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Znaleziono podstron zawierających "pears"
2023-01-30 12:00:00
South Africa expects average apple and pear export crop
South Africa’s apple and pear exports are set for a small reduction this season with the industry describing it as an average crop. The export crop is expected to be slightly lower at 44.8m
2023-01-30 00:00:00
Brytyjscy sadownicy udaremnieni przez gwałtowny wzrost kosztów produkcji
Przyszłość brytyjskich jabłek i gruszek wisi na włosku, ponieważ rosnące koszty zmusiły sadowników do odrzucenia planów posadzenia miliona drzew. Sadzonki miały być sadzone
2023-01-30 00:00:00
“We want to develop our export sales of organic apples”
Select Fruit, a branch of the Pom’Evasion group, will share a booth with its partner Cofruid’Oc Méditerranée at Fruit Logistica in Berlin. Both companies produce French apples and pears and
2023-01-25 20:00:00
Ręka Buddy zamyka sezon w Kalifornii
Zapasy unikalnej specjalności cytrusowej pozycji Buddy's hand zbliżają się do końca sezonu w Kalifornii. "Sezon zwykle zaczyna się we wrześniu w przypadku upraw cytrusów, ale
2023-01-24 00:00:00
La Grande Bellezza Italiana ready for co-branding with its premium products
For the second year at Marca Fresh, the space reserved for the fresh sector at the Bologna exhibition, the Great Italian Beauty. With the slogan Coltiviamo Passioni (Let's Cultivate Passions),
2022-05-09 10:14:00
Belarus restores pear imports from Poland
From 27 April this year Belarus has restored the possibility of supplying some EU fruits and vegetables since 27 April this year. As far as fruits are concerned, besides apples, pears are on the
2022-02-03 13:52:00
WAPA releases the first apple and pear stock figures of 2022
/ News
WAPA, the World Apple and Pear Association, released today the first apple and pear stock figures of 2022. The figures show that in Europe apple stocks increased by 5.1% compared to 2021 to
2022-01-25 15:00:00
Belgia – dobre ceny gruszek, słabe jabłek
W tym roku jabłka i gruszki nie radzą sobie równie dobrze na rynku owoców. Tak twierdzi Laurent De Smedt, szef tego działu w BelOrta w Belgii. "Rynek
2022-01-17 16:37:00
  14 of the most Italian important companies involved in the fresh fruit industry and more than 1.000 experts pear Fruit Growers who have decided to join forces, with the support of
2022-01-07 10:56:00
Freshfel Europe expresses deep concerns about the Belarus embargo on the import of European fruit and vegetables worth 300 million €
On 6th December 2021, Belarus decided to respond to the latest international sanctions by implementing an embargo on food import into the country for food products originating from the European
2021-12-16 12:38:00
Demand for pears consistently high in Poland
Fresh-market.pl recently reported on WAPA's updated forecast for the European Union's pear harvest in 2021 (see here). For Poland, the data has not changed and speaks of a harvest at the
2021-11-09 12:00:00
W. Brytania – kryzys na rynku jabłek
Wielka Brytania musi importować 55-60 procent swoich jabłek z powodu braku pracowników do zbioru owoców, którzy wcześniej pochodzili głównie z Ukrainy,
2021-10-12 09:00:00
Globalny rynek gruszek
Zimne okresy wiosenne spowodowały spustoszenie w niektórych europejskich krajach produkujących gruszki - straty sięgają 90 procent w przypadku niektórych odmian
2021-10-12 11:13:00
Pears got cheaper in Poland
September brought falls in wholesale prices on the domestic pear market in Poland. The most popular variety - Conference - decreased in purchase by 23 per cent between September 13 and 22. After
2021-08-26 09:57:00
Экспорт груш из Польши на конец 2 квартала 2021 года
Объем экспорта груш из Польши (категория CN 080830 - Свежие груши) в первой половине 2021 года составил 59,9 тыс.
2021-08-26 09:55:00
Exports of pears from Poland after Q2 2021
The volume of export of pears from Poland (CN category 080830 - Fresh pears) amounted to 59.9 thousand tonnes in the first half of 2021, and its value amounted to 71.3 million PLN. This means an
2021-07-05 11:33:00
WAPA - pear stocks, June 2021.
WAPA has published an updated estimate of pear stocks. For the European Union countries (plus Switzerland and Great Britain), stocks of this fruit, as of 1 June 2021, totalled 61,458 tonnes. The
2021-06-22 14:00:00
Holandia – zbiory gruszek Ksenia będą rosły
W Holandii ostatnia z gruszek Ksenia została sprzedana na początku maja. To oznaczało koniec sezonu sprzedaży tej klubowej odmiany gruszki. W ubiegłym sezonie gruszki Ksenia
2021-06-18 12:59:00
Belgia sytuacja na rynku gruszek nie jest zła
„Nastrój na rynku gruszek jest dość pozytywny. Ceny nie są złe, ale też nie są wyjątkowo wysokie. Obecnie są lepsze niż przez pierwsze trzy miesiące roku.
2021-06-15 10:06:00
Import of pears to Poland in Q1 2021
The volume of imports to Poland of pears (CN category 080830 - Fresh pears) amounted to 13.9 thousand tonnes in the first quarter of 2021, while its value reached 45.1 million PLN. This represents
2021-06-08 10:39:00
Export of pears from Poland in Q1 2021
The export volume of pears from Poland (CN category 080830 - Fresh pears) amounted to 43.0 thousand tonnes in the first quarter of 2021, and its value was 45.1 million PLN. This means a slight
2021-06-08 10:46:00
Экспорт груш из Польши в 1 квартале 2021 года
Объем экспорта груш из Польши (категория CN 080830 - Свежие груши) в первом квартале 2021 года составил 43,0 тыс.
2021-06-02 09:29:00
WAPA - запасы груши, май 2021 года.
WAPA опубликовала обновленную оценку запасов груши. По состоянию на 1 мая 2021 года запасы Европейского союза
2021-06-02 09:25:00
WAPA - pear stocks, May 2021.
WAPA has published an updated estimate of pear stocks. As for the European Union countries (plus Switzerland), stocks of this fruit, as of 1 May 2021, amounted to 147,579 tonnes. The vast majority
2021-05-05 09:07:00
WAPA - pear stocks, April 2021.
WAPA has published an updated estimate of pear stocks. As for the European Union countries (plus Switzerland), stocks of this fruit, as of 1 April 2021, amounted to 273,473 tonnes. The vast