the entry. But it is fair to say that the harvest will be much lower than usual. It is very difficult to estimate a predictable yield
2023-06-06 00:00:00
Strawberries cheaper than last year. Production is unprofitable
Planters from Lublin are warning that growing strawberries is becoming unprofitable in Poland, reports radio.lublin.pl. 16 zlotys per lupine, or less than 8 zlotys per kilogram - that's what you
2023-06-06 00:00:00
Truskawki tańsze niż w ubiegłym roku. Produkcja jest nieopłacalna
Plantatorzy z Lublina alarmują, że uprawa truskawek staje się w Polsce nieopłacalna - podaje radio.lublin.pl. 16 złotych za łubiankę, czyli poniżej 8 złotych za kilogram – tyle
2023-06-06 00:00:00
Клубника дешевле, чем в прошлом году. Производство нерентабельно
Плантаторы из Люблина предупреждают, что выращивание клубники в Польше становится невыгодным, сообщает
2023-06-05 00:00:00
Borówkowy świat spotka się w Lublinie. Szczyt IBO 3-6 lipca 2023
Globalny szczyt International Blueberry Organization odbędzie się pierwszy raz w Europie i to w naszym kraju. Wydarzenie to będzie miało miejsce w Lublinie od 3-6 lipca
2023-06-05 00:00:00
Gigantyczny wzrost produkcji borówek. Jak wpłynie na opłacalność upraw w Polsce?
W dniach 3-4 lipca br. odbędzie się Szczyt International Blueberry Organization. W Lublinie spotkają się liderzy wszystkich liczących się firm produkcyjnych i handlowych, zarówno
2023-06-05 00:00:00
Gigantic increase in blueberry production. How will it affect the profitability of the crop in Poland?
The International Blueberry Organisation Summit will be held on 3-4 July this year. Leaders of all major production and trade companies, both Polish, European and global, will meet in Lublin. The
2023-06-05 00:00:00
The blueberry world will meet in Lublin. IBO Summit 3-6 July 2023
The International Blueberry Organisation global summit will take place for the first time in Europe and in our country. The event will take place in Lublin from 3-6 July 2023. How to participate,
2023-06-05 00:00:00
Мир голубики встретится в Люблине. Саммит IBO 3-6 июля 2023 года
Всемирный саммит Международной черничной организации впервые пройдет в Европе и в нашей стране.
2023-05-31 00:00:00
Monitoring of plantations - blueberries from full bloom to the end of flowering (29.05.2023, Lublin region)
Protection against grey mould and anthracnose should be carried out. Currently, the presence of the rose bollworm and aphid colonies has been found in the plantations. Vetting should be carried
2023-05-19 00:00:00
First Polish raspberries on the wholesale market. How much do they cost?
The first Polish raspberries are now available for wholesale. According to the Bronisze Wholesale Market, their price is not among the lowest. First Polish raspberries from the Lublin region have
2023-05-14 00:00:00
Protection of raspberry before and during flowering (10.05.2023, monitoring of plantations)
This communication is based on observations made on several raspberry plantations in the field and under covers located in the Lublin region. Developmental phases The development phase of summer
2023-05-11 00:00:00
Blueberry in bloom (monitoring of plantations, Lublin region 09.05.2023)
The phenological phase of highbush blueberry plants was determined for three cultivars of different earliness: 'Duke' (early), 'Bluecrop' (medium) and 'Last Call' (late) on a plantation located in
2023-05-09 00:00:00
Elizówka wholesale market fire
Author: Sylwia Sałyga 09 May 2023 19:30 A fire broke out in one of the warehouses on the premises of the Lublin Wholesale Market in Elizówka. The fire occurred on Tuesday (9.05) at around 2.30pm
2023-05-04 09:00:00
Poland ready to host Global Blueberry Summit
On July 3-6, 2023, the global blueberry community will come together in Lublin, Poland, for the International Blueberry Organization Summit, the world’s top blueberry industry event. This will
2023-05-04 09:00:00
Polska gotowa na organizację Global Blueberry Summit
W dniach 3-6 lipca 2023 roku światowa społeczność borówkowa spotka się w Lublinie, w Polsce, na szczycie International Blueberry Organization, najważniejszym wydarzeniu
2023-05-01 00:00:00
Currants - pests and diseases during flowering (plantation monitoring, Lublin region 28.04.2023).
Coloured currants are now in full bloom in most regions of Poland. This is an important time to carry out inspections for the presence of pests such as currant bollworm, hop spider, aphids and
2023-04-26 00:00:00
Raspberries in the perianth period (plantation monitoring, Lubelszczyzna, 21.04.2023.
In the Lublin region, summer raspberry varieties differ markedly in their stage of development. Early varieties ('Wilamette') are at the bud-spreading stage in the inflorescence - BBCH 55, while
2023-04-22 00:00:00
Black and red currant (monitoring of plantations, Lublin region 22.04.2023)
The phenological phase of plants was determined for two black currant varieties and two red currant varieties on plantations located in the Lublin Province. Blackcurrant, more specifically early