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w kategorii: / Ceny owoców i warzyw
2023-03-13 12:00:00
'Niedobory w supermarketach podkreślają znaczenie modelu rynku hurtowego'
Podczas gdy obszerne ogólnokrajowe relacje na temat braku warzyw i sałatek na półkach supermarketów były transmitowane przez media, pojawiło się poważne przesłanie dla
2018-01-29 17:31:21
Fruit offer to Poland
If you are interested in selling fruit to Poland leave the information with the name of the fruit offered, your email and phone number.
2018-01-29 17:35:11
Fruit offer to Poland
If you are interested in selling fruit to Poland leave the information with the name of the fruit offered, your email and phone number.
2014-03-14 10:22:40
Global Berry Congress
Eliminating waste in the supply chain and at point of sale is important for fresh produce as a whole and vitally important for the fresh berry category where freshness and shelf life are some of
2013-12-19 09:56:24
Ważna rozmowa ministrów rolnictwa Polski i Czech
Szef polskiego resortu rolnictwa pogratulował objęcia stanowiska i życzył sukcesów przy wykonywaniu obowiązków.W trakcie rozmowy minister Kalemba nawiązał do kontaktów z jego
2013-07-18 14:24:32
Download free apps for Android
Applications include prices from: Warsaw Wholesale Market Sandomierski Ogrodniczy Rynek Hurtowy S.A Wielkopolska Giełda Rolno-Ogrodnicza S.A Łódzki Rynek Hurtowy ZJAZDOWA
2013-03-26 13:03:45
Catalogue of Varieties now is available for purchase in PDF format!
Do you want to know what apples are good to bake an apple pie, and which are the best suited for juice? Or maybe you are interested in ways to harvest date and variety store? If so, Apple
2013-01-28 11:37:09
How to buy Apple Varieties at Google Play?
If you have the Samsung, HTC, LG or other mobile device with Android software you will see an icon of Google Play on the screen of your mobile phone or tablet. This is a logotype of a Google
2012-12-17 11:25:14
The company is looking for suppliers of vegetables
Head of cabbage 1 - 3 kg, packed in bags or big bags, Cabbage for industry head of red cabbage 1 - 2.5 kg and 1 - 3 kg, packed in bags or big bags, Savoy cabbage 1 - 2.5 kg, packed in
2012-11-08 10:00:00
Looking for apples
Up to 1000 tonnes Basstion Fruit Sp. of o.o. Michael Biedrzycki 96-230 White Rawska Phone: 604417817 www.basstionfruit.pl
2012-10-02 15:55:17
Looking for potatoes
Varieties of potatoes , caliber 45 +, with documents for export, packed in big bags, cash. Bramburi Vertriebsges.m.b.H. Gmünder Straße 15 A-3931 Schweiggers phone
2012-08-14 15:39:22
Looking for apples
Company SWEET GARDEN Phone: 664 124 124 www: sweet-garden.com.pl gg: 7121400 skype: sweet-garden E-mail: sweet-garden@wp.pl Form of payment: cash or bank transfer.