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2014-10-13 11:01:16
Россельхознадзор может ввести запрет на реэкспорт продуктов питания через Украину
«Будем на следующей неделе рассматривать введение запретов на реэкспорт для ряда стран в связи с
2014-10-08 08:10:18
Rosja znów uderza w Polskę
PIORiN informuje: „Z dniem 6 października rosyjska służba ochrony roślin Rassielchoznadzor wprowadziła zakaz reeksportu produktów pochodzenia roślinnego, do których dołączone były
2014-10-08 13:24:21
Ukraińcy i Rosjanie przestali płacić
Wzrost ryzyka działalności na wschodnich rynkach widać również po rosnących kwotach odszkodowań wypłacanych polskim firmom w związku z fakturami nieregulowanymi
2014-10-07 15:30:00
Wieści z Rosji
Ceny w Rosji idą w górę, a to przecież dopiero początek jesieni. Co będzie zimą? I wzrost ten jest na tyle duży, że nie mogą go już nie zauważać czynniki
2014-09-29 15:25:00
"Меньше и хуже": российские ритейлеры признали сокращение ассортимента розничных продуктов из-за санкций РФ
"Овощей и фруктов в сетях стало меньше. Качество этого товара хуже. Товар из Юго-Восточной Азии несколько
2014-09-26 10:00:00
Rosja stara się zastępować unijne produkty
Zarówno rosyjskie władze, jak i tamtejsi importerzy zwijają się jak w ukropie, aby z rynku nie zniknęły całkowicie produkty spożywcze objęte embargiem. Z informacji
2014-09-25 10:00:00
Wieści z Rosji
Rosja nie odczuwa skutków embarga, a Rosjanie świetnie sobie radzą bez produktów rolnych z UE. Chwalą swoje władze i uważają, że dzięki embargu zyska lokalne rolnictwo.
2014-09-19 10:00:00
Rosja: nie odczuwamy skutków embarga
Rosyjskie media publikują wypowiedzi przedstawicieli administracji, wyniki badań konsumenckich, analizy ekspertów i publicystów, które głoszą, iż rosyjski rynek nie odczuł
2014-09-09 15:34:08
Carrefour at Fresh Market Conference
Carrefour Polska is owned 100% by the Carrefour Group, a French hypermarket and supermarket chain. The Carrefour Group was founded in France in 1959. The first supermarket was opened in
2014-08-11 11:30:58
EU to analyze Russia’s food import ban
A meeting of the EU Council may be convened at a required level in the coming days, if necessary, the EU source said.It is early to say whether the EU will take measures in response to the Russian
2014-08-11 11:36:22
Poland wants to export fruit into India and Iran
A day earlier, the Minister of Agriculture of Poland, Marek Sawicki, met the ambassadors of India and Iran. Similar meetings with representatives of Kazakhstan and Belarus are planned. As it
2014-06-25 10:13:34
Rosjanie kupili mniej owoców i warzyw
Dla porównania w całym 2013 roku wielkość zakupów świeżych produktów ogrodnictwa wyniosła 8,432 mln ton wobec 8,013 mln ton w całym roku 2012. Najwięcej w pierwszych
2014-06-18 10:06:46
Ukrainian sweet cherries too expensive for Russia
The situation is connected with relatively high prices of Ukrainian produce. Due to a decrease in the sweet cherry supply provoked by rainy and cloudy weather, Ukrainian growers maintain high
2014-06-17 10:51:49
Poland: exporters prefer Mutsu and Golden Delicious apples
Despite the fact that the majority of Polish exporters switched over to buying strawberries and sweet cherries, the demand for those apples is rather active. However, exporters often say of
2014-06-17 11:30:00
Further seasonal decrease in Ukrainian fresh produce price index
«The situation in the Ukrainian fresh produce market was mixed last week as worse weather provoked an increase in prices in some cases», says Ms. Tetiana Getman, Head of Fruit-Inform. «An
2014-06-16 11:10:00
Stocks of Champion apples down by 40% in April
As on May 1st, 2014, the Polish national stocks of Szampion apples stood at 40,000 tons, while a month before they had totaled 70,000 tons. However, it should be noted that in the beginning of May
2014-06-10 10:21:17
Greek exports affected by situation in Ukraine
Ousoutzoglou said that "special attention must be paid to promptly address these difficulties, after providing specific evidence of how significantly the export business is being affected. He also
2014-06-05 11:25:14
Difficult situation between Russia and EU
At the time this article went to press, there was as yet no official reaction from Russia. However, the EU already announced further sanctions. And although political responses are difficult to
2014-06-05 12:01:57
Demand for Golden Delicious and Mutsu
Demand for apples, generally, isn't high but everything depends on veriety. There is an interest in Golden Delicious, Mutsu and Gala. High interest in Golden Delicious at this time of season
2014-06-03 09:54:01
Russia: imports of Polish apples up by a third in April
Russia's imports stood at 80,000 tons, an increase of 31% compared with March 2014. Nevertheless, on a year-on-year basis, the import volumes went down by 32% in April 2014.Furthermore, Poland's
2014-06-03 10:01:56
Ukraine: Alternative fuel sources presented to decrease price of veggies
According to the official, high prices of Ukrainian vegetables are directly related to energy prices. "A solution to the problem is a loan program for transition to alternative energy sources of
2014-05-29 12:21:12
Showcase your brand at FRUIT EXPO 2014
Anyone who is interested in reaching a broad group of professionals in the fruit and vegetable sector may choose from among a range of possibilities.Book your stand and showcase your brand to lots
2014-05-28 14:47:35
Georgia and Russia reached agreement on fruits vegetables supply
All the deliveries are bound to have required phitosanitary documentation. List of products allowed to be delivered to Russia from Georgia includes tomatoes, cucumbers, new potatoes, cabbage,
2014-05-14 10:35:21
Russia blocked Turkish strawberries
During the phytosanitary import controls in the Krasnodar region, the presence of thrips was detected.  This is the first time this year that the pest is found in strawberry imports. The
2014-05-13 10:15:00
Worsening situation
Deamnd for apples is getting lower, quality is getting poorer and Roubel is still in bad conditio. What is more, early Spring caused that supply of seasonal fruits in Europe is increasing. These