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2023-04-24 00:00:00
"Z The Potato Chef wchodzimy na rynek z dużym potencjałem"
Regularni goście europejskich targów niewątpliwie zauważyli The Potato Chef. Belgijska firma De Aardappelhoeve podnosi świadomość swojej marki przetworzonych produktów ziemniaczanych
2023-04-24 00:00:00
Konsumenci kupili mniej jabłek i gruszek w 2022 roku
W ubiegłym roku konsumenci w Belgii wydali na owoce średnio 127 euro, co odpowiada 41 kg świeżych owoców. To o 6% mniej niż w 2021 r. i 3% mniej niż w 2019 r., wynika z danych
Relacje do poprawki !!
W dniach od 6 do 7 października w Boguchwale koło Rzeszowa odbyła się Jesienna Giełda Ogrodnicza. Organizatorem giełdy był Podkarpacki Ośrodek Doradztwa Rolniczego. Pokazano dorobek
2023-04-21 00:00:00
"The cold, dark weather significantly delaying Belgian cherries"
In early April, it was all hands on deck on Dutch and Belgian cherry farms. The frost caused sleepless nights for growers protecting the early varieties from damage by stoking, among other things.
2023-04-21 00:00:00
"More and more Northern Europeans are discovering Açai berries"
Açai berries, mostly grown in Central America, are not yet well-known in Europe. Yet, this fruit which is very similar to blueberries but contains even more antioxidants and vitamins, is
2023-04-20 00:00:00
"Persistent cold weather benefits apple and pear consumption"
The Belgian top fruit sector's mood seems to have changed entirely as the end of the season approaches. The pear situation was already quite positive, but recently, pessimism about apples has
2023-04-20 00:00:00
Soft fruit supply still limited, vegetable supply increasingly ample"
The soft fruit supply at the Belgian auctions is still limited, according to Robert van Ooijen, who purchases produce daily for his Dutch customers at the auction at BelOrta and Hoogstraten.
2023-04-20 00:00:00
'Rynek papryki został podzielony między Hiszpanię, Holandię i Turcję'
Rynek papryki został podzielony między Hiszpanię, Holandię i Turcję. Dostawy holenderskie powiększały się o wszystkie kolory, podczas gdy towar hiszpański nadal tracił na
2023-04-20 00:00:00
This week in Fruchthandel Magazine: Flanders, Italy, Fresh Convenience
Springtime is ... apple time! While more and more splashes of red strawberry colour are appearing on the shelves, the European apple industry is far from finished. We talked to Hannes Tauber,
2023-04-19 00:00:00
We are ahead of the Belgians with apple prices
The European Commission's report on sorted apple prices shows that Polish apple prices are not the lowest in the EU. We have higher prices than the Belgians but we are still far from the top
2023-04-19 00:00:00
"Pricey local supplies mean we mainly look at imported onions"
Local onions are currently very expensive on the Belgian market. Onion peeling company Ongena is therefore looking to imported onions. "There are very few Dutch and Belgian onions and they're
2023-04-19 08:10:00
Import mrożonej fasoli w 2022 r.
Wolumen importu z Polski mrożonej fasoli (kategoria CN 07102200 - Fasola (Vigna spp., Phaseolus spp.) nawet łuskana (niegotowana lub gotowana na parze albo w wodzie), zamrożona)
2023-04-19 00:00:00
Apple prices in Poland higher than in Belgium
The European Commission's report on sorted apple prices shows that Polish apple prices are not the lowest in the EU. We have higher prices than the Belgians but we are still far from the top
2023-04-19 08:00:00
Import mrożonego grochu w 2022 r.
Wolumen importu do  Polski mrożonego grochu (kategoria CN 07102100 - Groch (Pisum sativum) nawet łuskany (niegotowany lub gotowany na parze albo w wodzie), zamrożony) w 2022 roku
2023-04-18 00:00:00
Komisja Europejska zamyka dochodzenie w sprawie zarzutów dotyczących zmowy między Casino a Intermarché
Belgia: Colruyt Zele ponownie otwiera się w środę 19 kwietnia W środę 19 kwietnia 2023 roku sklep Colruyt Lowest Prices w Zele ponownie otworzy swoje drzwi. Kierownik sklepu Filip Van
2023-04-17 00:00:00
"Unusual asparagus demand results in one of the busiest Easters ever"
The Belgian company, Tino's Fruit, has had a few, exceptionally hectic, weeks. "I think we had one of the busiest Easters ever," says business manager Geert Baecke. "The weather was beautiful,
2023-04-17 00:00:00
"I don't see pear prices just falling, bright spots on apple market too"
Dutch pears are fetching good prices. "Things are running very smoothly. The large sizes are selling for between €1.25 and 1.35. Those higher prices slow down sales somewhat, but I don't
2023-04-14 15:00:00
Local raspberries boost berry popularity in Belgium
Belgian cooperative BelOrta has announced the sale of the first locally grown raspberries of 2023, of the Kwanza variety, produced by Kwekerij De Koning of Etten-Leur and purchased by Ann De Rijck
2023-04-14 15:00:00
Lokalne maliny zwiększają popularność jagód w Belgii
Belgijska spółdzielnia BelOrta ogłosiła sprzedaż pierwszych lokalnie uprawianych malin z 2023 roku, odmiany Kwanza, wyprodukowanych przez Kwekerij De Koning z Etten-Leur
2023-04-13 00:00:00
Transporting bananas by rail back on track
Thirty years ago, it was very common to transport bananas by rail in Europe. That type of transport stopped for some time, says Johan Claes, director of the Belgian New Fruit Wharf (BNFW), which
2023-04-13 14:00:00
Where next for Belgian horticultural research?
What are the main challenges facing vegetable growers in Belgium at the moment, and what are they coming to you for research on? Indoors it’s mainly Tomato Brown Rugose Fruit Virus (ToBRFV) and