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Znaleziono podstron zawierających "fruits"
2012-02-14 08:59:11
Stable prices of citrus fruits
Only prices of grapefruits from Spain slightly decreased (at about 7%) and they are being sold from 60.00 to 65.00 PLN/ 17 kg (3.53 – 3.82 PLN/ kg). However the price of grapefruits
2012-02-10 00:00:00
Citrus fruits and bananas instead of apples
Poles eat less apples and vegetables as: cabbage, onion, beetroot and carrot. Instead of those products they consume much more citrus fruits and bananas (about 12 kg per year). The
2012-02-07 08:00:00
Current prices of imported apples and pears
Polish people more often buy bananas and citrus fruits instead of apples. However importers still offer apples. Currently, popular “green apples” of variety Granny Smith imported
2012-02-06 14:56:49
Great demand for apples near Grójec
Until recently exporters in mazowieckie province haven’t complained, because they have been buying apples size 70+. Now increasing demand for smaller fruits is a big problem for
2012-01-10 15:35:09
Stable prices of citruses
At the moment, oranges in net bags are sold at price 65-68 PLN (14.48-15.14 euro)/20 kg. Price of oranges of bigger sizes fell by 4 % to 38-44 PLN (8.46-9.80 euro)/10 kg. Prices of mandarins
2011-11-18 00:00:00
Пакистан поставит в Россию 90 тыс. тонн мандаринов kinnow
90 тыс. тонн мандаринов kinnow будут отправлены в Россию, один из крупнейших рынков сбыта, где цитрусовые
2011-10-28 05:51:14
Polskie jabłka czekają na Rosję
Z monitoringu Instytutu Ekonomiki Rolnictwa wynika, że średnie ceny jabłek na rynkach hurtowych są obecnie o 22 proc. niższe niż rok temu. Z kolei ceny płacone w skupie
2011-08-12 06:58:21
Czy powstaną lokalne targowiska?
Na budowę lub modernizację targowiska gmina lub związek gmin może dostać do 1 mln zł. Dofinansowane będzie 75 proc. kosztów inwestycji prowadzonych w miejscowościach do 50
2011-08-04 13:22:43
Growers are happy with prices of apples for processing
Growers are happy with the current price of apple for processing, especially as it shows upward tendency. They are so far also not worried about its decline, as they know that there is very few
2011-08-03 13:17:16
Lower prices of domestic peaches
Price of domestic peaches has been still falling and demand has lowered. Within a week the price has fallen by another 1 zł (0.25 eur) / kg stopping at ridiculously low level. Nowadays,
2011-07-26 12:58:00
Some companies export apples of summer varieties
Some companies have already had experience in the transport of such unstable varieties of apples  and some, as they say, simply make the test delivery  by sending one or two trucks.
2011-04-29 00:00:00
Благодаря России Пакистан нарастил экспорт картофеля на 62%
За последние четыре месяца экспорт картофеля из Пакистана вырос на 62% и составил $48 млн. в денежном и 0,116 млн.
2011-03-24 00:00:00
Moscow: decrease in prices of citrus fruit
Decrease in prices of mandarins from Pakistan was noted last week on the Moscow market. Prices fell from 55-60 rubles (1.36-1.48 euro) to 50-55 rubles (1.24-1.36 euro), and further decrease are
2011-02-24 00:00:00
W Hiszpanii rośnie sprzedaż krojonych warzyw i owoców
Według danych opublikowanych przez hiszpańską organizację Afhorla, w Hiszpanii wielkość sprzedaży warzyw i owoców krojonych, gotowych do spożycia wzrosła w 2010 r.
2011-02-22 00:00:00
Moscow: decrease in prices of citrus fruit
Decrease in prices of mandarins from Pakistan was noted last week on the Moscow market. Prices fell from 55-60 rubles (1.36-1.48 euro) to 50-55 rubles (1.24-1.36 euro), and further