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2023-03-10 00:00:00
Eksport białej kapusty z Uzbekistanu zmniejszył się 2,4 razy
Wielkość eksportu białej kapusty z Uzbekistanu w styczniu-lutym 2023 roku gwałtownie spadła i była najniższa w tym samym okresie ostatnich czterech lat. Tak gwałtowny spadek
2023-03-09 00:00:00
Eksport białej kapusty z Uzbekistanu w styczniu-lutym 2023 roku zmniejszył się 2,4 razy
Wielkość eksportu białej kapusty z Uzbekistanu w styczniu-lutym 2023 roku gwałtownie spadła i była najniższa w tym samym okresie ostatnich czterech lat. Tak gwałtowny
2023-02-02 00:00:00
Ceny białej kapusty na Ukrainie spadają z powodu szybko pogarszającej się jakości
Z powodu szybkiego spadku jakości białej kapusty w magazynach ukraińskich producentów, lokalni rolnicy zaczęli w tym tygodniu masowo obniżać jej ceny - informują analitycy
2022-04-28 08:00:00
Zeszłoroczna kapusta biała tanieje na Ukrainie
Na Ukrainie ceny zeszłorocznej kapusty białej zaczęły spadać, podają analitycy projektu C. Zdaniem ekspertów przyczyną redukcji był spadek obrotów i zakupów ze
2018-12-03 15:55:00
Will the price of white cabbage continue to rise in Poland?
Last week, producers of late varieties of cabbage rushed to the fields in order to keep up with the harvest before the frosts. Information from the country shows that in most cases white cabbage
2018-11-26 15:42:27
What are the prices of cabbage on the Mazovian wholesale markets in Poland?
During the second to last week of November not much happened in terms of changes in the prices of cabbage on the wholesale markets of the Mazowiecki Region of Poland. After earlier increases, the
2018-11-08 14:24:58
Prices of white cabbage in Poland are still record high
On the Polish wholesale market there is still a high demand for white cabbage. Both on the wholesale market, as well as in the processing industry. Cabbage instead of cheaper, which is usually the
2015-08-24 17:00:00
Kapusta biała nie odpuszcza
Pomimo, że w minionym tygodniu nieco popadało, to wciąż nie ma mowy o końcu suszy. Żeby zażegnać jej skutki, to padać musiałoby o wiele dłużej. Zresztą pewne
2015-08-18 15:00:00
Kapusta niemal tak droga jak w 2010
Hurtowe ceny białej kapusty jeszcze na początku sierpnia, choć wyższe niż zazwyczaj o tej porze roku, były jeszcze daleko za poziomem, jaki osiągały one w tym samym okresie roku
2015-08-14 15:00:00
Kapusta biała - kłopoty z podażą
Problemy z podażą kapusty białej to, w tym sezonie, problem nie nowy. Na rodzimym rynku hurtowym mówi się o kłopotach z dostępnością dużych ilości ładnej
2015-03-27 19:14:58
Czy będzie złotówka?
W zasadzie trend zwyżkowy cen białej kapusty na polskim rynku hurtowym został utrzymany. Nawet dziś, w piątek niektóre firmy podnosiły cenę na kapustę w swoich ofertach kupna.
2015-01-27 09:39:35
Poland: white cabbage prices almost double over two weeks
For the present, sellers offer white cabbage at 0.14-0.17 euro/kg, an increase of 17-21% year-on-year thanks to high demand for Polish produce in Belarus, where middlemen then resell it to
2015-01-20 13:01:05
The 7th International Conference «Potatoes & Vegetables of Ukraine-2015»
The conference will traditionally be held in Kiev on February 27. This year, the event's program will be even more informative, as the conference will take place in conjunction with Storage
2014-06-10 09:34:53
Ukrainian fresh produce price index down last week
«Early produce has finally taken a leading position in the Ukrainian market in early June that has resulted in a fall in prices in almost all fresh produce segments», says Ms. Tetiana Getman,
2014-04-25 10:10:00
White cabbage still expensive
Participants of the market expected price drop of white cabbage after Easter. However deman from vegetables in Russia and Ukrainne is stil high and due to this prices remain stable. On the
2014-04-23 10:03:15
Early white cabbage already on the market
The season of early cabbage started earlier than year ago. Last year bad weather conditions delayed beginning of season. This year prices are very similar to those from 2012. Now early cabbage
2014-04-15 09:51:54
Ukraine: chaotic fresh produce price fluctuations last week
“For the first time over the past 4 years of Fruit-Inform Ukrainian fresh produce price index history, we have observed such a chaotic situation in the fruit and vegetable sector”, says Ms.
2014-04-07 09:07:10
More active exports provoke jump in white cabbage prices in Poland
Last week Polish farmers said of lack of a seasonal increase in white cabbage prices due to low demand in the internal market and externally. Before the weekend they were ready to sell white
2014-03-24 09:42:50
Ukrainian fresh produce price index down due to problems with exports to Russia
“A decrease in the fresh produce price index is connected with a sharp fall in prices of greenhouse vegetables, which were registered due to growing outputs and problems with exports to the
2014-03-18 10:22:25
Lower demand for red cabbage
Prices of red cabbage are much higher than white. It's not an extraordinary situation but there were years when white cabbage was more expensive. The chart below shows that current season is
2013-03-12 10:37:52
Young cabbage on a Polish market!
We wrote recently what is happening on the market of white cabbage  In general it is not very good, and the prices are very low. Meanwhile, the Polish have already hit its first
2013-03-11 11:04:42
Cabbage is waiting for its time
Expectations at the beginning of the season were great.With exports to Romania, prices go up and it seemed that the high expectations from the beginning of the season confirmed quickly and
2012-12-11 08:05:30
Cabage will get more expensive
After an earlier reduction, savoy cabbage prices back to the level of 0.70 - 0.90 zł / kg. Stable prices are consequence of stable level of supply and demand. Although generally sell of
2012-07-02 13:02:58
Company will buy cabbage
White cabbage, from 1 to 2 kg. mobile: 665 249 512
2012-05-04 09:45:37
Prices of imported cabbage
Young white cabbage form Macedonia 25 zł / carton 7 units, Young cabbage from Hungary 3.00 - 3.15 zł / kg. Chinese cabbage with Węgierznacznie gone up in price at the end of April.