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Still low demand for potatoes
 The potato market has been unbalanced since the beginning of season. There is a high supply and low demand, and it results in low prices. We has written about the situation on the
2018-12-11 16:10:10
Central Poland - potato price increases have slowed down.
The increase in potato prices (with breaks) since the beginning of the last decade of October has resulted in more goods entering the market. A larger number of producers decided to sell potatoes
2018-11-20 17:19:03
What is the situation on the wholesale potato market in the centre of Poland?
 High purchasing activity in large and small wholesalers and limited supply are conducive to price increases. Also on the wholesale market in the centre of Poland, including areas around
2018-11-15 12:42:37
What is the situation on the wholesale potato market in the central Poland?
The second week of November did not bring about any significant changes in potato prices on the Polish large wholesale market. This was not supported by the extended  weekend, but also by the
2018-10-25 11:32:09
What is the situation on the wholesale potato market in south-eastern Poland?
First, prices showed a tendency to adjust downwards. This was due to the fact that a large part of farmers completed their work in the field, had more time to deal with potato sales, so more
2016-02-16 19:20:04
Russian growers' potato prices take a third of previous year's levels
For the present, farmers from main producing regions are ready to ship at RUB 6-8/kg (USD 0.07-0.11/kg), and prices of nonstandard produce do not exceed RUB 5/kg (USD 0.06/kg). For comparison,
2016-02-12 08:00:00
Positive environment for European potatoes
Current exports of potatoes are within the multi-annual average, but experts expect the volumes exported to increase, mainly towards the East. Export of processed potato-based products to
2015-05-12 10:40:00
Demand for potatoes drops again
"Last year, a big drop in retail prices and an improvement in quality led to an increase in potato consumption, something which we had not seen since 2008," highlights Krystyna Świetlik, of the
2014-06-17 11:30:00
Further seasonal decrease in Ukrainian fresh produce price index
«The situation in the Ukrainian fresh produce market was mixed last week as worse weather provoked an increase in prices in some cases», says Ms. Tetiana Getman, Head of Fruit-Inform. «An
2014-06-10 09:34:53
Ukrainian fresh produce price index down last week
«Early produce has finally taken a leading position in the Ukrainian market in early June that has resulted in a fall in prices in almost all fresh produce segments», says Ms. Tetiana Getman,
2014-06-04 11:00:00
Norway: 150 euro for 1 kg potatoes
It’s a hefty price tag indeed, but the genuine connoisseurs are quite prepared to cough up the dough. "It's worth it. They are only available once a year," says buyer Bjarne Thygesen, who
2014-05-28 15:15:00
Ukraine: further decrease in fresh produce price index
“The price index traditionally decreased thanks to lower prices of greenhouse vegetables. Prices of traditional vegetables and potatoes again started slightly going down”, says Ms. Tetiana
2014-05-13 11:00:00
Ukraine: fresh produce price index down for third week in a row
“Last week prices went down due to a seasonal factor. Nevertheless, prices are decreasing slower than a year before with the price levels of almost all fresh produce categories (except
2014-04-28 11:48:33
Ukrainian fresh produce price index down
“A decrease in the fresh produce price index is connected with a fall in prices of greenhouse vegetables due to lower demand for them after Easter holidays. Prices of traditional vegetables did
2014-04-18 09:50:00
Ukraine: Crimea to have no potatoes and vegetables in 2014
In the beginning of the campaign, farmers were most concerned in the water supply issue, as it is almost impossible to grow produce without irrigation in Crimea. As long as irrigation channels are
2013-11-21 10:18:53
Ukraine: rising prices of potatoes
Currently purchase prices of potatoes are remain at the average level of 0.27 - 0.36 EUR/kg depending on quality and volume. At the end of last week prices were at 11 - 14% lower than current. In
2013-11-13 10:50:22
Wonderful potatoes from Belorus
Apart from colour potatoes should strenghten organism improve memory and decrease risk of diseases of circulatory system - says website Local media consider whether consumers
2012-12-28 10:45:52
The increase in vegetable prices in Ukraine
Fruits and vegetables are about 22 percent more expensive before Christmas-New-Year break. The most significant price increase will apply to traditional vegetables and potatoes. It remains
2012-11-28 15:06:27
More expensive national potatoes
In the wholesale market, price of potatoes in Bronisze in the last week increased from 0,35-0,46 (minimum price - the maximum price) to 0,46-0,60 zł / kg while at the same time 0,16-0,10 zł /
2012-10-04 15:15:49
Prices in trade networks
Then I compared them with those offered by retailers to consumers. The results of the "investigation" is presented below. This allows to compare prices in an indirect way to
2012-07-16 00:00:00
Situation with potatoes
We were writing about the situation in Great Britain, where heavy rains have made the harvest of early potatoes. Similarly, across the north - western Europe. It would
2012-06-08 11:59:23
Early potatoes – what next?
As we have already informed, previous week brought a significant drop in prices of early domestic potatoes. It seemed on Friday that prices stopped decreasing, however in Kalisz potatoes were
2012-05-28 13:21:13
High decrease in prices of early potatoes
Recently we wrote about low demand for early potatoes. We meant mainly imported vegetables but the problem concerns also Polish potatoes. Due to this Thursday brought drop in prices of domestic
2012-05-23 00:00:00
Early potatoes are getting cheaper
On the market there are still mostly imported vegetables. Season for domestic ones has already started and their supply is very low. However during last days it rose much enough to cause that
2012-04-27 16:02:24
Prices of vegetables near Warsaw
Beetroots – 0.25 – 0.35 PLN/ kg Onion – 2.50 – 3.00 PLN/ 15 bag White cabbage – 4.00 PLN/ 20 kg Red cabbage – 0.40 – 0.50 PLN/