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2008-08-12 00:00:00
14:30 Ceny papryki - okolice Krakowa
Ceny papryki w okolicach Krakowa (pakowanej w karton po 5 kg). Papryka czerwona: 2 zł/kg; papryka zielona: 1,50 zł/kg (z pola 1 zł/kg); papryka igołomska: 1,20 - 1,40 zł/kg. Cena
2008-08-12 00:00:00
Prices of cauliflowers
On Monday, August 11th prices of cauliflowers turned out to be more balanced than they were last week. In south and south-east of Poland a supply of cauliflowers was smaller and additionally in
2008-08-11 00:00:00
Weekly summary – fresh-market.pl price analyse (4.08 – 10.08.2008)
In the end of first week of August purchase prices of sour cherries increased a little bit. Price of sour cherries for juice concentrate reached the level of 0.18 EUR/kg and sour cherries for deep
2008-08-08 00:00:00
Stagnation on the tomatoes market
Prices of tomatoes are staying at the low level what is a result of too big supply. On Thursday, August 7th prices of tomatoes of B size began from 2.2 EUR/box of 6 kg; of tomatoes of BB size from
2008-08-08 00:00:00
Import of sweet peppers
In 2007 Poland bought 22.9 thousand ton of sweet peppers valued at 36.9 million EUR. Over 60 % of imported sweet peppers was from Spain. Import from Spain amounted to 13.9 thousand ton valued at
2008-08-07 00:00:00
Price of domestic peaches
More and more domestic peaches appear on the market. On Wednesday, August 6th price of peaches size 55-60 in packaging was 0.53 EUR/kg in central Poland and price of peaches 55+ was 0.59 EUR/kg.
2008-08-07 00:00:00
Import of watermelons
In 2007 Poland bought 92.8 thousand ton of watermelons valued at 22.8 million EUR. Hungary was the largest supplier (35 %) of watermelons, then Italy (22 %) and Greece (10 %).This year since
2008-08-07 00:00:00
Prices of cauliflowers
Prices of cauliflowers much diversified in different regions of Poland. The greatest crop and consequently the lowest prices are at the moment in małopolskie province. On Wednesday, August 6th
2008-08-07 00:00:00
Price of sweet peppers
On Wednesday, August 6th prices of domestic sweet peppers were as follows: red sweet peppers (depending on the region) from 0.93 to 1.08 EUR/kg, price of yellow sweet peppers in central Poland was
2008-08-06 00:00:00
What purchase prices of chokeberries will be?
According to our information the purchase of chokeberries should start in about ten days in świętokrzyskie and lubelskie provinces. The first price forecasts coming from these regions say about
2008-08-05 00:00:00
Import of bananas
In 2007 Poland purchased 234.1 thousand tons of bananas valued at 143.9 million euro. Large amounts of these fruits were purchased in Germany. The share of supplies from Germany in the Polish
2008-08-05 00:00:00
Uwaga na wszystkożerne rolnice
W ostatnich latach w Polsce obserwuje się bardzo liczne występowanie rolnic. Szkodnik ten jest motylem należącym do rodziny sówkowatych. W ramach podrodziny rolnic występuje szereg
2008-08-05 00:00:00
Field tomatoes already on the market
Field tomatoes are already sold on wholesale markets. Prices of field tomatoes in boxes of 6 kg are 0.47 EUR/kg on the wholesale market in Rzeszów. Last year field tomatoes appeared on the market
2008-07-28 00:00:00
Polacy jedzą za mało owoców
Według badań GUS prowadzonych w polskich gospodarstwach domowych, spożycie owoców i ich przetworów zajmuje u nas piąte miejsce (po mięsie, przetworach zbożowych, nabiale
2008-07-25 00:00:00
Caned strawberries
Apart from deep-frozen and cooled strawberries Poland also exports canned strawberries. From 2003 till 2007 sales of these products increased over three times. According to data of CAAC - in
2008-07-18 00:00:00
Lower import of melons
According to preliminary data of CAAC from January to April 2008 Poland imported 1430 tons of melons valued at 1.16 million EUR. In the same period of last year import of melons was higher and
2008-07-18 00:00:00
Upward trend in production of ketchup and tomato pastes
Domestic production of ketchup and tomato pastes has been increasing systematically since accessing Poland to the EU in 2004. According to forecasts for 2008 production can reach 110 thousand tons
2008-07-15 00:00:00
Polskie i serbskie maliny rywalizują na rynkach europejskich
Letnie odmiany malin w Polsce nie odgrywają już najważniejszej roli w produkcji mrożonek. Rolę tę przejmują odmiany jesienne np. Polana. Obecnie na rynkach europejskich
2008-07-14 00:00:00
Weekly summary – fresh-market.pl price analyse (07 – 13.07.08)
In the second week of July purchase price of black currants practically did not change, and even, in some regions of the country they decreased. In the end of last week price was 0,55 – 0.61
2008-07-14 00:00:00
Purchase of sour cherries – low prices
The purchase of sour cherries for processing have been lasting for a few days and quantity of bought sour cherries is slowly rising. However purchase prices are keeping steady and nothing shows
2008-07-11 00:00:00
Sour cherries – difficult season for producers
First purchase price of cherries for processing are not encouraging for producers. In podkarpackie province price of early varieties of sour cherries for deep-freezing are very low (about 0.34 –
2008-07-11 00:00:00
Price of early cabbages again decreased
After several days of price’s stabilization at average level of 0.17 EUR/kg, on Thursday, July 10th price of early cabbages again decreased to average level of 0.15 EUR/kg. In some regions of
2008-07-10 00:00:00
Unstable prices of raspberries
Purchase price of raspberries for processing is not stable. Last decrease when price was lower than 1.22 EUR/kg resulted in protests of producers including announcement of stopping harvests.
2008-07-10 00:00:00
More early leeks and celeries on the market
Bigger quantities of leeks and celeries appeared on the market. However, mainly bunched leeks and celeries with leaves are available there are more and more of these vegetables sold to kilograms.
2008-07-08 00:00:00
Will purchase prices of black currants increase?
According to information obtained from purchasing centres producers of black currants suspended bigger supplies of fruit and wait for better prices. On Monday, July 7th purchase price was about