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2023-07-18 00:00:00
Francuskie owoce w sprzedaży hurtowej i duże ilości hiszpańskich produktów
Brzoskwinie i morele Francji oraz FNPFruits skontaktowały się ze Związkiem Hurtowników Owoców i Warzyw (UNGCFL) w celu "zorganizowania pilnego spotkania i znalezienia
2023-07-11 00:00:00
Bezprecedensowe partnerstwo dla francuskich moreli z 8 supermarketami w celu wyjścia z kryzysu
Francuskie morele przechodzą obecnie trudny okres ze względu na szereg czynników, które stopniowo obniżyły ceny do poziomów nieakceptowalnych dla producentów. "Sytuacja jest częściowo
2023-06-27 00:00:00
Pogoda we Francji przynosi wczesne ilości brzoskwiń i nektaryn
Większe wolumeny, wolniejszy rynek pod koniec czerwca i zmiana pochodzenia. "Jesteśmy w kluczowym okresie", wyjaśnia Raphaël Martinez, dyrektor Peaches and Apricots of France.
2023-05-25 00:00:00
Wolumen francuskich moreli jest nieco niższy niż w ubiegłym roku
Według Peaches and Apricots of France, "pierwsze zbiory francuskich moreli odbędą się w tym tygodniu (tydzień 20), a większe ilości powinny pojawić się na rynku pod koniec
2023-05-16 00:00:00
"Jesteśmy optymistycznie nastawieni do sezonu morelowego"
Na początku sezonu morelowego 2023, Raphaël Martinez, dyrektor Peaches and Apricots of France, podkreśla trendy, które pojawiają się w tej kampanii. Wpływ suszy na europejską
2023-03-29 00:00:00
Brzoskwinie z Florydy czekają na deszcz
Sezon brzoskwiniowy na Florydzie jest o trzy tygodnie od rozpoczęcia. "Zbiory są trochę lekkie w porównaniu z ubiegłym rokiem. Większość naszych drzew ma 10-11 lat i jakby
2023-03-27 00:00:00
Peaches and Sofas, Quality Romagna
Co mają wspólnego brzoskwinie i sofy? Wystarczy cofnąć się o kilkadziesiąt lat i pomyśleć o rolnikach, którzy inwestowali w owoce pestkowe, podczas gdy ich
2023-03-10 00:00:00
Plantatorzy brzoskwiń z Karoliny Północnej uważnie obserwują wiosenne temperatury
Hodowcy brzoskwiń z Karoliny Północnej są na straży mrozu do końca kwietnia. "Jesteśmy około 20 dni do przodu w tym roku w porównaniu do ubiegłego roku, który był dość
2014-08-11 11:36:22
Poland wants to export fruit into India and Iran
A day earlier, the Minister of Agriculture of Poland, Marek Sawicki, met the ambassadors of India and Iran. Similar meetings with representatives of Kazakhstan and Belarus are planned. As it
2014-06-10 10:21:17
Greek exports affected by situation in Ukraine
Ousoutzoglou said that "special attention must be paid to promptly address these difficulties, after providing specific evidence of how significantly the export business is being affected. He also
2014-05-28 14:47:35
Georgia and Russia reached agreement on fruits vegetables supply
All the deliveries are bound to have required phitosanitary documentation. List of products allowed to be delivered to Russia from Georgia includes tomatoes, cucumbers, new potatoes, cabbage,
2014-04-01 09:22:23
Russia: stonefruit production may halve in some regions of Krasnodar Krai due to cold spell
At the same time, the Press Service of Ministry of Agriculture and Processing Industry of Krasnodar Krai says of no significant decrease expected in production of plums, sour and sweet cherries,
2014-03-17 14:04:01
Medfel: The Mediterranean Business platform
The discussions and debates taking place from 13 to 15 May in Perpignan make MedFEL a unique link, forging closer connections between the two sides of the Mediterranean. The fair fully meets
2014-03-13 09:37:16
Cheaper nectarines from South Africa
This is not the best season for those who deal in stone fruits from South Africa. Weather and low crops cause that importers have problems. They don't want to sell peaches or nectarines. Those
2013-11-18 09:49:09
Season of Spanish peaches ends
Last peaches and nectarines from Spain have been imported to Poland last week. Poor quality excluded possibility of further sale and due to this wholesalers were forecd to sell products at the
2012-04-02 08:00:00
Peaches and nectarines are going up in prices
Currently it is almost impossible to buy imported sweet cherry. In Chile – main supplier of these fruits in winter months – the season has finished. In South Africa the season
2012-03-02 14:44:21
Shellac - what is this for?
Shellac is used in many branches i.e. in food industry as E904, pharmaceutical industry, in process of producing paints, lacquers, drawing inks, as well as in renovating antique objects and in
2012-02-07 08:00:00
Current prices of imported apples and pears
Polish people more often buy bananas and citrus fruits instead of apples. However importers still offer apples. Currently, popular “green apples” of variety Granny Smith imported
2011-10-05 05:47:53
Lower supply of Spanish peaches and nectarines
Supply of the product is lower and as a result prices are growing. The price of peaches has increased to 42-50 PLN (9.54-11.36 euro)/10 kg. The price of nectarines has grown even more to 45-57
2011-09-13 10:19:59
Stable prices of imported peaches and nectarines
Quality of Polish fruit is rather poor. On the other hand supply of peaches and nectarines imported mainly from Spain is still high and their prices are stable. Price of peaches is 27-35 PLN
2011-08-03 13:17:16
Lower prices of domestic peaches
Price of domestic peaches has been still falling and demand has lowered. Within a week the price has fallen by another 1 zł (0.25 eur) / kg stopping at ridiculously low level. Nowadays,
2011-07-04 00:00:00
Moscow: further decrease in prices of peaches and nectarines
Further decrease in prices of peaches and nectarines imported from Spain was noted in Moscow in the second half of the last week. Due to growing supply and falling producers prices in Spain in
2011-05-23 00:00:00
Spanish nectarines already on the market
First Spanish nectarines have already appeared on the Polish market. So far there are fruit of small size, however importers are going to extend product range with bigger sizes nectarines as well
2011-05-06 00:00:00
Poland: Farmers fear frost may damage harvest
The sudden drop in temperature has prompted panic in sections of the Polish farming community, amidst fears that yields of apples and other fruit will be damaged. Losses have already been reported
2010-11-04 00:00:00
Moscow: increase in prices of fruit
Last week in Moscow one could observe increase in prices of some fruit. Prices of peaches imported from Spain grew from 55-60 rubles (1.29-1.40 euro) to 60-67 rubles (1.40-1.57 euro) per kg.