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2023-02-02 00:00:00
Ceny hurtowe cebuli osiągnęły w Gruzji rekordowy poziom, import jest nienaturalnie wysoki
W styczniu 2023 roku Gruzja zaimportowała największą ilość cebuli za styczeń co najmniej od 2014 roku. Ceny hurtowe poszły w górę - co było spodziewane. Kluczowymi dostawcami cebuli
2021-02-15 14:00:00
Indie – cebula znów drożeje
Ceny hurtowe cebuli w Komitecie ds. Rynku Produktów Rolnych Lasalgaon (APMC) wzrosły od 15 do 20 procent w ciągu ostatnich 10 dni ze względu na mniejsze napływy tego warzywa
2018-08-29 00:00:00
Eurocash Franczyza will be at Fresh Market
Eurocash Franczyza is the organizer of the Delikatesy Centrum franchise chain.  The Delikatesy Centrum chain currently has over 900 stores. Currently, their greatest concentration is in
2018-08-26 11:45:51
The VITALUR retail chain includes 50 shops of various formats, 45 located in Minsk. During the year, it is planned to open 4 more stores. The company cooperates directly with suppliers from Spain,
2018-08-26 13:06:35
BIEDRONKA at fresh Market 2018
Pillars of the company's strategy are carefully selected top quality products, offered daily at low prices. The Biedronka chain, which has been present on the Polish market for more than 20
2018-08-23 12:55:37
The largest retail chain in Ukraine ATB at Fresh Market
 In 1998 ATB was reorganized into self-service stores. Currently ATB stores operate on a "softdiscounter" basis, offering approximately 3500 products. ATB currently has more
2016-01-23 18:00:00
Onions – it can be expensive end of the season
Until recently, the onion market in Poland remained relatively stable. Prices were quite high (but not record), but we did not have to deal with a clear upward trend, which many market
2016-01-19 16:26:04
Red cabbage again is more expensive than 5 years ago
The last two months of the previous year was a period of stagnation in the red cabbage market. Despite the limited supply, which was the result of poor harvest, prices of red cabbage does not