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w kategorii: / Ceny owoców i warzyw
2023-07-18 00:00:00
W kwietniu Maroko sprzedało w UE więcej arbuzów niż Hiszpania i po wyższej cenie.
Według danych przygotowanych przez Hortoinfo, w kwietniu tego roku Maroko sprzedało łącznie 9,14 mln kg arbuza na rynki UE. Jest to o 248,8% więcej niż Hiszpania sprzedała na
2023-05-17 00:00:00
Kwiecień w dystrybucji na dużą skalę: ożywienie konsumpcji warzyw, ale wciąż wysoka inflacja
W kwietniu dział owoców i warzyw w dystrybucji na dużą skalę wykazuje oznaki ożywienia pod względem konsumpcji, ale inflacja nadal pozostaje wysoka i nie zmienia się
2023-04-19 08:00:00
Asiafruit April już w sprzedaży
Kwietniowe wydanie 2023 Asiafruit Magazine jest już dostępne w aplikacji Asiafruit - Apple i Android - przynosząc najnowsze wiadomości i poglądy z całego szybko zmieniającego
2023-04-05 00:00:00
"Ograniczona dostępność oznacza, że wczesne ziemniaki nie mogą jeszcze sprostać zapotrzebowaniu rynku"
The European potato market is facing a shortage of good-quality product with the new crop expected to arrive later than usual due to a cold, wet March. Packagers are struggling to control quality
2023-04-04 00:00:00
Pszczoły, dlaczego Greenpeace strzela do rolników?
Wszyscy, przetrwanie jabłek, pomidorów i truskawek jest zagrożone. Może brzmi to jak spóźniony żart prima aprilisowy, ale to właśnie postuluje Greenpeacen w swojej kampanii na
2023-03-24 00:00:00
Do połowy kwietnia powinny być dostępne pierwsze krajowe produkty gruntowe z południowej Hesji
Pierwsze zestawy roślin warzywnych są w ziemi. W gospodarstwie BEHR w południowej Hesji pod koniec lutego rozpoczęto sadzenie sałaty lodowej. W gospodarstwie Gresse
2023-02-08 00:00:00
Wykończenie uprawy cytrusów na Florydzie prawdopodobnie zwiększy popyt na owoce z Teksasu.
Texas citrus nadal znajduje się po szczuplejszej stronie dostaw. "Pomarańcze były małe przez cały sezon ze względu na silny popyt" - mówi April Flowers z Lone
First melons on the Spanish market
April is the beginning of melons season. First fruits are already on the market. The earliest variety is Galia which is one of most popular in Europe. Galia is grown in Almeria. Good weather
2015-05-12 12:00:00
Bolzano, 12 May 2015 - Almost 100,000 participants over eight days dedicated to the importance of sport in preventing diseases such as breast cancer. These are some of the figures from Carrera
2015-05-12 10:40:00
Demand for potatoes drops again
"Last year, a big drop in retail prices and an improvement in quality led to an increase in potato consumption, something which we had not seen since 2008," highlights Krystyna Świetlik, of the
2015-01-12 15:52:06
Ten years FRUIT LOGISTICA Innovation Award – Detailed information about the ten FLIA 2015 nominees
These innovations will be presented to more than 60,000 trade visitors from over 120 countries on 4-6 February at the special FLIA display located between Halls 20 and 21. The winner will be
2014-06-16 11:10:00
Stocks of Champion apples down by 40% in April
As on May 1st, 2014, the Polish national stocks of Szampion apples stood at 40,000 tons, while a month before they had totaled 70,000 tons. However, it should be noted that in the beginning of May
2014-06-03 09:54:01
Russia: imports of Polish apples up by a third in April
Russia's imports stood at 80,000 tons, an increase of 31% compared with March 2014. Nevertheless, on a year-on-year basis, the import volumes went down by 32% in April 2014.Furthermore, Poland's
2014-06-03 10:01:56
Ukraine: Alternative fuel sources presented to decrease price of veggies
According to the official, high prices of Ukrainian vegetables are directly related to energy prices. "A solution to the problem is a loan program for transition to alternative energy sources of
2014-05-08 12:56:49
Poland: Demand for quality export apples increased
The purchased volumes of Idared apples are also growing, while demand for these apples up until early April was quite stable. Nevertheless, Idared apple prices are lower than those of other
2014-05-07 10:18:22
Poland: Apple stocks down by a third in March
On April 1, apple stocks totaled 495,000 tons, an increase of 25% compared with the same period of the previous year, when they stood at 680,000 tons. Idared apples account for the largest share
2014-05-05 10:47:31
Applications for participation in Ukrainian berry conference to be accepted until May 16
Registration of participants actively goes on. Previously announced delegates were joined by the following companies: Fazanya Balka Starobeshevo, Askon, Avrora, Shuvar, Podillya-Plant, Brusvyana,
2014-04-28 11:48:33
Ukrainian fresh produce price index down
“A decrease in the fresh produce price index is connected with a fall in prices of greenhouse vegetables due to lower demand for them after Easter holidays. Prices of traditional vegetables did
2014-04-22 10:31:42
End of Greek kiwi
Each year, April is a crucial month in generally stable trade. At the beginning of April kiwi from Greece is disappearing from the Polish market. Instead fruits from Italy are available. From the
2014-04-18 09:35:36
Courgette - will prices increase?
Prices of imported courgette have never been so low. Currently Spanish vegetable cost PLN 3.00 - 4.00 / kg (wholesale). In March prices were at the level of PLN 4.00 - 5.00 / kg. Since the
2014-04-17 10:17:25
Golden Delicious going well
Cheap Polish apples are an alternative for a bit poorer Russians (due to unfavourable exchange rate of Rouble). The situation on the Golden Delicious market confirms that. Normally, producers have
2014-04-16 09:03:42
Weather influenced prices of tomatoes
There was no real winter this year and this is why production of tomatoes has started earlier. Due to this the supply was increasing very fast. As a consequence of early spring prices were going
2014-04-16 10:04:43
EU wants to reduce vegetable transport prices
Almost a quarter of all trucks circulating on European roads are empty on any given day, either while going back to their points of origin or between two shipments. According to a report accessed
2014-04-15 15:50:52
Rising export prices of apples
Since the beginning of April number of exported fruits is getting higher. Increasing demand caused price rise. They are not as high as producers could expect but much higher than in March. As an
2014-04-15 09:51:54
Ukraine: chaotic fresh produce price fluctuations last week
“For the first time over the past 4 years of Fruit-Inform Ukrainian fresh produce price index history, we have observed such a chaotic situation in the fruit and vegetable sector”, says Ms.