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2023-07-21 14:00:00
Drought clips Catalan apple and pear production
Catalonia’s apple and pear crop will be 15-20 per cent lower than originally expected this coming season due to drought, according to fruit association Afrucat. General director Manel Simon said
2023-07-21 00:00:00
Ukrainian farmers are already shipping blueberries cheaper than last year
Blueberry prices in Ukraine continue to drop rapidly, and this berry is already cheaper than in the second half of July 2022, EastFruit project analysts report. At the same time, key market
2023-07-21 00:00:00
Fruit importer/exporter looks back on the first half of 2023
Salix Fruits ends the first half of the year with important achievements. “2023 demonstrates our constant dedication to improvement and growth as we continue to provide quality services and
2023-07-21 00:00:00
Hauschildt fruit wholesaler builds new picking hall with 4,500 sqm of space
The Hauschildt family fruit farm has been in Jork since 1570. In 2016, Patrick Hauschildt took over the heritage of the traditional farm. Three years ago, he started building a new picking hall,
2023-07-21 13:00:00
Hall Hunter toasts bumper blueberry crop
The British blueberry season is flourishing this year, according to Hall Hunter. The UK grower pointed out that some 6,000 tonnes of British blueberries are hitting supermarket shelves this
2023-07-21 00:00:00
Week 27: Discounters sink ready-to-eat fruit sales
In the twenty-seventh week of 2023, fruit and vegetables by weight had a setback in value sales, despite inflationary effects, which was not the case for Lcc, which continued to grow. Among the
2023-07-21 11:00:00
Spain set for big rise in Fino lemon production
Spain is anticipating a significant increase in production of Fino lemons for the forthcoming season, reaching levels last seen during the 2020/21 campaign. Releasing its preliminary forecast for
2023-07-21 00:00:00
Packaging regulation, excluding packages under one and a half kilograms
The Agriculture Committee of the European Parliament has approved its opinion on the packaging regulation, deleting the planned restrictions on single-use packaging for food and beverages filled
2023-07-21 18:00:00
Puglia project puts grape production on the map
Buyers from Italy, France, Germany, Switzerland, Poland, Lithuania and the United Arab Emirates are set to take part in Regina di Puglia, a series of initiatives designed to raise awareness of
2023-07-21 00:00:00
Pomegranate compote and liqueur gaining popularity after only a few weeks on the Italian market
The Apulian agri-food plant Masseria Fruttirossi has recently launched a pomegranate liqueur in 75 cl bottles and a pomegranate compote in 200 g jars, both composed of 65 per cent pomegranate
2023-07-21 00:00:00
'Tomatoes, good season teaches us that quantity kills markets'
The tomato season is going well both in terms of quality and market prices, but Luca Peppe, president of the fruit and vegetable cooperative of Fondi, invites reflection. "Why, when fruit and
2023-07-21 00:00:00
Onions prices in Uzbekistan have fallen by 20% over the past week
Over the last week, wholesale prices for onions of new harvest in Uzbekistan fell by 20%. At the same time, current prices are three times lower than the previous year’s levels and almost
2023-07-21 05:00:00
Northwest Cherries launches India promotions
Northwest Cherry Growers (NWCG) is embarking on a promotional campaign across major Indian cities to introduce this summer’s crop of US Pacific Northwest cherries to discerning health-conscious
2023-07-21 00:00:00
Farmers' wages already have a winner
After the 'Pepper Car' comes the 'Farming Salary'. As it does every summer, HM.CLAUSE has carried out a draw before a notary for a juicy prize among those who trust in its pepper varieties. On
2023-07-21 00:00:00
“My beard went from half grey to 100% grey in just a few weeks”
The Mexican grape season kept getting pushed back due to a May month that was unusually cool. Although the weather helped with the coloring of the grapes, it slowed down the maturity. “The grape
2023-07-21 00:00:00
Favourable year for Asian fruit bug, fruit crops at risk
The Asian fruit bug is once again causing fear among fruit growers; after a 2022 season in which the insect had been under control, there is now a resurgence that worries producers, and the bug is
2023-07-21 12:00:00
D. Geddes supplies Extra Special strawberries to Asda
Arbroath-based D. Geddes Farms will supply Asda with over 70 million strawberries this season, including Extra Special Scottish strawberries for the first time. Operated by Frank Geddes and his
2023-07-21 00:00:00
Mega Mandy joins the Pinnacle Fresh family
The Australian citrus harvest is well underway for the Dracula citrus range from Pinnacle Fresh. “We are currently picking all varieties; Navels, Cara Cara, Tangelo, Dekopons and lemons, Afourer
2023-07-21 16:00:00
Turkish figs wait on weather
The Turkish fig crop is looking good this year, according to Akin Söyleyen of Aksun, although he warns that the unpredictability of the climate in recent years will make accurate forecasting
2023-07-21 00:00:00
Hauschildt fruit wholesaler builds new picking hall with 4,500 sqm of space
The Hauschildt family fruit farm has been in Jork since 1570. In 2016, Patrick Hauschildt took over the heritage of the traditional farm. Three years ago, he started building a new picking hall,
2023-07-21 00:00:00
Fruit and vegetables in the north-east bombed, in Veneto 52 hailstorms in one day
North-eastern regions were hit by as many as 52 violent hailstorms in a single day with real iceballs that caused incalculable damage in the countryside where the production of wheat, vegetables,
2023-07-21 00:00:00
"Climate issues mark Spanish import season"
Weather-related issues characterize the Spanish import season. Several heavy rainstorms followed a long dry spell, which caused problems with, for example, Spanish soft fruit supply and quality.
2023-07-21 12:00:00
Parsnip sales bounce back
Such is the rollercoaster world of fresh produce that UK parsnips have gone from earning the Big 50 Products 2022 title of ‘biggest faller’ to being one of this year’s star risers – all in
2023-07-21 00:00:00
Can lettuce be frozen?
Freezing food Preserving freshness for long periods of time is a common practice in many households around the world, and this includes freezing foods such as lettuce. This delicate leafy green is
2023-07-21 00:00:00
Favourable year for Asian fruit bug, fruit crops at risk
The Asian fruit bug is once again causing fear among fruit growers; after a 2022 season in which the insect had been under control, there is now a resurgence that worries producers, and the bug is