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w kategorii: / Ceny owoców i warzyw
2023-06-19 00:00:00
Rynek czereśni w Europie Wschodniej, na Kaukazie i w Azji Środkowej
Sezon wiśniowy rozpoczyna się w Europie Wschodniej, w Gruzji jest w pełnym rozkwicie, a w Azji Środkowej już się kończy. Jednak połowa czerwca to okres, w którym
2023-06-03 00:00:00
Ceny gruzińskich czereśni stabilizują się wraz z postępującym sezonem zbiorów
Pierwsze zbiory gruzińskich czereśni pojawiły się na rynku w połowie maja, czemu towarzyszyły wyższe ceny w porównaniu do poprzedniego sezonu. Dane z monitoringu cen EastFruit z
2021-03-02 14:14:00
Włochy – ceny pomidorów w dół
„Nasze uprawy pomidorów dobrze sobie radzą dzięki sprzyjającym warunkom pogodowym, ale sprzedaż nie jest tak dobra” - mówi Salvatore Astuto, kierownik produkcji
2015-01-12 15:52:06
Ten years FRUIT LOGISTICA Innovation Award – Detailed information about the ten FLIA 2015 nominees
These innovations will be presented to more than 60,000 trade visitors from over 120 countries on 4-6 February at the special FLIA display located between Halls 20 and 21. The winner will be
2014-06-18 10:06:46
Ukrainian sweet cherries too expensive for Russia
The situation is connected with relatively high prices of Ukrainian produce. Due to a decrease in the sweet cherry supply provoked by rainy and cloudy weather, Ukrainian growers maintain high
2014-06-10 09:34:53
Ukrainian fresh produce price index down last week
«Early produce has finally taken a leading position in the Ukrainian market in early June that has resulted in a fall in prices in almost all fresh produce segments», says Ms. Tetiana Getman,
2014-04-17 11:00:00
Production of export-quality sweet cherries in Ukraine
The master-class will be held by Mr. Adri Streef, international expert from the Netherlands. The presentation will include the issues of high-quality sweet cherry production technological moments
2014-04-01 09:22:23
Russia: stonefruit production may halve in some regions of Krasnodar Krai due to cold spell
At the same time, the Press Service of Ministry of Agriculture and Processing Industry of Krasnodar Krai says of no significant decrease expected in production of plums, sour and sweet cherries,
2012-07-02 13:06:38
Looking for cherries
Company is interested in any amount of fruits. mobile: 504 600 103
2012-05-29 10:07:12
Bronisze – prices of sweet cherry
The supply of sweet cherry on the Bronisze wholesale market increased significantly last week. There are mainly imported fruits, however it is possible to buy Polish Rivan. Fruits are small and
2012-04-02 08:00:00
Peaches and nectarines are going up in prices
Currently it is almost impossible to buy imported sweet cherry. In Chile – main supplier of these fruits in winter months – the season has finished. In South Africa the season
2010-10-06 00:00:00
Moscow: prices of vegetables imported from Holland
Last week o he Moscow wholesale market one could observe fluctuation in prices of cherry tomatoes and sweet pepper imported from Holland. Price of red pepper decreased from 110-120 rubles